{% comment %} Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0 {% endcomment %} You may now proceed to "adding your key to the Arvados Workbench.":#workbench h1(#workbench). Adding your key to Arvados Workbench h3. From the Workbench dashboard In the Workbench top navigation menu, click on the dropdown menu icon to access the user settings menu and click on the menu item *SSH keys* to go to the *SSH keys* page. Click on the *+* Add new SSH key button in this page. This will open a popup as shown in this screenshot: !{{ site.baseurl }}/images/ssh-adding-public-key.png! Paste your public key into the text area labeled *Public Key*, and click on the Submit button. You are now ready to "log into an Arvados VM":#login. h1(#login). Using SSH to log into an Arvados VM To see a list of virtual machines that you have access to, click on the dropdown menu icon in the upper right corner of the top navigation menu to access the user settings menu, then click on the menu item *Virtual machines* to go to the Virtual machines page. This page lists the virtual machines you can access. The *Host name* column lists the name of each available VM. The *Login name* column lists your login name on that VM. The *Command line* column provides a sample @ssh@ command line. At the bottom of the page there may be additional instructions for connecting your specific Arvados instance. If so, follow your site-specific instructions. If there are no site-specific instructions, you can probably connect directly with @ssh@. The following are generic instructions. In the examples the login will be *_you_* and the hostname will be *_shell.ClusterID.example.com_* and . Replace these with your login name and hostname as appropriate.