$base: "http://arvados.org/cwl#"
- name: RunInSingleContainer
  type: record
  doc: |
    Indicates that a subworkflow should run in a single container
    and not be scheduled as separate steps.
    - name: class
      type: string
      doc: "Always 'arv:RunInSingleContainer'"
        _id: "@type"
        _type: "@vocab"

- name: OutputDirType
  type: enum
    - local_output_dir
    - keep_output_dir
    - |
      local_output_dir: Use regular file system local to the compute node.
      There must be sufficient local scratch space to store entire output;
      specify this with `outdirMin` of `ResourceRequirement`.  Files are
      batch uploaded to Keep when the process completes.  Most compatible, but
      upload step can be time consuming for very large files.
    - |
      keep_output_dir: Use writable Keep mount.  Files are streamed to Keep as
      they are written.  Does not consume local scratch space, but does consume
      RAM for output buffers (up to 192 MiB per file simultaneously open for
      writing.)  Best suited to processes which produce sequential output of
      large files (non-sequential writes may produced fragmented file
      manifests).  Supports regular files and directories, does not support
      special files such as symlinks, hard links, named pipes, named sockets,
      or device nodes.

- name: RuntimeConstraints
  type: record
  doc: |
    Set Arvados-specific runtime hints.
    - name: class
      type: string
      doc: "Always 'arv:RuntimeConstraints'"
        _id: "@type"
        _type: "@vocab"
    - name: keep_cache
      type: int?
      doc: |
        Size of file data buffer for Keep mount in MiB. Default is 256
        MiB. Increase this to reduce cache thrashing in situations such as
        accessing multiple large (64+ MiB) files at the same time, or
        performing random access on a large file.
    - name: outputDirType
      type: OutputDirType?
      doc: |
        Preferred backing store for output staging.  If not specified, the
        system may choose which one to use.

- name: PartitionRequirement
  type: record
  doc: |
    Select preferred compute partitions on which to run jobs.
    - name: partition
        - string
        - string[]

- name: APIRequirement
  type: record
  doc: |
    Indicates that process wants to access to the Arvados API.  Will be granted
    limited network access and have ARVADOS_API_HOST and ARVADOS_API_TOKEN set
    in the environment.
    - name: class
      type: string
      doc: "Always 'arv:APIRequirement'"
        _id: "@type"
        _type: "@vocab"