#' HttpParser #' HttpParser <- setRefClass( "HttrParser", fields = list( ), methods = list( initialize = function() { }, parseCollectionGet = function(serverResponse) { parsed_response <- httr::content(serverResponse, as = "parsed", type = "application/json") #Todo(Fudo): Create new Collection object and populate it }, parseJSONResponse = function(serverResponse) { parsed_response <- httr::content(serverResponse, as = "parsed", type = "application/json") #Todo(Fudo): Create new Collection object and populate it }, parseWebDAVResponse = function(response, uri) { #Todo(Fudo): Move this to HttpParser. text <- rawToChar(response$content) doc <- XML::xmlParse(text, asText=TRUE) # calculate relative paths base <- paste(paste("/", strsplit(uri, "/")[[1]][-1:-3], sep="", collapse=""), "/", sep="") result <- unlist( XML::xpathApply(doc, "//D:response/D:href", function(node) { sub(base, "", URLdecode(XML::xmlValue(node)), fixed=TRUE) }) ) result <- result[result != ""] #Todo(Fudo): Test this. result[-1] } ) )