<%# Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 %> <% @objects.each do |c| %> <%= friendly_name = c.friendly_link_name @collection_info[c.uuid][:tag_links].each do |tag_link| friendly_name += raw(" #{tag_link.name}") end render partial: "selection_checkbox", locals: { object: c, friendly_name: friendly_name } %> <%= render :partial => "show_object_button", :locals => {object: c, size: 'xs'} %> <%= c.uuid %> <% i = 0 %> <% while i < 3 and i < c.files.length %> <% file = c.files[i] %> <% file_path = "#{file[0]}/#{file[1]}" %> <%= link_to file[1], {controller: 'collections', action: 'show_file', uuid: c.uuid, file: file_path, size: file[2], disposition: 'inline'}, {title: 'View in browser'} %>
<% i += 1 %> <% end %> <% if i < c.files.length %> ⋮ <% end %> <%= c.created_at.to_s if c.created_at %>  Add <% if @collection_info[c.uuid] %> <% @collection_info[c.uuid][:tag_links].each do |tag_link| %> <%= tag_link.name %> <% if tag_link.owner_uuid == current_user.andand.uuid %>   <% end %>   <% end %> <% end %> <% end %>