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navsection: architecture
navmenu: Concepts
title: "Permission model"
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There are four levels of permission: *none*, *can_read*, *can_write*, and *can_manage*.

* *none* is the default state when there are no other permission grants.
** the object is not included in any list query response.
** direct queries of the object by uuid return 404 Not Found.
** Link objects require valid identifiers in @head_uuid@ and @tail_uuid@, so an attempt to create a Link that references an unreadable object will return an error indicating the object is not found.
* *can_read* grants read-only access to the record.  Attempting to update or delete the record returns an error.
** *can_read* does not allow a reader to see any permission grants on the object except the object's owner_uuid and the reader's own permissions.
* *can_write* permits changes to the record, including changing ownership and deleting the object.
** *can_write* cannot read, create, update or delete permission links associated with the object.
** *can_write* also implies *can_read*.
* *can_manage* permits the user to read, create, update and delete permission links whose @head_uuid@ is this object's @uuid@.
** *can_manage* also implies *can_write* and *can_read*.

h2. Ownership

All Arvados objects have an @owner_uuid@ field. Valid uuid types for @owner_uuid@ are "User" and "Group".  In the case of a Group, the @group_class@ must be "project".

The User or Group specified by @owner_uuid@ has *can_manage* permission on the object.  This permission is one way: an object that is owned does not get any special permissions on the User or Group that owns it.

To change the @owner_uuid@ field, it is necessary to have @can_write@ permission on both the current owner and the new owner.

h2(#links). Permission links

A permission link is a link object with:

* @owner_uuid@ of the system user.
* @link_class@ "permission"
* @name@ one of *can_read*, *can_write*, *can_manage* or *can_login*
* @head_uuid@ of some Arvados object
* @tail_uuid@ of a User or Group.  For Group, the @group_class@ must be a "role".

This grants the permission in @name@ for @tail_uuid@ accessing @head_uuid@.

If a User has *can_manage* permission on some object, the user has the ability to read, create, update and delete permission links with @head_uuid@ of the managed object.  In other words, the user has the ability to modify the permission grants on the object.

The *can_login* @name@ is only meaningful on a permission link with with @tail_uuid@ a user UUID and @head_uuid@ a Virtual Machine UUID. A permission link of this type gives the user UUID permission to log into the Virtual Machine UUID. The username for the VM is specified in the @properties@ field. Group membership can be specified that way as well, optionally. See the "VM login section on the CLI cheat sheet":/install/cheat_sheet.html#vm-login for an example.

h3. Transitive permissions

Permissions can be obtained indirectly through nested ownership (*can_manage*) or by following multiple permission links.

* If a User X owns project A, and project A owns project B, then User X *can_manage* project B.
* If a User X *can_read* role A, and role A *can_read* Object B, then User X *can_read* Object B.
* Permissions are narrowed to the least powerful permission on the path.
** If User X *can_write* role A, and role A *can_read* Object B, then User X *can_read* Object B.
** If User X *can_read* role A, and role A *can_write* Object B, then User X *can_read* Object B.

h2. Projects and Roles

A "project" is a subtype of Group that is displayed as a "Project" in Workbench, and as a directory by @arv-mount@.
* A project can own things (appear in @owner_uuid@)
* A project can be owned by a user or another project.
* The name of a project is unique only among projects and filters with the same owner_uuid.
* Projects can be targets (@head_uuid@) of permission links, but not origins (@tail_uuid@).  Putting a project in a @tail_uuid@ field is an error.

A "filter" is a subtype of Group that is displayed as a "Project" in Workbench, and as a directory by @arv-mount@. See "the groups API documentation":/api/methods/groups.html for more information.
* A filter group cannot own things (cannot appear in @owner_uuid@).  Putting a filter group in an @owner_uuid@ field is an error.
* A filter group can be owned by a user or a project.
* The name of a filter is unique only among projects and filters with the same owner_uuid.
* Filters can be targets (@head_uuid@) of permission links, but not origins (@tail_uuid@).  Putting a filter in a @tail_uuid@ field is an error.

A "role" is a subtype of Group that is treated in Workbench as a group of users who have permissions in common (typically an organizational group).
* A role cannot own things (cannot appear in @owner_uuid@).  Putting a role in an @owner_uuid@ field is an error.
* All roles are owned by the system user.
* The name of a role is unique across a single Arvados cluster.
* Roles can be both targets (@head_uuid@) and origins (@tail_uuid@) of permission links.

h3. Access through Roles

A "role" consists of a set of users or other roles that have that role, and a set of permissions (primarily read/write/manage access to projects) the role grants.

If there is a permission link stating that user A *can_write* role R, then we say A has role R.  This means user A has up to *can_write* access to everything the role has access to.

Because permissions are one-way, the links A *can_write* R and B *can_write* R does not imply that user A and B will be able to see each other.  For users in a role to see each other, read permission should be added going in the opposite direction: R *can_read* A and R *can_read* B.

If a user needs to be able to manipulate permissions of objects that are accessed through the role (for example, to share project P with a user outside the role), then role R must have *can_manage* permission on project P (R *can_manage* P) and the user must be granted *can_manage* permission on R (A *can_manage* R).

h2. Special cases

Log table objects are additionally readable based on whether the User has *can_read* permission on @object_uuid@ (User can access log history about objects it can read).  To retain the integrity of the log, the log table denies all update or delete operations.

Permission links where @tail_uuid@ is a User allow *can_read* on the link record by that user (User can discover her own permission grants.)

At least *can_read* on a Collection grants permission to read the blocks that make up the collection (API server returns signed blocks).

A user can only read a container record if the user has read permission to a container_request with that container_uuid.

*can_read* and *can_write* access on a user grants access to the user record, but not anything owned by the user.
*can_manage* access to a user grants can_manage access to the user, _and everything owned by that user_ .
If a user A *can_read* role R, and role R *can_manage* user B, then user A *can_read* user B _and everything owned by that user_ .

h2(#system). System user and group

A privileged user account exists for the use by internal Arvados components.  This user manages system objects which should not be "owned" by any particular user.  The system user uuid is @{siteprefix}-tpzed-000000000000000@.

h2. Anoymous user and group

An Arvados site may be configured to allow users to browse resources without requiring a login.  In this case, permissions for non-logged-in users are associated with the "anonymous" user.  To make objects visible to anyone (both logged-in and non-logged-in users), they can be shared with the "anonymous" role.  Note that objects shared with the "anonymous" user will only be visible to non-logged-in users!

The anonymous user uuid is @{siteprefix}-tpzed-anonymouspublic@.  The anonymous group uuid is @{siteprefix}-j7d0g-anonymouspublic@.

h2. Example
