# Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 # Tasks that can be useful when changing token expiration policies by assigning # a non-zero value to Login.TokenLifetime config. require 'set' require 'current_api_client' namespace :db do desc "Apply expiration policy on long lived tokens" task fix_long_lived_tokens: :environment do lifetime = Rails.configuration.API.MaxTokenLifetime if lifetime.nil? or lifetime == 0 lifetime = Rails.configuration.Login.TokenLifetime end if lifetime.nil? or lifetime == 0 puts("No expiration policy set (API.MaxTokenLifetime nor Login.TokenLifetime is set), nothing to do.") # abort the rake task next end exp_date = Time.now + lifetime puts("Setting token expiration to: #{exp_date}") token_count = 0 ll_tokens(lifetime).each do |auth| if auth.user.nil? printf("*** WARNING, found ApiClientAuthorization with invalid user: auth id: %d, user id: %d\n", auth.id, auth.user_id) # skip this token next end if (auth.user.uuid =~ /-tpzed-000000000000000/).nil? CurrentApiClientHelper.act_as_system_user do auth.update_attributes!(expires_at: exp_date) end token_count += 1 end end puts("#{token_count} tokens updated.") end desc "Show users with long lived tokens" task check_long_lived_tokens: :environment do lifetime = Rails.configuration.API.MaxTokenLifetime if lifetime.nil? or lifetime == 0 lifetime = Rails.configuration.Login.TokenLifetime end if lifetime.nil? or lifetime == 0 puts("No expiration policy set (API.MaxTokenLifetime nor Login.TokenLifetime is set), nothing to do.") # abort the rake task next end user_ids = Set.new() token_count = 0 ll_tokens(lifetime).each do |auth| if auth.user.nil? printf("*** WARNING, found ApiClientAuthorization with invalid user: auth id: %d, user id: %d\n", auth.id, auth.user_id) # skip this token next end if not auth.user.nil? and (auth.user.uuid =~ /-tpzed-000000000000000/).nil? user_ids.add(auth.user_id) token_count += 1 end end if user_ids.size > 0 puts("Found #{token_count} long-lived tokens from users:") user_ids.each do |uid| u = User.find(uid) puts("#{u.username},#{u.email},#{u.uuid}") if !u.nil? end else puts("No long-lived tokens found.") end end def ll_tokens(lifetime) query = ApiClientAuthorization.where(expires_at: nil) query = query.or(ApiClientAuthorization.where("expires_at > ?", Time.now + lifetime)) query end end