// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package arvados

import (


var DefaultConfigFile = func() string {
	if path := os.Getenv("ARVADOS_CONFIG"); path != "" {
		return path
	return "/etc/arvados/config.yml"

type Config struct {
	Clusters         map[string]Cluster
	AutoReloadConfig bool
	SourceTimestamp  time.Time
	SourceSHA256     string

// GetConfig returns the current system config, loading it from
// configFile if needed.
func GetConfig(configFile string) (*Config, error) {
	var cfg Config
	err := config.LoadFile(&cfg, configFile)
	return &cfg, err

// GetCluster returns the cluster ID and config for the given
// cluster, or the default/only configured cluster if clusterID is "".
func (sc *Config) GetCluster(clusterID string) (*Cluster, error) {
	if clusterID == "" {
		if len(sc.Clusters) == 0 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("no clusters configured")
		} else if len(sc.Clusters) > 1 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("multiple clusters configured, cannot choose")
		} else {
			for id, cc := range sc.Clusters {
				cc.ClusterID = id
				return &cc, nil
	cc, ok := sc.Clusters[clusterID]
	if !ok {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("cluster %q is not configured", clusterID)
	cc.ClusterID = clusterID
	return &cc, nil

type WebDAVCacheConfig struct {
	TTL                Duration
	MaxBlockEntries    int
	MaxCollectionBytes int64
	MaxSessions        int

type UploadDownloadPermission struct {
	Upload   bool
	Download bool

type UploadDownloadRolePermissions struct {
	User  UploadDownloadPermission
	Admin UploadDownloadPermission

type ManagedProperties map[string]struct {
	Value     interface{}
	Function  string
	Protected bool

type Cluster struct {
	ClusterID       string `json:"-"`
	ManagementToken string
	SystemRootToken string
	Services        Services
	InstanceTypes   InstanceTypeMap
	Containers      ContainersConfig
	RemoteClusters  map[string]RemoteCluster
	PostgreSQL      PostgreSQL

	API struct {
		AsyncPermissionsUpdateInterval   Duration
		DisabledAPIs                     StringSet
		MaxIndexDatabaseRead             int
		MaxItemsPerResponse              int
		MaxConcurrentRequests            int
		MaxQueuedRequests                int
		MaxQueueTimeForLockRequests      Duration
		LogCreateRequestFraction         float64
		MaxKeepBlobBuffers               int
		MaxRequestAmplification          int
		MaxRequestSize                   int
		MaxTokenLifetime                 Duration
		RequestTimeout                   Duration
		SendTimeout                      Duration
		WebsocketClientEventQueue        int
		WebsocketServerEventQueue        int
		KeepServiceRequestTimeout        Duration
		VocabularyPath                   string
		FreezeProjectRequiresDescription bool
		FreezeProjectRequiresProperties  StringSet
		UnfreezeProjectRequiresAdmin     bool
		LockBeforeUpdate                 bool
	AuditLogs struct {
		MaxAge             Duration
		MaxDeleteBatch     int
		UnloggedAttributes StringSet
	Collections struct {
		BlobSigning                  bool
		BlobSigningKey               string
		BlobSigningTTL               Duration
		BlobTrash                    bool
		BlobTrashLifetime            Duration
		BlobTrashCheckInterval       Duration
		BlobTrashConcurrency         int
		BlobDeleteConcurrency        int
		BlobReplicateConcurrency     int
		CollectionVersioning         bool
		DefaultTrashLifetime         Duration
		DefaultReplication           int
		ManagedProperties            ManagedProperties
		PreserveVersionIfIdle        Duration
		TrashSweepInterval           Duration
		TrustAllContent              bool
		ForwardSlashNameSubstitution string
		S3FolderObjects              bool

		BlobMissingReport        string
		BalancePeriod            Duration
		BalanceCollectionBatch   int
		BalanceCollectionBuffers int
		BalanceTimeout           Duration
		BalanceUpdateLimit       int

		WebDAVCache WebDAVCacheConfig

		KeepproxyPermission UploadDownloadRolePermissions
		WebDAVPermission    UploadDownloadRolePermissions
		WebDAVLogEvents     bool
	Git struct {
		GitCommand   string
		GitoliteHome string
		Repositories string
	Login struct {
		LDAP struct {
			Enable             bool
			URL                URL
			StartTLS           bool
			InsecureTLS        bool
			MinTLSVersion      TLSVersion
			StripDomain        string
			AppendDomain       string
			SearchAttribute    string
			SearchBindUser     string
			SearchBindPassword string
			SearchBase         string
			SearchFilters      string
			EmailAttribute     string
			UsernameAttribute  string
		Google struct {
			Enable                          bool
			ClientID                        string
			ClientSecret                    string
			AlternateEmailAddresses         bool
			AuthenticationRequestParameters map[string]string
		OpenIDConnect struct {
			Enable                          bool
			Issuer                          string
			ClientID                        string
			ClientSecret                    string
			EmailClaim                      string
			EmailVerifiedClaim              string
			UsernameClaim                   string
			AcceptAccessToken               bool
			AcceptAccessTokenScope          string
			AuthenticationRequestParameters map[string]string
		PAM struct {
			Enable             bool
			Service            string
			DefaultEmailDomain string
		Test struct {
			Enable bool
			Users  map[string]TestUser
		LoginCluster         string
		RemoteTokenRefresh   Duration
		TokenLifetime        Duration
		TrustedClients       map[URL]struct{}
		TrustPrivateNetworks bool
		IssueTrustedTokens   bool
	Mail struct {
		MailchimpAPIKey                string
		MailchimpListID                string
		SendUserSetupNotificationEmail bool
		IssueReporterEmailFrom         string
		IssueReporterEmailTo           string
		SupportEmailAddress            string
		EmailFrom                      string
	SystemLogs struct {
		LogLevel                  string
		Format                    string
		MaxRequestLogParamsSize   int
		RequestQueueDumpDirectory string
	TLS struct {
		Certificate string
		Key         string
		Insecure    bool
		ACME        struct {
			Server string
	Users struct {
		ActivatedUsersAreVisibleToOthers      bool
		AnonymousUserToken                    string
		AdminNotifierEmailFrom                string
		AutoAdminFirstUser                    bool
		AutoAdminUserWithEmail                string
		AutoSetupNewUsers                     bool
		AutoSetupNewUsersWithRepository       bool
		AutoSetupNewUsersWithVmUUID           string
		AutoSetupUsernameBlacklist            StringSet
		EmailSubjectPrefix                    string
		NewInactiveUserNotificationRecipients StringSet
		NewUserNotificationRecipients         StringSet
		NewUsersAreActive                     bool
		UserNotifierEmailFrom                 string
		UserNotifierEmailBcc                  StringSet
		UserProfileNotificationAddress        string
		PreferDomainForUsername               string
		UserSetupMailText                     string
		RoleGroupsVisibleToAll                bool
		CanCreateRoleGroups                   bool
		ActivityLoggingPeriod                 Duration
		SyncIgnoredGroups                     []string
		SyncRequiredGroups                    []string
		SyncUserAccounts                      bool
		SyncUserAPITokens                     bool
		SyncUserGroups                        bool
		SyncUserSSHKeys                       bool
	StorageClasses map[string]StorageClassConfig
	Volumes        map[string]Volume
	Workbench      struct {
		ActivationContactLink            string
		APIClientConnectTimeout          Duration
		APIClientReceiveTimeout          Duration
		APIResponseCompression           bool
		ApplicationMimetypesWithViewIcon StringSet
		ArvadosDocsite                   string
		ArvadosPublicDataDocURL          string
		DefaultOpenIdPrefix              string
		DisableSharingURLsUI             bool
		EnableGettingStartedPopup        bool
		EnablePublicProjectsPage         bool
		FileViewersConfigURL             string
		LogViewerMaxBytes                ByteSize
		MultiSiteSearch                  string
		ProfilingEnabled                 bool
		Repositories                     bool
		RepositoryCache                  string
		RunningJobLogRecordsToFetch      int
		SecretKeyBase                    string
		ShowRecentCollectionsOnDashboard bool
		ShowUserAgreementInline          bool
		ShowUserNotifications            bool
		SiteName                         string
		Theme                            string
		UserProfileFormFields            map[string]struct {
			Type                 string
			FormFieldTitle       string
			FormFieldDescription string
			Required             bool
			Position             int
			Options              map[string]struct{}
		UserProfileFormMessage string
		WelcomePageHTML        string
		InactivePageHTML       string
		SSHHelpPageHTML        string
		SSHHelpHostSuffix      string
		IdleTimeout            Duration
		BannerUUID             string

type StorageClassConfig struct {
	Default  bool
	Priority int

type Volume struct {
	AccessViaHosts   map[URL]VolumeAccess
	ReadOnly         bool
	Replication      int
	StorageClasses   map[string]bool
	Driver           string
	DriverParameters json.RawMessage

type S3VolumeDriverParameters struct {
	IAMRole            string
	AccessKeyID        string
	SecretAccessKey    string
	Endpoint           string
	Region             string
	Bucket             string
	LocationConstraint bool
	V2Signature        bool
	IndexPageSize      int
	ConnectTimeout     Duration
	ReadTimeout        Duration
	RaceWindow         Duration
	UnsafeDelete       bool
	PrefixLength       int

type AzureVolumeDriverParameters struct {
	StorageAccountName   string
	StorageAccountKey    string
	StorageBaseURL       string
	ContainerName        string
	RequestTimeout       Duration
	ListBlobsRetryDelay  Duration
	ListBlobsMaxAttempts int

type DirectoryVolumeDriverParameters struct {
	Root      string
	Serialize bool

type VolumeAccess struct {
	ReadOnly bool

type Services struct {
	Composer       Service
	Controller     Service
	DispatchCloud  Service
	DispatchLSF    Service
	DispatchSLURM  Service
	GitHTTP        Service
	GitSSH         Service
	Health         Service
	Keepbalance    Service
	Keepproxy      Service
	Keepstore      Service
	RailsAPI       Service
	WebDAVDownload Service
	WebDAV         Service
	WebShell       Service
	Websocket      Service
	Workbench1     Service
	Workbench2     Service

type Service struct {
	InternalURLs map[URL]ServiceInstance
	ExternalURL  URL

type TestUser struct {
	Email    string
	Password string

// URL is a url.URL that is also usable as a JSON key/value.
type URL url.URL

// UnmarshalText implements encoding.TextUnmarshaler so URL can be
// used as a JSON key/value.
func (su *URL) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
	u, err := url.Parse(string(text))
	if err == nil {
		*su = URL(*u)
		if su.Path == "" && su.Host != "" {
			// http://example really means http://example/
			su.Path = "/"
	return err

func (su URL) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
	return []byte(su.String()), nil

func (su URL) String() string {
	return (*url.URL)(&su).String()

type TLSVersion uint16

func (v TLSVersion) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
	switch v {
	case 0:
		return []byte{}, nil
	case tls.VersionTLS10:
		return []byte("1.0"), nil
	case tls.VersionTLS11:
		return []byte("1.1"), nil
	case tls.VersionTLS12:
		return []byte("1.2"), nil
	case tls.VersionTLS13:
		return []byte("1.3"), nil
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported TLSVersion %x", v)

func (v *TLSVersion) UnmarshalJSON(text []byte) error {
	if len(text) > 0 && text[0] == '"' {
		var s string
		err := json.Unmarshal(text, &s)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		text = []byte(s)
	switch string(text) {
	case "":
		*v = 0
	case "1.0":
		*v = tls.VersionTLS10
	case "1.1":
		*v = tls.VersionTLS11
	case "1.2":
		*v = tls.VersionTLS12
	case "1.3":
		*v = tls.VersionTLS13
		return fmt.Errorf("unsupported TLSVersion %q", text)
	return nil

type ServiceInstance struct {
	ListenURL  URL
	Rendezvous string `json:",omitempty"`

type PostgreSQL struct {
	Connection     PostgreSQLConnection
	ConnectionPool int

type PostgreSQLConnection map[string]string

type RemoteCluster struct {
	Host          string
	Proxy         bool
	Scheme        string
	Insecure      bool
	ActivateUsers bool

type CUDAFeatures struct {
	DriverVersion      string
	HardwareCapability string
	DeviceCount        int

type InstanceType struct {
	Name            string `json:"-"`
	ProviderType    string
	VCPUs           int
	RAM             ByteSize
	Scratch         ByteSize `json:"-"`
	IncludedScratch ByteSize
	AddedScratch    ByteSize
	Price           float64
	Preemptible     bool
	CUDA            CUDAFeatures

type ContainersConfig struct {
	CloudVMs                      CloudVMsConfig
	CrunchRunCommand              string
	CrunchRunArgumentsList        []string
	DefaultKeepCacheRAM           ByteSize
	DispatchPrivateKey            string
	LogReuseDecisions             bool
	MaxDispatchAttempts           int
	MaxRetryAttempts              int
	MinRetryPeriod                Duration
	ReserveExtraRAM               ByteSize
	StaleLockTimeout              Duration
	SupportedDockerImageFormats   StringSet
	AlwaysUsePreemptibleInstances bool
	PreemptiblePriceFactor        float64
	RuntimeEngine                 string
	LocalKeepBlobBuffersPerVCPU   int
	LocalKeepLogsToContainerLog   string

	JobsAPI struct {
		Enable         string
		GitInternalDir string
	Logging struct {
		MaxAge                       Duration
		SweepInterval                Duration
		LogBytesPerEvent             int
		LogSecondsBetweenEvents      Duration
		LogThrottlePeriod            Duration
		LogThrottleBytes             int
		LogThrottleLines             int
		LimitLogBytesPerJob          int
		LogPartialLineThrottlePeriod Duration
		LogUpdatePeriod              Duration
		LogUpdateSize                ByteSize
	ShellAccess struct {
		Admin bool
		User  bool
	SLURM struct {
		PrioritySpread             int64
		SbatchArgumentsList        []string
		SbatchEnvironmentVariables map[string]string
		Managed                    struct {
			DNSServerConfDir       string
			DNSServerConfTemplate  string
			DNSServerReloadCommand string
			DNSServerUpdateCommand string
			ComputeNodeDomain      string
			ComputeNodeNameservers StringSet
			AssignNodeHostname     string
	LSF struct {
		BsubSudoUser      string
		BsubArgumentsList []string
		BsubCUDAArguments []string

type CloudVMsConfig struct {
	Enable bool

	BootProbeCommand               string
	InstanceInitCommand            string
	DeployRunnerBinary             string
	DeployPublicKey                bool
	ImageID                        string
	MaxCloudOpsPerSecond           int
	MaxProbesPerSecond             int
	MaxConcurrentInstanceCreateOps int
	MaxInstances                   int
	InitialQuotaEstimate           int
	SupervisorFraction             float64
	PollInterval                   Duration
	ProbeInterval                  Duration
	SSHPort                        string
	SyncInterval                   Duration
	TimeoutBooting                 Duration
	TimeoutIdle                    Duration
	TimeoutProbe                   Duration
	TimeoutShutdown                Duration
	TimeoutSignal                  Duration
	TimeoutStaleRunLock            Duration
	TimeoutTERM                    Duration
	ResourceTags                   map[string]string
	TagKeyPrefix                   string

	Driver           string
	DriverParameters json.RawMessage

type InstanceTypeMap map[string]InstanceType

var errDuplicateInstanceTypeName = errors.New("duplicate instance type name")

// UnmarshalJSON does special handling of InstanceTypes:
// - populate computed fields (Name and Scratch)
// - error out if InstancesTypes are populated as an array, which was
// deprecated in Arvados 1.2.0
func (it *InstanceTypeMap) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
	fixup := func(t InstanceType) (InstanceType, error) {
		if t.ProviderType == "" {
			t.ProviderType = t.Name
		// If t.Scratch is set in the configuration file, it will be ignored and overwritten.
		// It will also generate a "deprecated or unknown config entry" warning.
		t.Scratch = t.IncludedScratch + t.AddedScratch
		return t, nil

	if len(data) > 0 && data[0] == '[' {
		return fmt.Errorf("InstanceTypes must be specified as a map, not an array, see https://doc.arvados.org/admin/config.html")
	var hash map[string]InstanceType
	err := json.Unmarshal(data, &hash)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// Fill in Name field (and ProviderType field, if not
	// specified) using hash key.
	*it = InstanceTypeMap(hash)
	for name, t := range *it {
		t.Name = name
		t, err := fixup(t)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		(*it)[name] = t
	return nil

type StringSet map[string]struct{}

// UnmarshalJSON handles old config files that provide an array of
// instance types instead of a hash.
func (ss *StringSet) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
	if len(data) > 0 && data[0] == '[' {
		var arr []string
		err := json.Unmarshal(data, &arr)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if len(arr) == 0 {
			*ss = nil
			return nil
		*ss = make(map[string]struct{}, len(arr))
		for _, t := range arr {
			(*ss)[t] = struct{}{}
		return nil
	var hash map[string]struct{}
	err := json.Unmarshal(data, &hash)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	*ss = make(map[string]struct{}, len(hash))
	for t := range hash {
		(*ss)[t] = struct{}{}

	return nil

type ServiceName string

const (
	ServiceNameController    ServiceName = "arvados-controller"
	ServiceNameDispatchCloud ServiceName = "arvados-dispatch-cloud"
	ServiceNameDispatchLSF   ServiceName = "arvados-dispatch-lsf"
	ServiceNameDispatchSLURM ServiceName = "crunch-dispatch-slurm"
	ServiceNameGitHTTP       ServiceName = "arvados-git-httpd"
	ServiceNameHealth        ServiceName = "arvados-health"
	ServiceNameKeepbalance   ServiceName = "keep-balance"
	ServiceNameKeepproxy     ServiceName = "keepproxy"
	ServiceNameKeepstore     ServiceName = "keepstore"
	ServiceNameKeepweb       ServiceName = "keep-web"
	ServiceNameRailsAPI      ServiceName = "arvados-api-server"
	ServiceNameWebsocket     ServiceName = "arvados-ws"
	ServiceNameWorkbench1    ServiceName = "arvados-workbench1"
	ServiceNameWorkbench2    ServiceName = "arvados-workbench2"

// Map returns all services as a map, suitable for iterating over all
// services or looking up a service by name.
func (svcs Services) Map() map[ServiceName]Service {
	return map[ServiceName]Service{
		ServiceNameController:    svcs.Controller,
		ServiceNameDispatchCloud: svcs.DispatchCloud,
		ServiceNameDispatchLSF:   svcs.DispatchLSF,
		ServiceNameDispatchSLURM: svcs.DispatchSLURM,
		ServiceNameGitHTTP:       svcs.GitHTTP,
		ServiceNameHealth:        svcs.Health,
		ServiceNameKeepbalance:   svcs.Keepbalance,
		ServiceNameKeepproxy:     svcs.Keepproxy,
		ServiceNameKeepstore:     svcs.Keepstore,
		ServiceNameKeepweb:       svcs.WebDAV,
		ServiceNameRailsAPI:      svcs.RailsAPI,
		ServiceNameWebsocket:     svcs.Websocket,
		ServiceNameWorkbench1:    svcs.Workbench1,
		ServiceNameWorkbench2:    svcs.Workbench2,