// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package mount import ( "errors" "io" "log" "os" "runtime/debug" "sync" "git.arvados.org/arvados.git/sdk/go/arvados" "git.arvados.org/arvados.git/sdk/go/keepclient" "github.com/arvados/cgofuse/fuse" "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" ) // sharedFile wraps arvados.File with a sync.Mutex, so fuse can safely // use a single filehandle concurrently on behalf of multiple // threads/processes. type sharedFile struct { arvados.File sync.Mutex } // keepFS implements cgofuse's FileSystemInterface. type keepFS struct { fuse.FileSystemBase Client *arvados.Client KeepClient *keepclient.KeepClient ReadOnly bool Uid int Gid int Logger logrus.FieldLogger root arvados.CustomFileSystem open map[uint64]*sharedFile lastFH uint64 sync.RWMutex // If non-nil, this channel will be closed by Init() to notify // other goroutines that the mount is ready. ready chan struct{} } var ( invalidFH = ^uint64(0) ) // newFH wraps f in a sharedFile, adds it to fs's lookup table using a // new handle number, and returns the handle number. func (fs *keepFS) newFH(f arvados.File) uint64 { fs.Lock() defer fs.Unlock() if fs.open == nil { fs.open = make(map[uint64]*sharedFile) } fs.lastFH++ fh := fs.lastFH fs.open[fh] = &sharedFile{File: f} return fh } func (fs *keepFS) lookupFH(fh uint64) *sharedFile { fs.RLock() defer fs.RUnlock() return fs.open[fh] } func (fs *keepFS) Init() { defer fs.debugPanics() fs.root = fs.Client.SiteFileSystem(fs.KeepClient) fs.root.MountProject("home", "") if fs.ready != nil { close(fs.ready) } } func (fs *keepFS) Create(path string, flags int, mode uint32) (errc int, fh uint64) { defer fs.debugPanics() fs.debugOp("Create", path) if fs.ReadOnly { return -fuse.EROFS, invalidFH } f, err := fs.root.OpenFile(path, flags|os.O_CREATE, os.FileMode(mode)) if err == os.ErrExist { return -fuse.EEXIST, invalidFH } else if err != nil { return -fuse.EINVAL, invalidFH } return 0, fs.newFH(f) } func (fs *keepFS) Mknod(path string, mode uint32, dev uint64) int { defer fs.debugPanics() fs.debugOp("Mknod", path) if filetype := mode & uint32(^os.ModePerm); filetype != 0 && filetype != uint32(fuse.S_IFREG) { return -fuse.ENOSYS } if fs.ReadOnly { _, err := fs.root.Stat(path) if err != nil { return -fuse.EROFS } else { return -fuse.EEXIST } } f, err := fs.root.OpenFile(path, os.O_CREATE|os.O_EXCL, os.FileMode(mode)&os.ModePerm) if err != nil { return fs.errCode("Mknod", path, err) } f.Close() return 0 } func (fs *keepFS) Open(path string, flags int) (errc int, fh uint64) { defer fs.debugPanics() fs.debugOp("Open", path) if fs.ReadOnly && flags&(os.O_RDWR|os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE) != 0 { return -fuse.EROFS, invalidFH } f, err := fs.root.OpenFile(path, flags, 0) if err != nil { return -fuse.ENOENT, invalidFH } else if fi, err := f.Stat(); err != nil { return -fuse.EIO, invalidFH } else if fi.IsDir() { f.Close() return -fuse.EISDIR, invalidFH } return 0, fs.newFH(f) } func (fs *keepFS) Utimens(path string, tmsp []fuse.Timespec) int { defer fs.debugPanics() fs.debugOp("Utimens", path) if fs.ReadOnly { return -fuse.EROFS } f, err := fs.root.OpenFile(path, 0, 0) if err != nil { return fs.errCode("Utimens", path, err) } f.Close() return 0 } func (fs *keepFS) errCode(op, path string, err error) (errc int) { if err == nil { return 0 } defer func() { fs.Logger.WithFields(logrus.Fields{ "op": op, "path": path, "errno": errc, "error": err, }).Debug("fuse call returned error") }() if errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) { return -fuse.ENOENT } if errors.Is(err, os.ErrExist) { return -fuse.EEXIST } if errors.Is(err, arvados.ErrInvalidArgument) { return -fuse.EINVAL } if errors.Is(err, arvados.ErrInvalidOperation) { return -fuse.ENOSYS } if errors.Is(err, arvados.ErrDirectoryNotEmpty) { return -fuse.ENOTEMPTY } return -fuse.EIO } func (fs *keepFS) Mkdir(path string, mode uint32) int { defer fs.debugPanics() fs.debugOp("Mkdir", path) if fs.ReadOnly { return -fuse.EROFS } f, err := fs.root.OpenFile(path, os.O_CREATE|os.O_EXCL, os.FileMode(mode)|os.ModeDir) if err != nil { return fs.errCode("Mkdir", path, err) } f.Close() return 0 } func (fs *keepFS) Opendir(path string) (errc int, fh uint64) { defer fs.debugPanics() fs.debugOp("Opendir", path) f, err := fs.root.OpenFile(path, 0, 0) if err != nil { return fs.errCode("Opendir", path, err), invalidFH } else if fi, err := f.Stat(); err != nil { return fs.errCode("Opendir", path, err), invalidFH } else if !fi.IsDir() { f.Close() return -fuse.ENOTDIR, invalidFH } return 0, fs.newFH(f) } func (fs *keepFS) Releasedir(path string, fh uint64) (errc int) { defer fs.debugPanics() fs.debugOp("Releasedir", path) return fs.Release(path, fh) } func (fs *keepFS) Rmdir(path string) int { defer fs.debugPanics() fs.debugOp("Rmdir", path) return fs.errCode("Rmdir", path, fs.root.Remove(path)) } func (fs *keepFS) Release(path string, fh uint64) (errc int) { defer fs.debugPanics() fs.debugOp("Release", path) fs.Lock() defer fs.Unlock() defer delete(fs.open, fh) if f := fs.open[fh]; f != nil { err := f.Close() if err != nil { return -fuse.EIO } } return 0 } func (fs *keepFS) Rename(oldname, newname string) (errc int) { defer fs.debugPanics() fs.debugOp("Rename", oldname+" -> "+newname) if fs.ReadOnly { return -fuse.EROFS } return fs.errCode("Rename", oldname+" -> "+newname, fs.root.Rename(oldname, newname)) } func (fs *keepFS) Unlink(path string) (errc int) { defer fs.debugPanics() fs.debugOp("Unlink", path) if fs.ReadOnly { return -fuse.EROFS } return fs.errCode("Unlink", path, fs.root.Remove(path)) } func (fs *keepFS) Truncate(path string, size int64, fh uint64) (errc int) { defer fs.debugPanics() fs.debugOp("Truncate", path) if fs.ReadOnly { return -fuse.EROFS } // Sometimes fh is a valid filehandle and we don't need to // waste a name lookup. if f := fs.lookupFH(fh); f != nil { return fs.errCode("Truncate", path, f.Truncate(size)) } // Other times, fh is invalid and we need to lookup path. f, err := fs.root.OpenFile(path, os.O_RDWR, 0) if err != nil { return fs.errCode("Truncate", path, err) } defer f.Close() return fs.errCode("Truncate", path, f.Truncate(size)) } func (fs *keepFS) Getattr(path string, stat *fuse.Stat_t, fh uint64) (errc int) { defer fs.debugPanics() fs.debugOp("Getattr", path) var fi os.FileInfo var err error if f := fs.lookupFH(fh); f != nil { // Valid filehandle -- ignore path. fi, err = f.Stat() } else { // Invalid filehandle -- lookup path. fi, err = fs.root.Stat(path) } if err != nil { return fs.errCode("Getattr", path, err) } fs.fillStat(stat, fi) return 0 } func (fs *keepFS) Chmod(path string, mode uint32) (errc int) { defer fs.debugPanics() fs.debugOp("Chmod", path) if fs.ReadOnly { return -fuse.EROFS } if fi, err := fs.root.Stat(path); err != nil { return fs.errCode("Chmod", path, err) } else if mode & ^uint32(fuse.S_IFREG|fuse.S_IFDIR|0777) != 0 { // Refuse to set mode bits other than // regfile/dir/perms return -fuse.ENOSYS } else if (fi.Mode()&os.ModeDir != 0) != (mode&fuse.S_IFDIR != 0) { // Refuse to transform a regular file to a dir, or // vice versa return -fuse.ENOSYS } // As long as the change isn't nonsense, chmod is a no-op, // because we don't save permission bits. return 0 } func (fs *keepFS) fillStat(stat *fuse.Stat_t, fi os.FileInfo) { defer fs.debugPanics() var m uint32 if fi.IsDir() { m = m | fuse.S_IFDIR } else { m = m | fuse.S_IFREG } m = m | uint32(fi.Mode()&os.ModePerm) stat.Mode = m stat.Nlink = 1 stat.Size = fi.Size() t := fuse.NewTimespec(fi.ModTime()) stat.Mtim = t stat.Ctim = t stat.Atim = t stat.Birthtim = t stat.Blksize = 1024 stat.Blocks = (stat.Size + stat.Blksize - 1) / stat.Blksize if fs.Uid > 0 && int64(fs.Uid) < 1<<31 { stat.Uid = uint32(fs.Uid) } if fs.Gid > 0 && int64(fs.Gid) < 1<<31 { stat.Gid = uint32(fs.Gid) } } func (fs *keepFS) Write(path string, buf []byte, ofst int64, fh uint64) (n int) { defer fs.debugPanics() fs.debugOp("Write", path) if fs.ReadOnly { return -fuse.EROFS } f := fs.lookupFH(fh) if f == nil { return -fuse.EBADF } f.Lock() defer f.Unlock() if _, err := f.Seek(ofst, io.SeekStart); err != nil { return fs.errCode("Write", path, err) } n, err := f.Write(buf) if err != nil { return fs.errCode("Write", path, err) } return n } func (fs *keepFS) Read(path string, buf []byte, ofst int64, fh uint64) (n int) { defer fs.debugPanics() fs.debugOp("Read", path) f := fs.lookupFH(fh) if f == nil { return -fuse.EBADF } f.Lock() defer f.Unlock() if _, err := f.Seek(ofst, io.SeekStart); err != nil { return fs.errCode("Read", path, err) } n, err := f.Read(buf) for err == nil && n < len(buf) { // f is an io.Reader ("If some data is available but // not len(p) bytes, Read conventionally returns what // is available instead of waiting for more") -- but // our caller requires us to either fill buf or reach // EOF. done := n n, err = f.Read(buf[done:]) n += done } if err != nil && err != io.EOF { return fs.errCode("Read", path, err) } return n } func (fs *keepFS) Readdir(path string, fill func(name string, stat *fuse.Stat_t, ofst int64) bool, ofst int64, fh uint64) (errc int) { defer fs.debugPanics() fs.debugOp("Readdir", path) f := fs.lookupFH(fh) if f == nil { return -fuse.EBADF } fill(".", nil, 0) fill("..", nil, 0) var stat fuse.Stat_t fis, err := f.Readdir(-1) if err != nil { return fs.errCode("Readdir", path, err) } for _, fi := range fis { fs.fillStat(&stat, fi) fill(fi.Name(), &stat, 0) } return 0 } func (fs *keepFS) Fsync(path string, datasync bool, fh uint64) int { defer fs.debugPanics() fs.debugOp("Fsync", path) f := fs.lookupFH(fh) if f == nil { return -fuse.EBADF } return fs.errCode("Fsync", path, f.Sync()) } func (fs *keepFS) Fsyncdir(path string, datasync bool, fh uint64) int { fs.debugOp("Fsyncdir", path) return fs.Fsync(path, datasync, fh) } // debugPanics (when deferred by keepFS handlers) prints an error and // stack trace on stderr when a handler crashes. (Without this, // cgofuse recovers from panics silently and returns EIO.) func (fs *keepFS) debugPanics() { if err := recover(); err != nil { log.Printf("(%T) %v", err, err) debug.PrintStack() panic(err) } } func (fs *keepFS) debugOp(op, path string) { fs.Logger.WithFields(nil).Tracef("fuse call %s %s", op, path) }