layout: default
navsection: installguide
title: Installing with Docker
h2. Prerequisites:
# A GNU/Linux (virtual) machine
# A working Docker installation
h2. Download the source tree
~$ cd $HOME # (or wherever you want to install)
~$ git clone https://github.com/curoverse/arvados.git
~$ cd arvados/docker
~$ cp config.yml.example config.yml
PUBLIC_KEY_PATH API_HOSTNAME API_AUTO_ADMIN_USERh2. Running the Arvados Docker containers The @arvdock@ command can be used to start and stop the docker containers. It has a number of options:
~$ cd arvados/docker
~$ ./arvdock -h
usage: ./arvdock (start|stop|restart|test) [options]
./arvdock start/stop/restart options:
-d [port], --doc[=port] Documentation server (default port 9898)
-w [port], --workbench[=port] Workbench server (default port 9899)
-s [port], --sso[=port] SSO server (default port 9901)
-a [port], --api[=port] API server (default port 9900)
-k, --keep Keep servers
--ssh Enable SSH access to server containers
-h, --help Display this help and exit
If no options are given, the action is applied to all servers.
./arvdock test [testname] [testname] ...
By default, all tests are run.
~$ cd arvados/docker
~$ ./arvdock start
Starting container:
/usr/bin/docker.io run -d -i -t -p 9901:443 --name sso_server arvados/sso
Starting container:
/usr/bin/docker.io run -d -i -t -p 9900:443 --name api_server --link sso_server:sso arvados/api
Starting container:
/usr/bin/docker.io run -d -i -t -p 25107:25107 --name keep_server_0 -v /tmp/tmp.aCSx8Pq6Wb:/dev/keep-0 --link api_server:api arvados/keep
Starting container:
/usr/bin/docker.io run -d -i -t -p 25108:25107 --name keep_server_1 -v /tmp/tmp.m4OQ9WB73G:/dev/keep-0 --link api_server:api arvados/keep
Starting container:
/usr/bin/docker.io run -d -i -t -p 9898:80 --name doc_server arvados/doc
You can access the Arvados documentation at http://localhost:9898
Starting container:
/usr/bin/docker.io run -d -i -t -p 9899:80 --name workbench_server --link api_server:api arvados/workbench
You can access the Arvados workbench at http://localhost:9899