{% comment %} Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0 {% endcomment %} {% include 'branchname' %} This is a package-based installation method, however the installation script is currently distributed in source form via @git@. We recommend checking out the git tree on your local workstation, not directly on the target(s) where you want to install and run Arvados.
git clone https://github.com/arvados/arvados.git
cd arvados
git checkout {{ branchname }}
cd tools/salt-install
The @install.sh@ and @provision.sh@ scripts will help you deploy Arvados by preparing your environment to be able to run the installer, then running it. The actual installer is located in the "arvados-formula git repository":https://git.arvados.org/arvados-formula.git/tree/refs/heads/{{ branchname }} and will be cloned during the running of the @provision.sh@ script. The installer is built using "Saltstack":https://saltproject.io/ and @provision.sh@ performs the install using masterless mode. h2(#copy_config). Initialize the installer Replace "xarv1" with the cluster id you selected earlier.
./installer.sh initialize ~/setup-arvados-${CLUSTER} {{local_params_src}} {{config_examples_src}}
cd ~/setup-arvados-${CLUSTER}
This creates a git repository in @~/setup-arvados-xarv1@. The @installer.sh@ will record all the configuration changes you make, as well as using @git push@ to synchronize configuration edits if you have multiple nodes. Important! All further commands must be run in the @~/setup-arvados-xarv1@