For more information see <%= link_to raw('Writing a pipeline'), "#{Rails.configuration.arvados_docsite}/user/tutorials/tutorial-firstscript.html", target: "_blank"%>.

<% if !@my_repositories.any? %> You do not seem to have access to any repositories. If you would like to request access, please contact your system admin. <% else %> <% @my_repositories.andand.each do |repo| %> <% writable = @repo_writable[repo.uuid] %> <% end %>
Name Read/Write URL
<% if writable == 'can_manage' %> <%= link_to raw("#{repo[:name]}"), "/repositories/#{repo[:uuid]}" %> <% else %> <%= repo[:name] %> <% end %> <%= writable ? 'writable' : 'read-only' %> <%= writable ? repo[:push_url] : repo[:fetch_url] %>
<% end %>