// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 package main import ( "bytes" "encoding/csv" "encoding/json" "flag" "fmt" "io" "log" "net/url" "os" "strconv" "strings" "git.arvados.org/arvados.git/lib/cmd" "git.arvados.org/arvados.git/sdk/go/arvados" ) var version = "dev" type resourceList interface { Len() int GetItems() []interface{} } // UserList implements resourceList interface type UserList struct { arvados.UserList } // Len returns the amount of items this list holds func (l UserList) Len() int { return len(l.Items) } // GetItems returns the list of items func (l UserList) GetItems() (out []interface{}) { for _, item := range l.Items { out = append(out, item) } return } func main() { cfg, err := GetConfig() if err != nil { log.Fatalf("%v", err) } if err := doMain(&cfg); err != nil { log.Fatalf("%v", err) } } type ConfigParams struct { Path string Verbose bool Client *arvados.Client } func ParseFlags(cfg *ConfigParams) error { flags := flag.NewFlagSet(os.Args[0], flag.ExitOnError) flags.Usage = func() { usageStr := `Synchronize remote users into Arvados from a CSV format file with 5 columns: * 1st: E-mail address * 2nd: First name * 3rd: Last name * 4th: Active status (0 or 1) * 5th: Admin status (0 or 1)` fmt.Fprintf(flags.Output(), "%s\n\n", usageStr) fmt.Fprintf(flags.Output(), "Usage:\n%s [OPTIONS] \n\n", os.Args[0]) fmt.Fprintf(flags.Output(), "Options:\n") flags.PrintDefaults() } verbose := flags.Bool( "verbose", false, "Log informational messages. Off by default.") getVersion := flags.Bool( "version", false, "Print version information and exit.") if ok, code := cmd.ParseFlags(flags, os.Args[0], os.Args[1:], "input-file.csv", os.Stderr); !ok { os.Exit(code) } else if *getVersion { fmt.Printf("%s %s\n", os.Args[0], version) os.Exit(0) } // Input file as a required positional argument if flags.NArg() == 0 { return fmt.Errorf("please provide a path to an input file") } srcPath := &os.Args[flags.NFlag()+1] // Validations if *srcPath == "" { return fmt.Errorf("input file path invalid") } cfg.Path = *srcPath cfg.Verbose = *verbose return nil } // GetConfig sets up a ConfigParams struct func GetConfig() (cfg ConfigParams, err error) { err = ParseFlags(&cfg) if err != nil { return } cfg.Client = arvados.NewClientFromEnv() // Check current user permissions u, err := cfg.Client.CurrentUser() if err != nil { return cfg, fmt.Errorf("error getting the current user: %s", err) } if !u.IsAdmin { return cfg, fmt.Errorf("current user (%s) is not an admin user", u.UUID) } return cfg, nil } func doMain(cfg *ConfigParams) error { // Try opening the input file early, just in case there's a problem. f, err := os.Open(cfg.Path) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error opening input file: %s", err) } defer f.Close() allUsers := make(map[string]arvados.User) results, err := GetAll(cfg.Client, "users", arvados.ResourceListParams{}, &UserList{}) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error getting all users: %s", err) } log.Printf("Found %d users", len(results)) for _, item := range results { u := item.(arvados.User) allUsers[strings.ToLower(u.Email)] = u } loadedRecords, err := LoadInputFile(f) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("reading input file %q: %s", cfg.Path, err) } log.Printf("Loaded %d records from input file", len(loadedRecords)) updatesSucceeded, updatesFailed := 0, 0 for _, record := range loadedRecords { if updated, err := ProcessRecord(cfg, record, allUsers); err != nil { log.Printf("error processing record %q: %s", record.Email, err) updatesFailed++ } else if updated { updatesSucceeded++ } } log.Printf("Updated %d account(s), failed to update %d account(s)", updatesSucceeded, updatesFailed) return nil } type userRecord struct { Email string FirstName string LastName string Active bool Admin bool } // ProcessRecord creates or updates a user based on the given record func ProcessRecord(cfg *ConfigParams, record userRecord, allUsers map[string]arvados.User) (bool, error) { wantedActiveStatus := strconv.FormatBool(record.Active) wantedAdminStatus := strconv.FormatBool(record.Admin) updateRequired := false // Check if user exists, set its active & admin status. var user arvados.User user, ok := allUsers[record.Email] if !ok { err := CreateUser(cfg.Client, &user, map[string]string{ "email": record.Email, "first_name": record.FirstName, "last_name": record.LastName, "is_active": strconv.FormatBool(record.Active), "is_admin": strconv.FormatBool(record.Admin), }) if err != nil { return false, fmt.Errorf("error creating user %q: %s", record.Email, err) } updateRequired = true log.Printf("Created user %q", record.Email) } if record.Active != user.IsActive { updateRequired = true if record.Active { // Here we assume the 'setup' is done elsewhere if needed. err := UpdateUser(cfg.Client, user.UUID, &user, map[string]string{ "is_active": wantedActiveStatus, "is_admin": wantedAdminStatus, // Just in case it needs to be changed. }) if err != nil { return false, fmt.Errorf("error updating user %q: %s", record.Email, err) } } else { err := UnsetupUser(cfg.Client, user.UUID, &user) if err != nil { return false, fmt.Errorf("error deactivating user %q: %s", record.Email, err) } } } // Inactive users cannot be admins. if user.IsActive && record.Admin != user.IsAdmin { updateRequired = true err := UpdateUser(cfg.Client, user.UUID, &user, map[string]string{ "is_admin": wantedAdminStatus, }) if err != nil { return false, fmt.Errorf("error updating user %q: %s", record.Email, err) } } allUsers[record.Email] = user if updateRequired { log.Printf("Updated user %q", record.Email) } return updateRequired, nil } // LoadInputFile reads the input file and returns a list of user records func LoadInputFile(f *os.File) (loadedRecords []userRecord, err error) { lineNo := 0 csvReader := csv.NewReader(f) loadedRecords = make([]userRecord, 0) for { record, e := csvReader.Read() if e == io.EOF { break } lineNo++ if e != nil { err = fmt.Errorf("parsing error at line %d: %s", lineNo, e) return } if len(record) != 5 { err = fmt.Errorf("parsing error at line %d: expected 5 fields, found %d", lineNo, len(record)) return } email := strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(record[0])) firstName := strings.TrimSpace(record[1]) lastName := strings.TrimSpace(record[2]) active := strings.TrimSpace(record[3]) admin := strings.TrimSpace(record[4]) if email == "" || firstName == "" || lastName == "" || active == "" || admin == "" { err = fmt.Errorf("parsing error at line %d: fields cannot be empty", lineNo) return } activeBool, err := strconv.ParseBool(active) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing error at line %d: active status not recognized", lineNo) } adminBool, err := strconv.ParseBool(admin) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing error at line %d: admin status not recognized", lineNo) } loadedRecords = append(loadedRecords, userRecord{ Email: email, FirstName: firstName, LastName: lastName, Active: activeBool, Admin: adminBool, }) } return loadedRecords, nil } // GetAll adds all objects of type 'resource' to the 'allItems' list func GetAll(c *arvados.Client, res string, params arvados.ResourceListParams, page resourceList) (allItems []interface{}, err error) { // Use the maximum page size the server allows limit := 1<<31 - 1 params.Limit = &limit params.Offset = 0 params.Order = "uuid" for { if err = GetResourceList(c, &page, res, params); err != nil { return allItems, err } // Have we finished paging? if page.Len() == 0 { break } allItems = append(allItems, page.GetItems()...) params.Offset += page.Len() } return allItems, nil } func jsonReader(rscName string, ob interface{}) io.Reader { j, err := json.Marshal(ob) if err != nil { panic(err) } v := url.Values{} v[rscName] = []string{string(j)} return bytes.NewBufferString(v.Encode()) } // GetResourceList fetches res list using params func GetResourceList(c *arvados.Client, dst *resourceList, res string, params interface{}) error { return c.RequestAndDecode(dst, "GET", "/arvados/v1/"+res, nil, params) } // CreateUser creates a user with userData parameters, assigns it to dst func CreateUser(c *arvados.Client, dst *arvados.User, userData map[string]string) error { return c.RequestAndDecode(dst, "POST", "/arvados/v1/users", jsonReader("user", userData), nil) } // UpdateUser updates a user with userData parameters func UpdateUser(c *arvados.Client, userUUID string, dst *arvados.User, userData map[string]string) error { return c.RequestAndDecode(&dst, "PUT", "/arvados/v1/users/"+userUUID, jsonReader("user", userData), nil) } // UnsetupUser deactivates a user func UnsetupUser(c *arvados.Client, userUUID string, dst *arvados.User) error { return c.RequestAndDecode(&dst, "POST", "/arvados/v1/users/"+userUUID+"/unsetup", nil, nil) }