package main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "" "" "" "" "" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "os" "os/exec" "regexp" "strings" "testing" "time" ) var arv arvadosclient.ArvadosClient var keepClient *keepclient.KeepClient var keepServers []string func SetupDataManagerTest(t *testing.T) { os.Setenv("ARVADOS_API_HOST_INSECURE", "true") // start api and keep servers arvadostest.ResetEnv() arvadostest.StartAPI() arvadostest.StartKeep(2, false) var err error arv, err = arvadosclient.MakeArvadosClient() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error making arvados client: %s", err) } arv.ApiToken = arvadostest.DataManagerToken // keep client keepClient = &keepclient.KeepClient{ Arvados: &arv, Want_replicas: 2, Using_proxy: true, Client: &http.Client{}, } // discover keep services if err = keepClient.DiscoverKeepServers(); err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error discovering keep services: %s", err) } keepServers = []string{} for _, host := range keepClient.LocalRoots() { keepServers = append(keepServers, host) } } func TearDownDataManagerTest(t *testing.T) { arvadostest.StopKeep(2) arvadostest.StopAPI() summary.WriteDataTo = "" collection.HeapProfileFilename = "" } func putBlock(t *testing.T, data string) string { locator, _, err := keepClient.PutB([]byte(data)) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error putting test data for %s %s %v", data, locator, err) } if locator == "" { t.Fatalf("No locator found after putting test data") } splits := strings.Split(locator, "+") return splits[0] + "+" + splits[1] } func getBlock(t *testing.T, locator string, data string) { reader, blocklen, _, err := keepClient.Get(locator) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error getting test data in setup for %s %s %v", data, locator, err) } if reader == nil { t.Fatalf("No reader found after putting test data") } if blocklen != int64(len(data)) { t.Fatalf("blocklen %d did not match data len %d", blocklen, len(data)) } all, err := ioutil.ReadAll(reader) if string(all) != data { t.Fatalf("Data read %s did not match expected data %s", string(all), data) } } // Create a collection using arv-put func createCollection(t *testing.T, data string) string { tempfile, err := ioutil.TempFile(os.TempDir(), "temp-test-file") defer os.Remove(tempfile.Name()) _, err = tempfile.Write([]byte(data)) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error writing to tempfile %v", err) } // arv-put output, err := exec.Command("arv-put", "--use-filename", "test.txt", tempfile.Name()).Output() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error running arv-put %s", err) } uuid := string(output[0:27]) // trim terminating char return uuid } // Get collection locator var locatorMatcher = regexp.MustCompile(`^([0-9a-f]{32})\+(\d*)(.*)$`) func getFirstLocatorFromCollection(t *testing.T, uuid string) string { manifest := getCollection(t, uuid)["manifest_text"].(string) locator := strings.Split(manifest, " ")[1] match := locatorMatcher.FindStringSubmatch(locator) if match == nil { t.Fatalf("No locator found in collection manifest %s", manifest) } return match[1] + "+" + match[2] } func switchToken(t string) func() { orig := arv.ApiToken restore := func() { arv.ApiToken = orig } arv.ApiToken = t return restore } func getCollection(t *testing.T, uuid string) Dict { defer switchToken(arvadostest.AdminToken)() getback := make(Dict) err := arv.Get("collections", uuid, nil, &getback) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error getting collection %s", err) } if getback["uuid"] != uuid { t.Fatalf("Get collection uuid did not match original: $s, result: $s", uuid, getback["uuid"]) } return getback } func updateCollection(t *testing.T, uuid string, paramName string, paramValue string) { defer switchToken(arvadostest.AdminToken)() err := arv.Update("collections", uuid, arvadosclient.Dict{ "collection": arvadosclient.Dict{ paramName: paramValue, }, }, &arvadosclient.Dict{}) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error updating collection %s", err) } } type Dict map[string]interface{} func deleteCollection(t *testing.T, uuid string) { defer switchToken(arvadostest.AdminToken)() getback := make(Dict) err := arv.Delete("collections", uuid, nil, &getback) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error deleting collection %s", err) } if getback["uuid"] != uuid { t.Fatalf("Delete collection uuid did not match original: $s, result: $s", uuid, getback["uuid"]) } } func dataManagerSingleRun(t *testing.T) { err := singlerun(arv) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error during singlerun %s", err) } } func getBlockIndexesForServer(t *testing.T, i int) []string { var indexes []string path := keepServers[i] + "/index" client := http.Client{} req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", path, nil) req.Header.Add("Authorization", "OAuth2 "+arvadostest.DataManagerToken) req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream") resp, err := client.Do(req) defer resp.Body.Close() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error during %s %s", path, err) } body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error reading response from %s %s", path, err) } lines := strings.Split(string(body), "\n") for _, line := range lines { indexes = append(indexes, strings.Split(line, " ")...) } return indexes } func getBlockIndexes(t *testing.T) [][]string { var indexes [][]string for i := 0; i < len(keepServers); i++ { indexes = append(indexes, getBlockIndexesForServer(t, i)) } return indexes } func verifyBlocks(t *testing.T, notExpected []string, expected []string, minReplication int) { blocks := getBlockIndexes(t) for _, block := range notExpected { for _, idx := range blocks { if valueInArray(block, idx) { t.Fatalf("Found unexpected block %s", block) } } } for _, block := range expected { nFound := 0 for _, idx := range blocks { if valueInArray(block, idx) { nFound++ } } if nFound < minReplication { t.Fatalf("Found %d replicas of block %s, expected >= %d", nFound, block, minReplication) } } } func valueInArray(value string, list []string) bool { for _, v := range list { if value == v { return true } } return false } // Test env uses two keep volumes. The volume names can be found by reading the files // ARVADOS_HOME/tmp/keep0.volume and ARVADOS_HOME/tmp/keep1.volume // // The keep volumes are of the dir structure: volumeN/subdir/locator func backdateBlocks(t *testing.T, oldUnusedBlockLocators []string) { // First get rid of any size hints in the locators var trimmedBlockLocators []string for _, block := range oldUnusedBlockLocators { trimmedBlockLocators = append(trimmedBlockLocators, strings.Split(block, "+")[0]) } // Get the working dir so that we can read keep{n}.volume files wd, err := os.Getwd() if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error getting working dir %s", err) } // Now cycle through the two keep volumes oldTime := time.Now().AddDate(0, -2, 0) for i := 0; i < 2; i++ { filename := fmt.Sprintf("%s/../../tmp/keep%d.volume", wd, i) volumeDir, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error reading keep volume file %s %s", filename, err) } // Read the keep volume dir structure volumeContents, err := ioutil.ReadDir(string(volumeDir)) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error reading keep dir %s %s", string(volumeDir), err) } // Read each subdir for each of the keep volume dir for _, subdir := range volumeContents { subdirName := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", volumeDir, subdir.Name()) subdirContents, err := ioutil.ReadDir(string(subdirName)) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error reading keep dir %s %s", string(subdirName), err) } // Now we got to the files. The files are names are the block locators for _, fileInfo := range subdirContents { blockName := fileInfo.Name() myname := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", subdirName, blockName) if valueInArray(blockName, trimmedBlockLocators) { err = os.Chtimes(myname, oldTime, oldTime) } } } } } func getStatus(t *testing.T, path string) interface{} { client := http.Client{} req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", path, nil) req.Header.Add("Authorization", "OAuth2 "+arvadostest.DataManagerToken) req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream") resp, err := client.Do(req) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error during %s %s", path, err) } defer resp.Body.Close() var s interface{} json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&s) return s } // Wait until PullQueue and TrashQueue are empty on all keepServers. func waitUntilQueuesFinishWork(t *testing.T) { for _, ks := range keepServers { for done := false; !done; { time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) s := getStatus(t, ks+"/status.json") for _, qName := range []string{"PullQueue", "TrashQueue"} { qStatus := s.(map[string]interface{})[qName].(map[string]interface{}) if qStatus["Queued"].(float64)+qStatus["InProgress"].(float64) == 0 { done = true } } } } } // Create some blocks and backdate some of them. // Also create some collections and delete some of them. // Verify block indexes. func TestPutAndGetBlocks(t *testing.T) { defer TearDownDataManagerTest(t) SetupDataManagerTest(t) // Put some blocks which will be backdated later on // The first one will also be used in a collection and hence should not be deleted when datamanager runs. // The rest will be old and unreferenced and hence should be deleted when datamanager runs. var oldUnusedBlockLocators []string oldUnusedBlockData := "this block will have older mtime" for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { oldUnusedBlockLocators = append(oldUnusedBlockLocators, putBlock(t, fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", oldUnusedBlockData, i))) } for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { getBlock(t, oldUnusedBlockLocators[i], fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", oldUnusedBlockData, i)) } // The rest will be old and unreferenced and hence should be deleted when datamanager runs. oldUsedBlockData := "this collection block will have older mtime" oldUsedBlockLocator := putBlock(t, oldUsedBlockData) getBlock(t, oldUsedBlockLocator, oldUsedBlockData) // Put some more blocks which will not be backdated; hence they are still new, but not in any collection. // Hence, even though unreferenced, these should not be deleted when datamanager runs. var newBlockLocators []string newBlockData := "this block is newer" for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { newBlockLocators = append(newBlockLocators, putBlock(t, fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", newBlockData, i))) } for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { getBlock(t, newBlockLocators[i], fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", newBlockData, i)) } // Create a collection that would be deleted later on toBeDeletedCollectionUUID := createCollection(t, "some data for collection creation") toBeDeletedCollectionLocator := getFirstLocatorFromCollection(t, toBeDeletedCollectionUUID) // Create another collection that has the same data as the one of the old blocks oldUsedBlockCollectionUUID := createCollection(t, oldUsedBlockData) oldUsedBlockCollectionLocator := getFirstLocatorFromCollection(t, oldUsedBlockCollectionUUID) if oldUsedBlockCollectionLocator != oldUsedBlockLocator { t.Fatalf("Locator of the collection with the same data as old block is different %s", oldUsedBlockCollectionLocator) } // Create another collection whose replication level will be changed replicationCollectionUUID := createCollection(t, "replication level on this collection will be reduced") replicationCollectionLocator := getFirstLocatorFromCollection(t, replicationCollectionUUID) // Create two collections with same data; one will be deleted later on dataForTwoCollections := "one of these collections will be deleted" oneOfTwoWithSameDataUUID := createCollection(t, dataForTwoCollections) oneOfTwoWithSameDataLocator := getFirstLocatorFromCollection(t, oneOfTwoWithSameDataUUID) secondOfTwoWithSameDataUUID := createCollection(t, dataForTwoCollections) secondOfTwoWithSameDataLocator := getFirstLocatorFromCollection(t, secondOfTwoWithSameDataUUID) if oneOfTwoWithSameDataLocator != secondOfTwoWithSameDataLocator { t.Fatalf("Locators for both these collections expected to be same: %s %s", oneOfTwoWithSameDataLocator, secondOfTwoWithSameDataLocator) } // create collection with empty manifest text emptyBlockLocator := putBlock(t, "") emptyCollection := createCollection(t, "") // Verify blocks before doing any backdating / deleting. var expected []string expected = append(expected, oldUnusedBlockLocators...) expected = append(expected, newBlockLocators...) expected = append(expected, toBeDeletedCollectionLocator) expected = append(expected, replicationCollectionLocator) expected = append(expected, oneOfTwoWithSameDataLocator) expected = append(expected, secondOfTwoWithSameDataLocator) expected = append(expected, emptyBlockLocator) verifyBlocks(t, nil, expected, 2) // Run datamanager in singlerun mode dataManagerSingleRun(t) waitUntilQueuesFinishWork(t) verifyBlocks(t, nil, expected, 2) // Backdate the to-be old blocks and delete the collections backdateBlocks(t, oldUnusedBlockLocators) deleteCollection(t, toBeDeletedCollectionUUID) deleteCollection(t, secondOfTwoWithSameDataUUID) backdateBlocks(t, []string{emptyBlockLocator}) deleteCollection(t, emptyCollection) // Run data manager again dataManagerSingleRun(t) waitUntilQueuesFinishWork(t) // Get block indexes and verify that all backdated blocks except the first one used in collection are not included. expected = expected[:0] expected = append(expected, oldUsedBlockLocator) expected = append(expected, newBlockLocators...) expected = append(expected, toBeDeletedCollectionLocator) expected = append(expected, oneOfTwoWithSameDataLocator) expected = append(expected, secondOfTwoWithSameDataLocator) expected = append(expected, emptyBlockLocator) // even when unreferenced, this remains verifyBlocks(t, oldUnusedBlockLocators, expected, 2) // Reduce desired replication on replicationCollectionUUID // collection, and verify that Data Manager does not reduce // actual replication any further than that. (It might not // reduce actual replication at all; that's OK for this test.) // Reduce desired replication level. updateCollection(t, replicationCollectionUUID, "replication_desired", "1") collection := getCollection(t, replicationCollectionUUID) if collection["replication_desired"].(interface{}) != float64(1) { t.Fatalf("After update replication_desired is not 1; instead it is %v", collection["replication_desired"]) } // Verify data is currently overreplicated. verifyBlocks(t, nil, []string{replicationCollectionLocator}, 2) // Run data manager again dataManagerSingleRun(t) waitUntilQueuesFinishWork(t) // Verify data is not underreplicated. verifyBlocks(t, nil, []string{replicationCollectionLocator}, 1) // Verify *other* collections' data is not underreplicated. verifyBlocks(t, oldUnusedBlockLocators, expected, 2) } func TestDatamanagerSingleRunRepeatedly(t *testing.T) { defer TearDownDataManagerTest(t) SetupDataManagerTest(t) for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { err := singlerun(arv) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Got an error during datamanager singlerun: %v", err) } } } func TestGetStatusRepeatedly(t *testing.T) { defer TearDownDataManagerTest(t) SetupDataManagerTest(t) for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { for j := 0; j < 2; j++ { s := getStatus(t, keepServers[j]+"/status.json") var pullQueueStatus interface{} pullQueueStatus = s.(map[string]interface{})["PullQueue"] var trashQueueStatus interface{} trashQueueStatus = s.(map[string]interface{})["TrashQueue"] if pullQueueStatus.(map[string]interface{})["Queued"] == nil || pullQueueStatus.(map[string]interface{})["InProgress"] == nil || trashQueueStatus.(map[string]interface{})["Queued"] == nil || trashQueueStatus.(map[string]interface{})["InProgress"] == nil { t.Fatalf("PullQueue and TrashQueue status not found") } time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) } } } func TestRunDatamanagerWithBogusServer(t *testing.T) { defer TearDownDataManagerTest(t) SetupDataManagerTest(t) arv.ApiServer = "bogus-server" err := singlerun(arv) if err == nil { t.Fatalf("Expected error during singlerun with bogus server") } } func TestRunDatamanagerAsNonAdminUser(t *testing.T) { defer TearDownDataManagerTest(t) SetupDataManagerTest(t) arv.ApiToken = arvadostest.ActiveToken err := singlerun(arv) if err == nil { t.Fatalf("Expected error during singlerun as non-admin user") } } func TestPutAndGetBlocks_NoErrorDuringSingleRun(t *testing.T) { testOldBlocksNotDeletedOnDataManagerError(t, "", "", false, false) } func TestPutAndGetBlocks_ErrorDuringGetCollectionsBadWriteTo(t *testing.T) { testOldBlocksNotDeletedOnDataManagerError(t, "/badwritetofile", "", true, true) } func TestPutAndGetBlocks_ErrorDuringGetCollectionsBadHeapProfileFilename(t *testing.T) { testOldBlocksNotDeletedOnDataManagerError(t, "", "/badheapprofilefile", true, true) } // Create some blocks and backdate some of them. // Run datamanager while producing an error condition. // Verify that the blocks are hence not deleted. func testOldBlocksNotDeletedOnDataManagerError(t *testing.T, writeDataTo string, heapProfileFile string, expectError bool, expectOldBlocks bool) { defer TearDownDataManagerTest(t) SetupDataManagerTest(t) // Put some blocks and backdate them. var oldUnusedBlockLocators []string oldUnusedBlockData := "this block will have older mtime" for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { oldUnusedBlockLocators = append(oldUnusedBlockLocators, putBlock(t, fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", oldUnusedBlockData, i))) } backdateBlocks(t, oldUnusedBlockLocators) // Run data manager summary.WriteDataTo = writeDataTo collection.HeapProfileFilename = heapProfileFile err := singlerun(arv) if !expectError { if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Got an error during datamanager singlerun: %v", err) } } else { if err == nil { t.Fatalf("Expected error during datamanager singlerun") } } waitUntilQueuesFinishWork(t) // Get block indexes and verify that all backdated blocks are not/deleted as expected if expectOldBlocks { verifyBlocks(t, nil, oldUnusedBlockLocators, 2) } else { verifyBlocks(t, oldUnusedBlockLocators, nil, 2) } } // Create a collection with multiple streams and blocks func createMultiStreamBlockCollection(t *testing.T, data string, numStreams, numBlocks int) (string, []string) { defer switchToken(arvadostest.AdminToken)() manifest := "" locators := make(map[string]bool) for s := 0; s < numStreams; s++ { manifest += fmt.Sprintf("./stream%d ", s) for b := 0; b < numBlocks; b++ { locator, _, err := keepClient.PutB([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s in stream %d and block %d", data, s, b))) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error creating block %d in stream %d: %v", b, s, err) } locators[strings.Split(locator, "+A")[0]] = true manifest += locator + " " } manifest += "0:1:dummyfile.txt\n" } collection := make(Dict) err := arv.Create("collections", arvadosclient.Dict{"collection": arvadosclient.Dict{"manifest_text": manifest}}, &collection) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Error creating collection %v", err) } var locs []string for k, _ := range locators { locs = append(locs, k) } return collection["uuid"].(string), locs } // Create collection with multiple streams and blocks; backdate the blocks and but do not delete the collection. // Also, create stray block and backdate it. // After datamanager run: expect blocks from the collection, but not the stray block. func TestManifestWithMultipleStreamsAndBlocks(t *testing.T) { defer TearDownDataManagerTest(t) SetupDataManagerTest(t) // create collection whose blocks will be backdated collectionWithOldBlocks, oldBlocks := createMultiStreamBlockCollection(t, "old block", 100, 10) if collectionWithOldBlocks == "" { t.Fatalf("Failed to create collection with 1000 blocks") } if len(oldBlocks) != 1000 { t.Fatalf("Not all blocks are created: expected %v, found %v", 1000, len(oldBlocks)) } // create a stray block that will be backdated strayOldBlock := putBlock(t, "this stray block is old") expected := []string{strayOldBlock} expected = append(expected, oldBlocks...) verifyBlocks(t, nil, expected, 2) // Backdate old blocks; but the collection still references these blocks backdateBlocks(t, oldBlocks) // also backdate the stray old block backdateBlocks(t, []string{strayOldBlock}) // run datamanager dataManagerSingleRun(t) // verify that strayOldBlock is not to be found, but the collections blocks are still there verifyBlocks(t, []string{strayOldBlock}, oldBlocks, 2) }