layout: default
navsection: installguide
title: Install API server and Controller
{% comment %}
Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0
{% endcomment %}
# "Introduction":#introduction
# "Install dependencies":#dependencies
# "Set up database":#database-setup
# "Update config.yml":#update-config
# "Update nginx configuration":#update-nginx
# "Install arvados-api-server and arvados-controller":#install-packages
# "Confirm working installation":#confirm-working
h2(#introduction). Introduction
The Arvados core API server consists of four services: PostgreSQL, Arvados Rails API, Arvados Controller, and Nginx.
Here is a simplified diagram showing the relationship between the core services. Client requests arrive at the public-facing Nginx reverse proxy. The request is forwarded to Arvados controller. The controller is able handle some requests itself, the rest are forwarded to the Arvados Rails API. The Rails API server implements the majority of business logic, communicating with the PostgreSQL database to fetch data and make transactional updates. All services are stateless, except the PostgreSQL database. This guide assumes all of these services will be installed on the same node, but it is possible to install these services across multiple nodes.
h2(#dependencies). Install dependencies
# "Install PostgreSQL":install-postgresql.html
# "Install Ruby and Bundler":ruby.html
# "Install nginx":nginx.html
# "Install Phusion Passenger":https://www.phusionpassenger.com/library/walkthroughs/deploy/ruby/ownserver/nginx/oss/install_passenger_main.html
h2(#database-setup). Set up database
{% assign service_role = "arvados" %}
{% assign service_database = "arvados_production" %}
{% assign use_contrib = true %}
{% include 'install_postgres_database' %}
h2(#update-config). Update config.yml
Starting from an "empty config.yml file,":config.html#empty add the following configuration keys.
h3. Tokens
SystemRootToken: "$system_root_token"
ManagementToken: "$management_token"
RailsSessionSecretToken: "$rails_secret_token"
BlobSigningKey: "blob_signing_key"
~$ tr -dc 0-9a-zA-Z </dev/urandom | head -c50; echo
host: localhost
user: arvados
password: $postgres_password
dbname: arvados_production
ExternalURL: "https://xxxxx.example.com"
"http://localhost:8003": {}
# Does not have an ExternalURL
"http://localhost:8004": {}
proxy_http_version 1.1;
# When Keep clients request a list of Keep services from the API
# server, use the origin IP address to determine if the request came
# from the internal subnet or it is an external client. This sets the
# $external_client variable which in turn is used to set the
# X-External-Client header.
# The API server uses this header to choose whether to respond to a
# "available keep services" request with either a list of internal keep
# servers (0) or with the keepproxy (1).
# TODO: Following the example here, update the netmask
# to match your private subnet.
# TODO: Update and add lines as necessary with the public IP
# address of all servers that can also access the private network to
# ensure they are not considered 'external'.
geo $external_client {
default 1; 0; 0; 0;
# This is the port where nginx expects to contact arvados-controller.
upstream controller {
server localhost:8003 fail_timeout=10s;
server {
# This configures the public https port that clients will actually connect to,
# the request is reverse proxied to the upstream 'controller'
listen *:443 ssl;
server_name xxxxx.example.com;
ssl on;
ssl_certificate /TODO/YOUR/PATH/TO/cert.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /TODO/YOUR/PATH/TO/cert.key;
# Refer to the comment about this setting in the passenger (arvados
# api server) section of your Nginx configuration.
client_max_body_size 128m;
location / {
proxy_pass http://controller;
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_connect_timeout 90s;
proxy_read_timeout 300s;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https;
proxy_set_header Host $http_host;
proxy_set_header X-External-Client $external_client;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
server {
# This configures the Arvados API server. It is written using Ruby
# on Rails and uses the Passenger application server.
listen localhost:8004;
server_name localhost-api;
root /var/www/arvados-api/current/public;
index index.html index.htm index.php;
passenger_enabled on;
# TODO: If you are using RVM, uncomment the line below.
# If you're using system ruby, leave it commented out.
#passenger_ruby /usr/local/rvm/wrappers/default/ruby;
# This value effectively limits the size of API objects users can
# create, especially collections. If you change this, you should
# also ensure the following settings match it:
# * `client_max_body_size` in the previous server section
# * `API.MaxRequestSize` in config.yml
client_max_body_size 128m;
$ curl https://ClusterID.example.com/arvados/v1/configConfirm working Rails API server:
$ curl https://ClusterID.example.com/discovery/v1/apis/arvados/v1/restConfirm that you can use the system root token to act as the system root user:
$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $system_root_token" https://xxxxx.example.com/arvados/v1/users/currenth3. Troubleshooting If you are getting TLS errors, make sure the @ssl_certificate@ directive in your nginx configuration has the "full certificate chain":http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/configuring_https_servers.html#chains Logs can be found in @/var/www/arvados-api/current/log/production.log@ and using @journalctl -u arvados-controller@. See also the admin page on "Logging":{{site.baseurl}}/admin/logging.html .