// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 import { storeRedirects, handleRedirects } from './redirect-to'; describe('redirect-to', () => { const mockWindow: { location?: any, localStorage?: any} = window const { location } = mockWindow; const config: any = { keepWebServiceUrl: 'http://localhost', keepWebServiceInlineUrl: 'http://localhost-inline' }; const redirectTo = 'c=acbd18db4cc2f85cedef654fccc4a4d8%2B3/foo'; const locationTemplate = { hash: '', hostname: '', origin: '', host: '', pathname: '', port: '80', protocol: 'http', search: '', reload: () => { }, replace: () => { }, assign: () => { }, ancestorOrigins: [], href: '', }; afterAll((): void => { mockWindow.location = location; }); describe('storeRedirects', () => { beforeEach(() => { delete mockWindow.location; mockWindow.location = { ...locationTemplate, href: `${location.href}?redirectToDownload=${redirectTo}`, } as any; Object.defineProperty(mockWindow, 'localStorage', { value: { setItem: jest.fn(), }, writable: true }); }); it('should store redirectTo in the session storage', () => { // when storeRedirects(); // then expect(mockWindow.localStorage.setItem).toHaveBeenCalledWith('redirectToDownload', decodeURIComponent(redirectTo)); }); }); describe('handleRedirects', () => { beforeEach(() => { delete mockWindow.location; mockWindow.location = { ...locationTemplate, href: `${location.href}?redirectToDownload=${redirectTo}`, } as any;; Object.defineProperty(mockWindow, 'localStorage', { value: { getItem: () => redirectTo, removeItem: jest.fn(), }, writable: true }); }); it('should redirect to page when it is present in session storage', () => { // when handleRedirects("abcxyz", config); // then expect(mockWindow.location.href).toBe(`${config.keepWebServiceUrl}${redirectTo}?api_token=abcxyz`); }); }); });