package keepclient import ( "" "crypto/md5" "crypto/tls" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "log" "net/http" "os" "sort" "strconv" ) // A Keep "block" is 64MB. const BLOCKSIZE = 64 * 1024 * 1024 var BlockNotFound = errors.New("Block not found") var InsufficientReplicasError = errors.New("Could not write sufficient replicas") type KeepClient struct { ApiServer string ApiToken string ApiInsecure bool Service_roots []string Want_replicas int Client *http.Client } type KeepDisk struct { Hostname string `json:"service_host"` Port int `json:"service_port"` SSL bool `json:"service_ssl_flag"` } func MakeKeepClient() (kc KeepClient, err error) { tr := &http.Transport{ TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: kc.ApiInsecure}, } kc = KeepClient{ ApiServer: os.Getenv("ARVADOS_API_HOST"), ApiToken: os.Getenv("ARVADOS_API_TOKEN"), ApiInsecure: (os.Getenv("ARVADOS_API_HOST_INSECURE") != ""), Want_replicas: 2, Client: &http.Client{Transport: tr}} err = (&kc).DiscoverKeepServers() return kc, err } func (this *KeepClient) DiscoverKeepServers() error { // Construct request of keep disk list var req *http.Request var err error if req, err = http.NewRequest("GET", fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/arvados/v1/keep_disks", this.ApiServer), nil); err != nil { return err } // Add api token header req.Header.Add("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("OAuth2 %s", this.ApiToken)) // Make the request var resp *http.Response if resp, err = this.Client.Do(req); err != nil { return err } type SvcList struct { Items []KeepDisk `json:"items"` } // Decode json reply dec := json.NewDecoder(resp.Body) var m SvcList if err := dec.Decode(&m); err != nil { return err } listed := make(map[string]bool) this.Service_roots = make([]string, 0, len(m.Items)) for _, element := range m.Items { n := "" if element.SSL { n = "s" } // Construct server URL url := fmt.Sprintf("http%s://%s:%d", n, element.Hostname, element.Port) // Skip duplicates if !listed[url] { listed[url] = true this.Service_roots = append(this.Service_roots, url) } } // Must be sorted for ShuffledServiceRoots() to produce consistent // results. sort.Strings(this.Service_roots) return nil } func (this KeepClient) ShuffledServiceRoots(hash string) (pseq []string) { // Build an ordering with which to query the Keep servers based on the // contents of the hash. "hash" is a hex-encoded number at least 8 // digits (32 bits) long // seed used to calculate the next keep server from 'pool' to be added // to 'pseq' seed := hash // Keep servers still to be added to the ordering pool := make([]string, len(this.Service_roots)) copy(pool, this.Service_roots) // output probe sequence pseq = make([]string, 0, len(this.Service_roots)) // iterate while there are servers left to be assigned for len(pool) > 0 { if len(seed) < 8 { // ran out of digits in the seed if len(pseq) < (len(hash) / 4) { // the number of servers added to the probe // sequence is less than the number of 4-digit // slices in 'hash' so refill the seed with the // last 4 digits. seed = hash[len(hash)-4:] } seed += hash } // Take the next 8 digits (32 bytes) and interpret as an integer, // then modulus with the size of the remaining pool to get the next // selected server. probe, _ := strconv.ParseUint(seed[0:8], 16, 32) probe %= uint64(len(pool)) // Append the selected server to the probe sequence and remove it // from the pool. pseq = append(pseq, pool[probe]) pool = append(pool[:probe], pool[probe+1:]...) // Remove the digits just used from the seed seed = seed[8:] } return pseq } type UploadStatus struct { Err error Url string StatusCode int } func (this KeepClient) uploadToKeepServer(host string, hash string, body io.ReadCloser, upload_status chan<- UploadStatus, expectedLength int64) { log.Printf("Uploading to %s", host) var req *http.Request var err error var url = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", host, hash) if req, err = http.NewRequest("PUT", url, nil); err != nil { upload_status <- UploadStatus{err, url, 0} return } if expectedLength > 0 { req.ContentLength = expectedLength } req.Header.Add("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("OAuth2 %s", this.ApiToken)) req.Header.Add("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream") req.Body = body var resp *http.Response if resp, err = this.Client.Do(req); err != nil { upload_status <- UploadStatus{err, url, 0} return } if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK { upload_status <- UploadStatus{nil, url, resp.StatusCode} } else { upload_status <- UploadStatus{errors.New(resp.Status), url, resp.StatusCode} } } func (this KeepClient) putReplicas( hash string, requests chan buffer.ReadRequest, reader_status chan error, expectedLength int64) (replicas int, err error) { // Calculate the ordering for uploading to servers sv := this.ShuffledServiceRoots(hash) // The next server to try contacting next_server := 0 // The number of active writers active := 0 // Used to communicate status from the upload goroutines upload_status := make(chan UploadStatus) defer close(upload_status) // Desired number of replicas remaining_replicas := this.Want_replicas for remaining_replicas > 0 { for active < remaining_replicas { // Start some upload requests if next_server < len(sv) { go this.uploadToKeepServer(sv[next_server], hash, buffer.MakeBufferReader(requests), upload_status, expectedLength) next_server += 1 active += 1 } else { return (this.Want_replicas - remaining_replicas), InsufficientReplicasError } } // Now wait for something to happen. select { case status := <-reader_status: if status == io.EOF { // good news! } else { // bad news return (this.Want_replicas - remaining_replicas), status } case status := <-upload_status: if status.StatusCode == 200 { // good news! remaining_replicas -= 1 } else { // writing to keep server failed for some reason log.Printf("Keep server put to %v failed with '%v'", status.Url, status.Err) } active -= 1 log.Printf("Upload status %v %v %v", status.StatusCode, remaining_replicas, active) } } return (this.Want_replicas - remaining_replicas), nil } var OversizeBlockError = errors.New("Block too big") func (this KeepClient) PutHR(hash string, r io.Reader, expectedLength int64) (replicas int, err error) { // Buffer for reads from 'r' var buf []byte if expectedLength > 0 { if expectedLength > BLOCKSIZE { return 0, OversizeBlockError } buf = make([]byte, expectedLength) } else { buf = make([]byte, BLOCKSIZE) } // Read requests on Transfer() buffer requests := make(chan buffer.ReadRequest) defer close(requests) // Reporting reader error states reader_status := make(chan error) defer close(reader_status) // Start the transfer goroutine go buffer.Transfer(buf, r, requests, reader_status) return this.putReplicas(hash, requests, reader_status, expectedLength) } func (this KeepClient) PutHB(hash string, buf []byte) (replicas int, err error) { // Read requests on Transfer() buffer requests := make(chan buffer.ReadRequest) defer close(requests) // Start the transfer goroutine go buffer.Transfer(buf, nil, requests, nil) return this.putReplicas(hash, requests, nil, int64(len(buf))) } func (this KeepClient) PutB(buffer []byte) (hash string, replicas int, err error) { hash = fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum(buffer)) replicas, err = this.PutHB(hash, buffer) return hash, replicas, err } func (this KeepClient) PutR(r io.Reader) (hash string, replicas int, err error) { if buffer, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r); err != nil { return "", 0, err } else { return this.PutB(buffer) } } func (this KeepClient) Get(hash string) (reader io.ReadCloser, contentLength int64, url string, err error) { return this.AuthorizedGet(hash, "", "") } func (this KeepClient) AuthorizedGet(hash string, signature string, timestamp string) (reader io.ReadCloser, contentLength int64, url string, err error) { // Calculate the ordering for asking servers sv := this.ShuffledServiceRoots(hash) for _, host := range sv { var req *http.Request var err error var url string if signature != "" { url = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s+A%s@%s", host, hash, signature, timestamp) } else { url = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", host, hash) } if req, err = http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil); err != nil { continue } req.Header.Add("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("OAuth2 %s", this.ApiToken)) var resp *http.Response if resp, err = this.Client.Do(req); err != nil { continue } if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK { return resp.Body, resp.ContentLength, url, nil } } return nil, 0, "", BlockNotFound } func (this KeepClient) Ask(hash string) (contentLength int64, url string, err error) { return this.AuthorizedAsk(hash, "", "") } func (this KeepClient) AuthorizedAsk(hash string, signature string, timestamp string) (contentLength int64, url string, err error) { // Calculate the ordering for asking servers sv := this.ShuffledServiceRoots(hash) for _, host := range sv { var req *http.Request var err error if signature != "" { url = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s+A%s@%s", host, hash, signature, timestamp) } else { url = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", host, hash) } if req, err = http.NewRequest("HEAD", url, nil); err != nil { continue } req.Header.Add("Authorization", fmt.Sprintf("OAuth2 %s", this.ApiToken)) var resp *http.Response if resp, err = this.Client.Do(req); err != nil { continue } if resp.StatusCode == http.StatusOK { return resp.ContentLength, url, nil } } return 0, "", BlockNotFound }