<%# Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 %> <% wf_def = ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new YAML.load(@object.definition) if @object.definition wf_def = wf_def[:"$graph"].andand[0] || wf_def if wf_def items = {} baseCommand = wf_def.andand["baseCommand"] items['baseCommand'] = baseCommand if baseCommand args = wf_def.andand["arguments"] items['arguments'] = args if args hints = wf_def.andand["hints"] items['hints'] = hints if hints inputs = wf_def.andand["inputs"] items['inputs'] = inputs if inputs outputs = wf_def.andand["outputs"] items['outputs'] = outputs if outputs # preload the collections collections_pdhs = [] items.each do |k, v| v.to_s.scan(/([0-9a-f]{32}\+\d+)/).each {|l| collections_pdhs += l} end collections_pdhs.compact.uniq preload_for_pdhs collections_pdhs if collections_pdhs.any? preload_links_for_objects collections_pdhs if collections_pdhs.any? %>
<% items.each do |k, v| %> <% end %>
<%= k %>: <% val = JSON.pretty_generate(v) %> <%= render partial: 'show_text_with_locators', locals: {data_height: 300, text_data: val} %>