#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import ConfigParser import importlib import logging import sys import arvados import httplib2 import pykka from apiclient import errors as apierror from .baseactor import BaseNodeManagerActor from functools import partial from libcloud.common.types import LibcloudError from libcloud.common.exceptions import BaseHTTPError # IOError is the base class for socket.error, ssl.SSLError, and friends. # It seems like it hits the sweet spot for operations we want to retry: # it's low-level, but unlikely to catch code bugs. NETWORK_ERRORS = (IOError,) ARVADOS_ERRORS = NETWORK_ERRORS + (apierror.Error,) CLOUD_ERRORS = NETWORK_ERRORS + (LibcloudError, BaseHTTPError) actor_class = BaseNodeManagerActor class NodeManagerConfig(ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser): """Node Manager Configuration class. This a standard Python ConfigParser, with additional helper methods to create objects instantiated with configuration information. """ LOGGING_NONLEVELS = frozenset(['file']) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # Can't use super() because SafeConfigParser is an old-style class. ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) for sec_name, settings in { 'Arvados': {'insecure': 'no', 'timeout': '15', 'jobs_queue': 'yes', 'slurm_queue': 'yes' }, 'Daemon': {'min_nodes': '0', 'max_nodes': '1', 'poll_time': '60', 'max_poll_time': '300', 'poll_stale_after': '600', 'max_total_price': '0', 'boot_fail_after': str(sys.maxint), 'node_stale_after': str(60 * 60 * 2), 'watchdog': '600', 'node_mem_scaling': '0.95'}, 'Manage': {'address': '', 'port': '-1', 'ManagementToken': ''}, 'Logging': {'file': '/dev/stderr', 'level': 'WARNING'} }.iteritems(): if not self.has_section(sec_name): self.add_section(sec_name) for opt_name, value in settings.iteritems(): if not self.has_option(sec_name, opt_name): self.set(sec_name, opt_name, value) def get_section(self, section, transformers={}, default_transformer=None): transformer_map = { int: self.getint, bool: self.getboolean, float: self.getfloat, } result = self._dict() for key, value in self.items(section): transformer = None if transformers.get(key) in transformer_map: transformer = partial(transformer_map[transformers[key]], section) elif default_transformer in transformer_map: transformer = partial(transformer_map[default_transformer], section) if transformer is not None: try: value = transformer(key) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass result[key] = value return result def log_levels(self): return {key: getattr(logging, self.get('Logging', key).upper()) for key in self.options('Logging') if key not in self.LOGGING_NONLEVELS} def dispatch_classes(self): mod_name = 'arvnodeman.computenode.dispatch' if self.has_option('Daemon', 'dispatcher'): mod_name = '{}.{}'.format(mod_name, self.get('Daemon', 'dispatcher')) module = importlib.import_module(mod_name) return (module.ComputeNodeSetupActor, module.ComputeNodeShutdownActor, module.ComputeNodeUpdateActor, module.ComputeNodeMonitorActor) def new_arvados_client(self): if self.has_option('Daemon', 'certs_file'): certs_file = self.get('Daemon', 'certs_file') else: certs_file = None insecure = self.getboolean('Arvados', 'insecure') http = httplib2.Http(timeout=self.getint('Arvados', 'timeout'), ca_certs=certs_file, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=insecure) return arvados.api(version='v1', host=self.get('Arvados', 'host'), token=self.get('Arvados', 'token'), insecure=insecure, http=http) def new_cloud_client(self): module = importlib.import_module('arvnodeman.computenode.driver.' + self.get('Cloud', 'provider')) driver_class = module.ComputeNodeDriver.DEFAULT_DRIVER if self.has_option('Cloud', 'driver_class'): d = self.get('Cloud', 'driver_class').split('.') mod = '.'.join(d[:-1]) cls = d[-1] driver_class = importlib.import_module(mod).__dict__[cls] auth_kwargs = self.get_section('Cloud Credentials') if 'timeout' in auth_kwargs: auth_kwargs['timeout'] = int(auth_kwargs['timeout']) return module.ComputeNodeDriver(auth_kwargs, self.get_section('Cloud List'), self.get_section('Cloud Create'), driver_class=driver_class) def node_sizes(self): """Finds all acceptable NodeSizes for our installation. Returns a list of (NodeSize, kwargs) pairs for each NodeSize object returned by libcloud that matches a size listed in our config file. """ all_sizes = self.new_cloud_client().list_sizes() size_kwargs = {} section_types = { 'price': float, 'preemptable': bool, } for sec_name in self.sections(): sec_words = sec_name.split(None, 2) if sec_words[0] != 'Size': continue size_spec = self.get_section(sec_name, section_types, int) if 'preemptable' not in size_spec: size_spec['preemptable'] = False if 'instance_type' not in size_spec: # Assume instance type is Size name if missing size_spec['instance_type'] = sec_words[1] size_spec['id'] = sec_words[1] size_kwargs[sec_words[1]] = size_spec # EC2 node sizes are identified by id. GCE sizes are identified by name. matching_sizes = [] for size in all_sizes: matching_sizes += [ (size, size_kwargs[s]) for s in size_kwargs if size_kwargs[s]['instance_type'] == size.id or size_kwargs[s]['instance_type'] == size.name ] return matching_sizes def shutdown_windows(self): return [int(n) for n in self.get('Cloud', 'shutdown_windows').split(',')]