# Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 # Do not use this file for site configuration. Create application.yml # instead (see application.yml.example). # Below is a sample setting for diagnostics testing. # Configure workbench URL as "arvados_workbench_url" # Configure test user tokens as "user_tokens". # At this time the tests need an "active" user token. # Also, configure the pipelines to be executed as "pipelines_to_test". # For each of the pipelines identified by the name of your choice # ("pipeline_1" and "pipeline_2" in this sample), provide the following: # template_uuid: is the uuid of the template to be executed # input_paths: an array of inputs for the pipeline. Use either a collection's "uuid" # or a file's "uuid/file_name" path in this array. If the pipeline does not require # any inputs, this can be omitted. # max_wait_seconds: max time in seconds to wait for the pipeline run to complete. # Default value of 30 seconds is used when this value is not provided. diagnostics: arvados_workbench_url: https://localhost:3031 user_tokens: active: eu33jurqntstmwo05h1jr3eblmi961e802703y6657s8zb14r pipelines_to_test: pipeline_1: template_uuid: zzzzz-p5p6p-rxj8d71854j9idn input_paths: [zzzzz-4zz18-nz98douzhaa3jh2] max_wait_seconds: 10 pipeline_2: template_uuid: zzzzz-p5p6p-1xbobfobk94ppbv input_paths: [zzzzz-4zz18-nz98douzhaa3jh2, zzzzz-4zz18-gpw9o5wpcti3nib] container_requests_to_test: container_request_1: workflow_uuid: zzzzz-7fd4e-60e96shgwspt4mw input_paths: [] max_wait_seconds: 10 # Below is a sample setting for performance testing. # Configure workbench URL as "arvados_workbench_url" # Configure test user token as "user_token". performance: arvados_workbench_url: https://localhost:3031 user_token: eu33jurqntstmwo05h1jr3eblmi961e802703y6657s8zb14r development: cache_classes: false eager_load: true consider_all_requests_local: true action_controller.perform_caching: false action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors: false active_support.deprecation: :log action_dispatch.best_standards_support: :builtin assets.debug: true profiling_enabled: true production: force_ssl: true cache_classes: true eager_load: true consider_all_requests_local: false action_controller.perform_caching: true assets.compile: false assets.digest: true i18n.fallbacks: true active_support.deprecation: :notify profiling_enabled: false log_level: info test: cache_classes: true eager_load: false consider_all_requests_local: true action_controller.perform_caching: false action_dispatch.show_exceptions: false action_controller.allow_forgery_protection: false action_mailer.delivery_method: :test active_support.deprecation: :stderr profiling_enabled: true secret_key_base: <%= rand(2**256).to_s(36) %> site_name: Workbench:test # Enable user profile with one required field user_profile_form_fields: - key: organization type: text form_field_title: Institution form_field_description: Your organization required: true - key: role type: select form_field_title: Your role form_field_description: Choose the category that best describes your role in your organization. options: - Bio-informatician - Computational biologist - Biologist or geneticist - Software developer - IT - Other repository_cache: <%= File.expand_path 'tmp/git', Rails.root %> common: assets.js_compressor: false assets.css_compressor: false # Override the automatic version string. With the default value of # false, the version string is read from git-commit.version in # Rails.root (included in vendor packages) or determined by invoking # "git log". source_version: false # Override the automatic package string. With the default value of # false, the package string is read from package-build.version in # Rails.root (included in vendor packages). package_version: false # only used by tests testing_override_login_url: false