########################################################## # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0 # These are the basic parameters to configure the installation # The 5 letters name you want to give your cluster CLUSTER="fixme" # The domainname you want tou give to your cluster's hosts DOMAIN="some.domain" # When setting the cluster in a single host, you can use a single hostname # to access all the instances. When using virtualization (ie AWS), this should be # the EXTERNAL/PUBLIC hostname for the instance. # If empty, the INTERNAL HOST IP will be used HOSTNAME_EXT="" # The internal hostname for the host. In the example files, only used in the # single_host/single_hostname example HOSTNAME_INT="" # Host SSL port where you want to point your browser to access Arvados # Defaults to 443 for regular runs, and to 8443 when called in Vagrant. # You can point it to another port if desired # In Vagrant, make sure it matches what you set in the Vagrantfile (8443) CONTROLLER_EXT_SSL_PORT=443 KEEP_EXT_SSL_PORT=25101 # Both for collections and downloads KEEPWEB_EXT_SSL_PORT=9002 WEBSHELL_EXT_SSL_PORT=4202 WEBSOCKET_EXT_SSL_PORT=8002 WORKBENCH1_EXT_SSL_PORT=443 WORKBENCH2_EXT_SSL_PORT=3001 INITIAL_USER="admin" # If not specified, the initial user email will be composed as # INITIAL_USER@CLUSTER.DOMAIN INITIAL_USER_EMAIL="admin@fixme.localdomain" INITIAL_USER_PASSWORD="password" # YOU SHOULD CHANGE THESE TO SOME RANDOM STRINGS BLOB_SIGNING_KEY=blobsigningkeymushaveatleast32characters MANAGEMENT_TOKEN=managementtokenmushaveatleast32characters SYSTEM_ROOT_TOKEN=systemroottokenmushaveatleast32characters RAILS_SECRET_TOKEN=railssecrettokenmushaveatleast32characters ANONYMOUS_USER_TOKEN=anonymoususertokenmushaveatleast32characters WORKBENCH_SECRET_KEY=workbenchsecretkeymushaveatleast32characters # The directory to check for the config files (pillars, states) you want to use. # There are a few examples under 'config_examples'. If you don't change this # variable, the single_host, multiple_hostnames config will be used # CONFIG_DIR="config_examples/single_host/single_hostname" CONFIG_DIR="config_examples/single_host/multiple_hostnames" # Extra states to pply. iIf you use your own subdir, change this value accordingly EXTRA_STATES_DIR="${F_DIR}/arvados-formula/test/salt/states/examples/single_host" # When using the single_host/single_hostname example, change to this one # EXTRA_STATES_DIR="${CONFIG_DIR}/states" # Which release of Arvados repo you want to use RELEASE="production" # Which version of Arvados you want to install. Defaults to 'latest' # in the desired repo VERSION="latest" # This is an arvados-formula setting. # If branch is set, the script will switch to it before running salt # Usually not needed, only used for testing BRANCH="master" ########################################################## # Usually there's no need to modify things below this line # Formulas versions ARVADOS_TAG="v1.1.4" POSTGRES_TAG="v0.41.3" NGINX_TAG="v2.4.0" DOCKER_TAG="v1.0.0" LOCALE_TAG="v0.3.4"