// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 import { Dispatch } from "redux"; import { setBreadcrumbs } from "~/store/breadcrumbs/breadcrumbs-actions"; import { RootState } from "~/store/store"; import { ServiceRepository } from "~/services/services"; import Axios from "axios"; import { getUserFullname, User } from "~/models/user"; import { authActions } from "~/store/auth/auth-action"; import { Config, ClusterConfigJSON, CLUSTER_CONFIG_PATH, DISCOVERY_DOC_PATH, ARVADOS_API_PATH } from "~/common/config"; import { normalizeURLPath } from "~/common/url"; import { Session, SessionStatus } from "~/models/session"; import { progressIndicatorActions } from "~/store/progress-indicator/progress-indicator-actions"; import { AuthService, UserDetailsResponse } from "~/services/auth-service/auth-service"; import { snackbarActions, SnackbarKind } from "~/store/snackbar/snackbar-actions"; import * as jsSHA from "jssha"; const getClusterInfo = async (origin: string): Promise<{ clusterId: string, baseUrl: string } | null> => { // Try the new public config endpoint try { const config = (await Axios.get(`${origin}/${CLUSTER_CONFIG_PATH}`)).data; return { clusterId: config.ClusterID, baseUrl: normalizeURLPath(`${config.Services.Controller.ExternalURL}/${ARVADOS_API_PATH}`) }; } catch { } // Fall back to discovery document try { const config = (await Axios.get(`${origin}/${DISCOVERY_DOC_PATH}`)).data; return { clusterId: config.uuidPrefix, baseUrl: normalizeURLPath(config.baseUrl) }; } catch { } return null; }; interface RemoteHostInfo { clusterId: string; baseUrl: string; } const getRemoteHostInfo = async (remoteHost: string): Promise => { let url = remoteHost; if (url.indexOf('://') < 0) { url = 'https://' + url; } const origin = new URL(url).origin; // Maybe it is an API server URL, try fetching config and discovery doc let r = getClusterInfo(origin); if (r !== null) { return r; } // Maybe it is a Workbench2 URL, try getting config.json try { r = getClusterInfo((await Axios.get(`${origin}/config.json`)).data.API_HOST); if (r !== null) { return r; } } catch { } // Maybe it is a Workbench1 URL, try getting status.json try { r = getClusterInfo((await Axios.get(`${origin}/status.json`)).data.apiBaseURL); if (r !== null) { return r; } } catch { } return null; }; const getUserDetails = async (baseUrl: string, token: string): Promise => { const resp = await Axios.get(`${baseUrl}/users/current`, { headers: { Authorization: `OAuth2 ${token}` } }); return resp.data; }; const invalidV2Token = "Must be a v2 token"; export const getSaltedToken = (clusterId: string, token: string) => { const shaObj = new jsSHA("SHA-1", "TEXT"); const [ver, uuid, secret] = token.split("/"); if (ver !== "v2") { throw new Error(invalidV2Token); } let salted = secret; if (uuid.substr(0, 5) !== clusterId) { shaObj.setHMACKey(secret, "TEXT"); shaObj.update(clusterId); salted = shaObj.getHMAC("HEX"); } return `v2/${uuid}/${salted}`; }; export const getActiveSession = (sessions: Session[]): Session | undefined => sessions.find(s => s.active); export const validateCluster = async (info: RemoteHostInfo, useToken: string): Promise<{ user: User; token: string }> => { const saltedToken = getSaltedToken(info.clusterId, useToken); const user = await getUserDetails(info.baseUrl, saltedToken); return { user: { firstName: user.first_name, lastName: user.last_name, uuid: user.uuid, ownerUuid: user.owner_uuid, email: user.email, isAdmin: user.is_admin, isActive: user.is_active, username: user.username, prefs: user.prefs }, token: saltedToken, }; }; export const validateSession = (session: Session, activeSession: Session) => async (dispatch: Dispatch): Promise => { dispatch(authActions.UPDATE_SESSION({ ...session, status: SessionStatus.BEING_VALIDATED })); session.loggedIn = false; const setupSession = (baseUrl: string, user: User, token: string) => { session.baseUrl = baseUrl; session.token = token; session.email = user.email; session.uuid = user.uuid; session.name = getUserFullname(user); session.loggedIn = true; }; let fail: Error | null = null; const info = await getRemoteHostInfo(session.remoteHost); if (info !== null) { try { const { user, token } = await validateCluster(info, session.token); setupSession(info.baseUrl, user, token); } catch (e) { fail = new Error(`Getting current user for ${session.remoteHost}: ${e.message}`); try { const { user, token } = await validateCluster(info, activeSession.token); setupSession(info.baseUrl, user, token); fail = null; } catch (e2) { if (e.message === invalidV2Token) { fail = new Error(`Getting current user for ${session.remoteHost}: ${e2.message}`); } } } } else { fail = new Error(`Could not get config for ${session.remoteHost}`); } session.status = SessionStatus.VALIDATED; dispatch(authActions.UPDATE_SESSION(session)); if (fail) { throw fail; } return session; }; export const validateSessions = () => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { const sessions = getState().auth.sessions; const activeSession = getActiveSession(sessions); if (activeSession) { dispatch(progressIndicatorActions.START_WORKING("sessionsValidation")); for (const session of sessions) { if (session.status === SessionStatus.INVALIDATED) { try { /* Here we are dispatching a function, not an action. This is legal (it calls the function with a 'Dispatch' object as the first parameter) but the typescript annotations don't understand this case, so we get an error from typescript unless override it using Dispatch. This pattern is used in a bunch of different places in Workbench2. */ await dispatch(validateSession(session, activeSession)); } catch (e) { dispatch(snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({ message: e.message, kind: SnackbarKind.ERROR })); } } } services.authService.saveSessions(sessions); dispatch(progressIndicatorActions.STOP_WORKING("sessionsValidation")); } }; export const addSession = (remoteHost: string, token?: string, sendToLogin?: boolean) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { const sessions = getState().auth.sessions; const activeSession = getActiveSession(sessions); let useToken: string | null = null; if (token) { useToken = token; } else if (activeSession) { useToken = activeSession.token; } if (useToken) { const info = await getRemoteHostInfo(remoteHost); if (!info) { dispatch(snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({ message: `Could not get config for ${remoteHost}`, kind: SnackbarKind.ERROR })); return; } try { const { user, token } = await validateCluster(info, useToken); const session = { loggedIn: true, status: SessionStatus.VALIDATED, active: false, email: user.email, name: getUserFullname(user), uuid: user.uuid, baseUrl: info.baseUrl, clusterId: info.clusterId, remoteHost, token }; if (sessions.find(s => s.clusterId === info.clusterId)) { dispatch(authActions.UPDATE_SESSION(session)); } else { dispatch(authActions.ADD_SESSION(session)); } services.authService.saveSessions(getState().auth.sessions); return session; } catch { if (sendToLogin) { const rootUrl = new URL(info.baseUrl); rootUrl.pathname = ""; window.location.href = `${rootUrl.toString()}/login?return_to=` + encodeURI(`${window.location.protocol}//${window.location.host}/add-session?baseURL=` + encodeURI(rootUrl.toString())); return; } } } return Promise.reject(new Error("Could not validate cluster")); }; export const removeSession = (clusterId: string) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { await dispatch(authActions.REMOVE_SESSION(clusterId)); services.authService.saveSessions(getState().auth.sessions); }; export const toggleSession = (session: Session) => async (dispatch: Dispatch, getState: () => RootState, services: ServiceRepository) => { const s: Session = { ...session }; if (session.loggedIn) { s.loggedIn = false; dispatch(authActions.UPDATE_SESSION(s)); } else { const sessions = getState().auth.sessions; const activeSession = getActiveSession(sessions); if (activeSession) { try { await dispatch(validateSession(s, activeSession)); } catch (e) { dispatch(snackbarActions.OPEN_SNACKBAR({ message: e.message, kind: SnackbarKind.ERROR })); s.loggedIn = false; dispatch(authActions.UPDATE_SESSION(s)); } } } services.authService.saveSessions(getState().auth.sessions); }; export const initSessions = (authService: AuthService, config: Config, user: User) => (dispatch: Dispatch) => { const sessions = authService.buildSessions(config, user); authService.saveSessions(sessions); dispatch(authActions.SET_SESSIONS(sessions)); dispatch(validateSessions()); }; export const loadSiteManagerPanel = () => async (dispatch: Dispatch) => { try { dispatch(setBreadcrumbs([{ label: 'Site Manager' }])); dispatch(validateSessions()); } catch (e) { return; } };