--- layout: default navsection: userguide title: "Crunch examples" navorder: 30 --- h1. Crunch examples Several crunch scripts are included with Arvados in the @/crunch_scripts@ directory. They are intended to provide examples and starting points for writing your own scripts. h4. bwa-aln Run the bwa aligner on a set of paired-end fastq files, producing a BAM file for each pair. h4. bwa-index Generate an index of a fasta reference genome suitable for use by bwa-aln. h4. picard-gatk2-prep Using the FixMateInformation, SortSam, ReorderSam, AddOrReplaceReadGroups, and BuildBamIndex modules from picard, prepare a BAM file for use with the GATK2 tools. Additionally, run picard's CollectAlignmentSummaryMetrics module to produce a @*.casm.tsv@ statistics file for each BAM file. h4. GATK2-bqsr Run GATK's BaseQualityScoreRecalibration module on a set of BAM files. h4. GATK2-merge-call Merge a set of BAM files using picard, and run GATK's UnifiedGenotyper module on the merged set to produce a VCF file. h4. GATK2-realign Run GATK's RealignerTargetCreator and IndelRealigner modules on a set of BAM files.