#!/usr/bin/env python import logging logger = logging.getLogger('run-command') log_handler = logging.StreamHandler() log_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("run-command: %(message)s")) logger.addHandler(log_handler) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) import arvados import re import os import subprocess import sys import shutil import crunchutil.subst as subst import time import arvados.commands.put as put import signal import stat import copy import traceback import pprint import multiprocessing import crunchutil.robust_put as robust_put import crunchutil.vwd as vwd import argparse import json import tempfile import errno parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--script-parameters', type=str, default="{}") args = parser.parse_args() os.umask(0077) if not args.dry_run: api = arvados.api('v1') t = arvados.current_task().tmpdir os.chdir(arvados.current_task().tmpdir) os.mkdir("tmpdir") os.mkdir("output") os.chdir("output") outdir = os.getcwd() taskp = None jobp = arvados.current_job()['script_parameters'] if len(arvados.current_task()['parameters']) > 0: taskp = arvados.current_task()['parameters'] else: outdir = "/tmp" jobp = json.loads(args.script_parameters) os.environ['JOB_UUID'] = 'zzzzz-8i9sb-1234567890abcde' os.environ['TASK_UUID'] = 'zzzzz-ot0gb-1234567890abcde' os.environ['CRUNCH_SRC'] = '/tmp/crunche-src' if 'TASK_KEEPMOUNT' not in os.environ: os.environ['TASK_KEEPMOUNT'] = '/keep' links = [] def sub_tmpdir(v): return os.path.join(arvados.current_task().tmpdir, 'tmpdir') def sub_outdir(v): return outdir def sub_cores(v): return str(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) def sub_jobid(v): return os.environ['JOB_UUID'] def sub_taskid(v): return os.environ['TASK_UUID'] def sub_jobsrc(v): return os.environ['CRUNCH_SRC'] subst.default_subs["task.tmpdir"] = sub_tmpdir subst.default_subs["task.outdir"] = sub_outdir subst.default_subs["job.srcdir"] = sub_jobsrc subst.default_subs["node.cores"] = sub_cores subst.default_subs["job.uuid"] = sub_jobid subst.default_subs["task.uuid"] = sub_taskid class SigHandler(object): def __init__(self): self.sig = None def send_signal(self, subprocesses, signum): for sp in subprocesses: sp.send_signal(signum) self.sig = signum def add_to_group(gr, match): m = match.groups() if m not in gr: gr[m] = [] gr[m].append(match.group(0)) def expand_item(p, c): if isinstance(c, dict): if "foreach" in c and "command" in c: var = c["foreach"] items = get_items(p, p[var]) r = [] for i in items: params = copy.copy(p) params[var] = i r.extend(expand_list(params, c["command"])) return r if "list" in c and "index" in c and "command" in c: var = c["list"] items = get_items(p, p[var]) params = copy.copy(p) params[var] = items[int(c["index"])] return expand_list(params, c["command"]) if "regex" in c: pattern = re.compile(c["regex"]) if "filter" in c: items = get_items(p, p[c["filter"]]) return [i for i in items if pattern.match(i)] elif "group" in c: items = get_items(p, p[c["group"]]) groups = {} for i in items: match = pattern.match(i) if match: add_to_group(groups, match) return [groups[k] for k in groups] elif "extract" in c: items = get_items(p, p[c["extract"]]) r = [] for i in items: match = pattern.match(i) if match: r.append(list(match.groups())) return r elif isinstance(c, list): return expand_list(p, c) elif isinstance(c, basestring): return [subst.do_substitution(p, c)] return [] def expand_list(p, l): if isinstance(l, basestring): return expand_item(p, l) else: return [exp for arg in l for exp in expand_item(p, arg)] def get_items(p, value): if isinstance(value, dict): return expand_item(p, value) if isinstance(value, list): return expand_list(p, value) fn = subst.do_substitution(p, value) mode = os.stat(fn).st_mode prefix = fn[len(os.environ['TASK_KEEPMOUNT'])+1:] if mode is not None: if stat.S_ISDIR(mode): items = [os.path.join(fn, l) for l in os.listdir(fn)] elif stat.S_ISREG(mode): with open(fn) as f: items = [line.rstrip("\r\n") for line in f] return items else: return None stdoutname = None stdoutfile = None stdinname = None stdinfile = None rcode = 1 def recursive_foreach(params, fvars): var = fvars[0] fvars = fvars[1:] items = get_items(params, params[var]) logger.info("parallelizing on %s with items %s" % (var, items)) if items is not None: for i in items: params = copy.copy(params) params[var] = i if len(fvars) > 0: recursive_foreach(params, fvars) else: if not args.dry_run: arvados.api().job_tasks().create(body={ 'job_uuid': arvados.current_job()['uuid'], 'created_by_job_task_uuid': arvados.current_task()['uuid'], 'sequence': 1, 'parameters': params }).execute() else: logger.info(expand_list(params, params["command"])) else: logger.error("parameter %s with value %s in task.foreach yielded no items" % (var, params[var])) sys.exit(1) try: if "task.foreach" in jobp: if args.dry_run or arvados.current_task()['sequence'] == 0: # This is the first task to start the other tasks and exit fvars = jobp["task.foreach"] if isinstance(fvars, basestring): fvars = [fvars] if not isinstance(fvars, list) or len(fvars) == 0: logger.error("value of task.foreach must be a string or non-empty list") sys.exit(1) recursive_foreach(jobp, jobp["task.foreach"]) if not args.dry_run: if "task.vwd" in jobp: # Set output of the first task to the base vwd collection so it # will be merged with output fragments from the other tasks by # crunch. arvados.current_task().set_output(subst.do_substitution(jobp, jobp["task.vwd"])) else: arvados.current_task().set_output(None) sys.exit(0) else: # This is the only task so taskp/jobp are the same taskp = jobp if not args.dry_run: if "task.vwd" in taskp: # Populate output directory with symlinks to files in collection vwd.checkout(subst.do_substitution(taskp, taskp["task.vwd"]), outdir) if "task.cwd" in taskp: os.chdir(subst.do_substitution(taskp, taskp["task.cwd"])) cmd = [] if isinstance(taskp["command"][0], list): for c in taskp["command"]: cmd.append(expand_list(taskp, c)) else: cmd.append(expand_list(taskp, taskp["command"])) if "task.stdin" in taskp: stdinname = subst.do_substitution(taskp, taskp["task.stdin"]) if not args.dry_run: stdinfile = open(stdinname, "rb") if "task.stdout" in taskp: stdoutname = subst.do_substitution(taskp, taskp["task.stdout"]) if not args.dry_run: stdoutfile = open(stdoutname, "wb") logger.info("{}{}{}".format(' | '.join([' '.join(c) for c in cmd]), (" < " + stdinname) if stdinname is not None else "", (" > " + stdoutname) if stdoutname is not None else "")) if args.dry_run: sys.exit(0) except subst.SubstitutionError as e: logger.error(str(e)) logger.error("task parameters were:") logger.error(pprint.pformat(taskp)) sys.exit(1) except Exception as e: logger.exception("caught exception") logger.error("task parameters were:") logger.error(pprint.pformat(taskp)) sys.exit(1) try: subprocesses = [] close_streams = [] if stdinfile: close_streams.append(stdinfile) next_stdin = stdinfile for i in xrange(len(cmd)): if i == len(cmd)-1: # this is the last command in the pipeline, so its stdout should go to stdoutfile next_stdout = stdoutfile else: # this is an intermediate command in the pipeline, so its stdout should go to a pipe next_stdout = subprocess.PIPE sp = subprocess.Popen(cmd[i], shell=False, stdin=next_stdin, stdout=next_stdout) # Need to close the FDs on our side so that subcommands will get SIGPIPE if the # consuming process ends prematurely. if sp.stdout: close_streams.append(sp.stdout) # Send this processes's stdout to to the next process's stdin next_stdin = sp.stdout subprocesses.append(sp) # File descriptors have been handed off to the subprocesses, so close them here. for s in close_streams: s.close() # Set up signal handling sig = SigHandler() # Forward terminate signals to the subprocesses. signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda signum, frame: sig.send_signal(subprocesses, signum)) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, lambda signum, frame: sig.send_signal(subprocesses, signum)) signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, lambda signum, frame: sig.send_signal(subprocesses, signum)) active = 1 while active > 0: try: os.waitpid(0, 0) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ECHILD: # child already exited print "got ECHILD" pass else: raise active = sum([1 if s.poll() is None else 0 for s in subprocesses]) print "active is %i" % active # wait for process to complete. rcode = subprocesses[len(subprocesses)-1].returncode if sig.sig is not None: logger.critical("terminating on signal %s" % sig.sig) sys.exit(2) else: logger.info("completed with exit code %i (%s)" % (rcode, "success" if rcode == 0 else "failed")) except Exception as e: logger.exception("caught exception") # restore default signal handlers. signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_DFL) signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, signal.SIG_DFL) for l in links: os.unlink(l) logger.info("the following output files will be saved to keep:") subprocess.call(["find", ".", "-type", "f", "-printf", "run-command: %12.12s %h/%f\\n"], stdout=sys.stderr) logger.info("start writing output to keep") if "task.vwd" in taskp: if "task.foreach" in jobp: # This is a subtask, so don't merge with the original collection, that will happen at the end outcollection = vwd.checkin(subst.do_substitution(taskp, taskp["task.vwd"]), outdir, merge=False).manifest_text() else: # Just a single task, so do merge with the original collection outcollection = vwd.checkin(subst.do_substitution(taskp, taskp["task.vwd"]), outdir, merge=True).manifest_text() else: outcollection = robust_put.upload(outdir, logger) api.job_tasks().update(uuid=arvados.current_task()['uuid'], body={ 'output': outcollection, 'success': (rcode == 0), 'progress':1.0 }).execute() sys.exit(rcode)