# Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 source("./R/util.R") #' Subcollection #' #' Subcollection class represents a folder inside Arvados collection. #' It is essentially a composite of arvadosFiles and other subcollections. #' #' @section Usage: #' \preformatted{subcollection = Subcollection$new(name)} #' #' @section Arguments: #' \describe{ #' \item{name}{Name of the subcollection.} #' } #' #' @section Methods: #' \describe{ #' \item{getName()}{Returns name of the subcollection.} #' \item{getRelativePath()}{Returns subcollection path relative to the root.} #' \item{add(content)}{Adds ArvadosFile or Subcollection specified by content to the subcollection.} #' \item{remove(name)}{Removes ArvadosFile or Subcollection specified by name from the subcollection.} #' \item{get(relativePath)}{If relativePath is valid, returns ArvadosFile or Subcollection specified by relativePath, else returns NULL.} #' \item{getFileListing()}{Returns subcollections file content as character vector.} #' \item{getSizeInBytes()}{Returns subcollections content size in bytes.} #' \item{move(destination)}{Moves subcollection to a new location inside collection.} #' \item{copy(destination)}{Copies subcollection to a new location inside collection.} #' } #' #' @name Subcollection #' @examples #' \dontrun{ #' myFolder <- Subcollection$new("myFolder") #' myFile <- ArvadosFile$new("myFile") #' #' myFolder$add(myFile) #' myFolder$get("myFile") #' myFolder$remove("myFile") #' #' myFolder$move("newLocation/myFolder") #' myFolder$copy("newLocation/myFolder") #' } NULL #' @export Subcollection <- R6::R6Class( "Subcollection", public = list( initialize = function(name) { private$name <- name }, getName = function() private$name, getRelativePath = function() { relativePath <- c(private$name) parent <- private$parent while(!is.null(parent)) { relativePath <- c(parent$getName(), relativePath) parent <- parent$getParent() } relativePath <- relativePath[relativePath != ""] paste0(relativePath, collapse = "/") }, add = function(content) { if("ArvadosFile" %in% class(content) || "Subcollection" %in% class(content)) { if(!is.null(content$getCollection())) stop("Content already belongs to a collection.") if(content$getName() == "") stop("Content has invalid name.") childWithSameName <- self$get(content$getName()) if(!is.null(childWithSameName)) stop(paste("Subcollection already contains ArvadosFile", "or Subcollection with same name.")) if(!is.null(private$collection)) { if(self$getRelativePath() != "") contentPath <- paste0(self$getRelativePath(), "/", content$getFileListing()) else contentPath <- content$getFileListing() REST <- private$collection$getRESTService() REST$create(contentPath, private$collection$uuid) content$setCollection(private$collection) } private$children <- c(private$children, content) content$setParent(self) "Content added successfully." } else { stop(paste0("Expected AravodsFile or Subcollection object, got ", paste0("(", paste0(class(content), collapse = ", "), ")"), ".")) } }, remove = function(name) { if(is.character(name)) { child <- self$get(name) if(is.null(child)) stop(paste("Subcollection doesn't contains ArvadosFile", "or Subcollection with specified name.")) if(!is.null(private$collection)) { REST <- private$collection$getRESTService() REST$delete(child$getRelativePath(), private$collection$uuid) child$setCollection(NULL) } private$removeChild(name) child$setParent(NULL) "Content removed" } else { stop(paste0("Expected character, got ", paste0("(", paste0(class(name), collapse = ", "), ")"), ".")) } }, getFileListing = function(fullPath = TRUE) { content <- private$getContentAsCharVector(fullPath) content[order(tolower(content))] }, getSizeInBytes = function() { if(is.null(private$collection)) return(0) REST <- private$collection$getRESTService() fileSizes <- REST$getResourceSize(paste0(self$getRelativePath(), "/"), private$collection$uuid) return(sum(fileSizes)) }, move = function(destination) { if(is.null(private$collection)) stop("Subcollection doesn't belong to any collection.") destination <- trimFromEnd(destination, "/") nameAndPath <- splitToPathAndName(destination) newParent <- private$collection$get(nameAndPath$path) if(is.null(newParent)) stop("Unable to get destination subcollection.") childWithSameName <- newParent$get(nameAndPath$name) if(!is.null(childWithSameName)) stop("Destination already contains content with same name.") REST <- private$collection$getRESTService() REST$move(self$getRelativePath(), paste0(newParent$getRelativePath(), "/", nameAndPath$name), private$collection$uuid) private$dettachFromCurrentParent() private$attachToNewParent(self, newParent) private$parent <- newParent private$name <- nameAndPath$name self }, copy = function(destination) { if(is.null(private$collection)) stop("Subcollection doesn't belong to any collection.") destination <- trimFromEnd(destination, "/") nameAndPath <- splitToPathAndName(destination) newParent <- private$collection$get(nameAndPath$path) if(is.null(newParent) || !("Subcollection" %in% class(newParent))) stop("Unable to get destination subcollection.") childWithSameName <- newParent$get(nameAndPath$name) if(!is.null(childWithSameName)) stop("Destination already contains content with same name.") REST <- private$collection$getRESTService() REST$copy(self$getRelativePath(), paste0(newParent$getRelativePath(), "/", nameAndPath$name), private$collection$uuid) newContent <- self$duplicate(nameAndPath$name) newContent$setCollection(self$getCollection(), setRecursively = TRUE) newContent$setParent(newParent) private$attachToNewParent(newContent, newParent) newContent }, duplicate = function(newName = NULL) { name <- if(!is.null(newName)) newName else private$name root <- Subcollection$new(name) for(child in private$children) root$add(child$duplicate()) root }, get = function(name) { for(child in private$children) { if(child$getName() == name) return(child) } return(NULL) }, getFirst = function() { if(length(private$children) == 0) return(NULL) private$children[[1]] }, setCollection = function(collection, setRecursively = TRUE) { private$collection = collection if(setRecursively) { for(child in private$children) child$setCollection(collection) } }, getCollection = function() private$collection, getParent = function() private$parent, setParent = function(newParent) private$parent <- newParent ), private = list( name = NULL, children = NULL, parent = NULL, collection = NULL, removeChild = function(name) { numberOfChildren = length(private$children) if(numberOfChildren > 0) { for(childIndex in 1:numberOfChildren) { if(private$children[[childIndex]]$getName() == name) { private$children = private$children[-childIndex] return() } } } }, attachToNewParent = function(content, newParent) { # We temporary set parents collection to NULL. This will ensure that # add method doesn't post this subcollection to REST. # We also need to set content's collection to NULL because # add method throws exception if we try to add content that already # belongs to a collection. parentsCollection <- newParent$getCollection() content$setCollection(NULL, setRecursively = FALSE) newParent$setCollection(NULL, setRecursively = FALSE) newParent$add(content) content$setCollection(parentsCollection, setRecursively = FALSE) newParent$setCollection(parentsCollection, setRecursively = FALSE) }, dettachFromCurrentParent = function() { # We temporary set parents collection to NULL. This will ensure that # remove method doesn't remove this subcollection from REST. parent <- private$parent parentsCollection <- parent$getCollection() parent$setCollection(NULL, setRecursively = FALSE) parent$remove(private$name) parent$setCollection(parentsCollection, setRecursively = FALSE) }, getContentAsCharVector = function(fullPath = TRUE) { content <- NULL if(fullPath) { for(child in private$children) content <- c(content, child$getFileListing()) if(private$name != "") content <- unlist(paste0(private$name, "/", content)) } else { for(child in private$children) content <- c(content, child$getName()) } content } ), cloneable = FALSE ) #' print.Subcollection #' #' Custom print function for Subcollection class #' #' @param x Instance of Subcollection class #' @param ... Optional arguments. #' @export print.Subcollection = function(x, ...) { collection <- NULL relativePath <- x$getRelativePath() if(!is.null(x$getCollection())) { collection <- x$getCollection()$uuid if(!x$getName() == "") relativePath <- paste0("/", relativePath) } cat(paste0("Type: ", "\"", "Arvados Subcollection", "\""), sep = "\n") cat(paste0("Name: ", "\"", x$getName(), "\""), sep = "\n") cat(paste0("Relative path: ", "\"", relativePath, "\""), sep = "\n") cat(paste0("Collection: ", "\"", collection, "\""), sep = "\n") }