// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 package main import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "regexp" "strings" "testing" "git.arvados.org/arvados.git/sdk/go/arvados" . "gopkg.in/check.v1" ) // Gocheck boilerplate func Test(t *testing.T) { TestingT(t) } type TestSuite struct { cfg *ConfigParams ac *arvados.Client users map[string]arvados.User } func (s *TestSuite) SetUpTest(c *C) { s.ac = arvados.NewClientFromEnv() u, err := s.ac.CurrentUser() c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Assert(u.IsAdmin, Equals, true) s.users = make(map[string]arvados.User) ul := arvados.UserList{} s.ac.RequestAndDecode(&ul, "GET", "/arvados/v1/users", nil, arvados.ResourceListParams{}) c.Assert(ul.ItemsAvailable, Not(Equals), 0) s.users = make(map[string]arvados.User) for _, u := range ul.Items { s.users[u.UUID] = u } // Set up command config os.Args = []string{"cmd", "somefile.csv"} config, err := GetConfig() c.Assert(err, IsNil) s.cfg = &config } func (s *TestSuite) TearDownTest(c *C) { var dst interface{} // Reset database to fixture state after every test run. err := s.cfg.Client.RequestAndDecode(&dst, "POST", "/database/reset", nil, nil) c.Assert(err, IsNil) } var _ = Suite(&TestSuite{}) // MakeTempCSVFile creates a temp file with data as comma separated values func MakeTempCSVFile(data [][]string) (f *os.File, err error) { f, err = ioutil.TempFile("", "test_sync_users") if err != nil { return } for _, line := range data { fmt.Fprintf(f, "%s\n", strings.Join(line, ",")) } err = f.Close() return } // RecordsToStrings formats the input data suitable for MakeTempCSVFile func RecordsToStrings(records []userRecord) [][]string { data := [][]string{} for _, u := range records { data = append(data, []string{ u.UserID, u.FirstName, u.LastName, fmt.Sprintf("%t", u.Active), fmt.Sprintf("%t", u.Admin)}) } return data } func ListUsers(ac *arvados.Client) ([]arvados.User, error) { var ul arvados.UserList err := ac.RequestAndDecode(&ul, "GET", "/arvados/v1/users", nil, arvados.ResourceListParams{}) if err != nil { return nil, err } return ul.Items, nil } func (s *TestSuite) TestParseFlagsWithoutPositionalArgument(c *C) { os.Args = []string{"cmd", "-verbose"} err := ParseFlags(&ConfigParams{}) c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, ".*please provide a path to an input file.*") } func (s *TestSuite) TestParseFlagsWrongUserID(c *C) { os.Args = []string{"cmd", "-user-id", "nickname", "/tmp/somefile.csv"} err := ParseFlags(&ConfigParams{}) c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, ".*user ID must be one of:.*") } func (s *TestSuite) TestParseFlagsWithPositionalArgument(c *C) { cfg := ConfigParams{} os.Args = []string{"cmd", "/tmp/somefile.csv"} err := ParseFlags(&cfg) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Assert(cfg.Path, Equals, "/tmp/somefile.csv") c.Assert(cfg.Verbose, Equals, false) c.Assert(cfg.DeactivateUnlisted, Equals, false) c.Assert(cfg.UserID, Equals, "email") c.Assert(cfg.CaseInsensitive, Equals, true) } func (s *TestSuite) TestParseFlagsWithOptionalFlags(c *C) { cfg := ConfigParams{} os.Args = []string{"cmd", "-verbose", "-deactivate-unlisted", "-user-id", "username", "/tmp/somefile.csv"} err := ParseFlags(&cfg) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Assert(cfg.Path, Equals, "/tmp/somefile.csv") c.Assert(cfg.Verbose, Equals, true) c.Assert(cfg.DeactivateUnlisted, Equals, true) c.Assert(cfg.UserID, Equals, "username") c.Assert(cfg.CaseInsensitive, Equals, false) } func (s *TestSuite) TestGetConfig(c *C) { os.Args = []string{"cmd", "/tmp/somefile.csv"} cfg, err := GetConfig() c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Assert(cfg.AnonUserUUID, Not(Equals), "") c.Assert(cfg.SysUserUUID, Not(Equals), "") c.Assert(cfg.CurrentUser, Not(Equals), "") c.Assert(cfg.ClusterID, Not(Equals), "") c.Assert(cfg.Client, NotNil) } func (s *TestSuite) TestFailOnEmptyFields(c *C) { records := [][]string{ {"", "first-name", "last-name", "1", "0"}, {"user@example", "", "last-name", "1", "0"}, {"user@example", "first-name", "", "1", "0"}, {"user@example", "first-name", "last-name", "", "0"}, {"user@example", "first-name", "last-name", "1", ""}, } for _, record := range records { data := [][]string{record} tmpfile, err := MakeTempCSVFile(data) c.Assert(err, IsNil) defer os.Remove(tmpfile.Name()) s.cfg.Path = tmpfile.Name() err = doMain(s.cfg) c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, ".*fields cannot be empty.*") } } func (s *TestSuite) TestIgnoreSpaces(c *C) { // Make sure users aren't already there from fixtures for _, user := range s.users { e := user.Email found := e == "user1@example.com" || e == "user2@example.com" || e == "user3@example.com" c.Assert(found, Equals, false) } // Use CSV data with leading/trailing whitespaces, confirm that they get ignored data := [][]string{ {" user1@example.com", " Example", " User1", "1", "0"}, {"user2@example.com ", "Example ", "User2 ", "1", "0"}, {" user3@example.com ", " Example ", " User3 ", "1", "0"}, } tmpfile, err := MakeTempCSVFile(data) c.Assert(err, IsNil) defer os.Remove(tmpfile.Name()) s.cfg.Path = tmpfile.Name() err = doMain(s.cfg) c.Assert(err, IsNil) users, err := ListUsers(s.cfg.Client) c.Assert(err, IsNil) for _, userNr := range []int{1, 2, 3} { found := false for _, user := range users { if user.Email == fmt.Sprintf("user%d@example.com", userNr) && user.LastName == fmt.Sprintf("User%d", userNr) && user.FirstName == "Example" && user.IsActive == true { found = true break } } c.Assert(found, Equals, true) } } // Error out when records have != 5 records func (s *TestSuite) TestWrongNumberOfFields(c *C) { for _, testCase := range [][][]string{ {{"user1@example.com", "Example", "User1", "1"}}, {{"user1@example.com", "Example", "User1", "1", "0", "extra data"}}, } { tmpfile, err := MakeTempCSVFile(testCase) c.Assert(err, IsNil) defer os.Remove(tmpfile.Name()) s.cfg.Path = tmpfile.Name() err = doMain(s.cfg) c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, ".*expected 5 fields, found.*") } } // Error out when records have incorrect data types func (s *TestSuite) TestWrongDataFields(c *C) { for _, testCase := range [][][]string{ {{"user1@example.com", "Example", "User1", "yep", "0"}}, {{"user1@example.com", "Example", "User1", "1", "nope"}}, } { tmpfile, err := MakeTempCSVFile(testCase) c.Assert(err, IsNil) defer os.Remove(tmpfile.Name()) s.cfg.Path = tmpfile.Name() err = doMain(s.cfg) c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, ".*parsing error at line.*[active|admin] status not recognized.*") } } // Create, activate and deactivate users func (s *TestSuite) TestUserCreationAndUpdate(c *C) { for _, tc := range []string{"email", "username"} { uIDPrefix := tc uIDSuffix := "" if tc == "email" { uIDSuffix = "@example.com" } s.cfg.UserID = tc records := []userRecord{{ UserID: fmt.Sprintf("%suser1%s", uIDPrefix, uIDSuffix), FirstName: "Example", LastName: "User1", Active: true, Admin: false, }, { UserID: fmt.Sprintf("%suser2%s", uIDPrefix, uIDSuffix), FirstName: "Example", LastName: "User2", Active: false, // initially inactive Admin: false, }, { UserID: fmt.Sprintf("%sadmin1%s", uIDPrefix, uIDSuffix), FirstName: "Example", LastName: "Admin1", Active: true, Admin: true, }, { UserID: fmt.Sprintf("%sadmin2%s", uIDPrefix, uIDSuffix), FirstName: "Example", LastName: "Admin2", Active: false, // initially inactive Admin: true, }} // Make sure users aren't already there from fixtures for _, user := range s.users { uID, err := GetUserID(user, s.cfg.UserID) c.Assert(err, IsNil) found := false for _, r := range records { if uID == r.UserID { found = true break } } c.Assert(found, Equals, false) } // User creation tmpfile, err := MakeTempCSVFile(RecordsToStrings(records)) c.Assert(err, IsNil) defer os.Remove(tmpfile.Name()) s.cfg.Path = tmpfile.Name() err = doMain(s.cfg) c.Assert(err, IsNil) users, err := ListUsers(s.cfg.Client) c.Assert(err, IsNil) for _, r := range records { var foundUser arvados.User for _, user := range users { uID, err := GetUserID(user, s.cfg.UserID) c.Assert(err, IsNil) if uID == r.UserID { // Add an @example.com email if missing // (to avoid database reset errors) if tc == "username" && user.Email == "" { err := UpdateUser(s.cfg.Client, user.UUID, &user, map[string]string{ "email": fmt.Sprintf("%s@example.com", user.Username), }) c.Assert(err, IsNil) } foundUser = user break } } c.Assert(foundUser, NotNil) c.Logf("Checking creation for user %q", r.UserID) c.Assert(foundUser.FirstName, Equals, r.FirstName) c.Assert(foundUser.LastName, Equals, r.LastName) c.Assert(foundUser.IsActive, Equals, r.Active) c.Assert(foundUser.IsAdmin, Equals, (r.Active && r.Admin)) } // User update for idx := range records { records[idx].Active = !records[idx].Active records[idx].FirstName = records[idx].FirstName + "Updated" records[idx].LastName = records[idx].LastName + "Updated" } tmpfile, err = MakeTempCSVFile(RecordsToStrings(records)) c.Assert(err, IsNil) defer os.Remove(tmpfile.Name()) s.cfg.Path = tmpfile.Name() err = doMain(s.cfg) c.Assert(err, IsNil) users, err = ListUsers(s.cfg.Client) c.Assert(err, IsNil) for _, r := range records { var foundUser arvados.User for _, user := range users { uID, err := GetUserID(user, s.cfg.UserID) c.Assert(err, IsNil) if uID == r.UserID { foundUser = user break } } c.Assert(foundUser, NotNil) c.Logf("Checking update for user %q", r.UserID) c.Assert(foundUser.FirstName, Equals, r.FirstName) c.Assert(foundUser.LastName, Equals, r.LastName) c.Assert(foundUser.IsActive, Equals, r.Active) c.Assert(foundUser.IsAdmin, Equals, (r.Active && r.Admin)) } } } func (s *TestSuite) TestDeactivateUnlisted(c *C) { localUserUuidRegex := regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf("^%s-tpzed-[0-9a-z]{15}$", s.cfg.ClusterID)) users, err := ListUsers(s.cfg.Client) c.Assert(err, IsNil) previouslyActiveUsers := 0 for _, u := range users { if u.UUID == fmt.Sprintf("%s-tpzed-anonymouspublic", s.cfg.ClusterID) && !u.IsActive { // Make sure the anonymous user is active for this test var au arvados.User err := UpdateUser(s.cfg.Client, u.UUID, &au, map[string]string{"is_active": "true"}) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Assert(au.IsActive, Equals, true) } if localUserUuidRegex.MatchString(u.UUID) && u.IsActive { previouslyActiveUsers++ } } // At least 3 active users: System root, Anonymous and the current user. // Other active users should exist from fixture. c.Logf("Initial active users count: %d", previouslyActiveUsers) c.Assert(previouslyActiveUsers > 3, Equals, true) s.cfg.DeactivateUnlisted = true s.cfg.Verbose = true data := [][]string{ {"user1@example.com", "Example", "User1", "0", "0"}, } tmpfile, err := MakeTempCSVFile(data) c.Assert(err, IsNil) defer os.Remove(tmpfile.Name()) s.cfg.Path = tmpfile.Name() err = doMain(s.cfg) c.Assert(err, IsNil) users, err = ListUsers(s.cfg.Client) c.Assert(err, IsNil) currentlyActiveUsers := 0 acceptableActiveUUIDs := map[string]bool{ fmt.Sprintf("%s-tpzed-000000000000000", s.cfg.ClusterID): true, fmt.Sprintf("%s-tpzed-anonymouspublic", s.cfg.ClusterID): true, s.cfg.CurrentUser.UUID: true, } remainingActiveUUIDs := map[string]bool{} seenUserEmails := map[string]bool{} for _, u := range users { if _, ok := seenUserEmails[u.Email]; ok { c.Errorf("Duplicated email address %q in user list (probably from fixtures). This test requires unique email addresses.", u.Email) } seenUserEmails[u.Email] = true if localUserUuidRegex.MatchString(u.UUID) && u.IsActive { c.Logf("Found remaining active user %q (%s)", u.Email, u.UUID) _, ok := acceptableActiveUUIDs[u.UUID] c.Assert(ok, Equals, true) remainingActiveUUIDs[u.UUID] = true currentlyActiveUsers++ } } // 3 active users remaining: System root, Anonymous and the current user. c.Logf("Active local users remaining: %v", remainingActiveUUIDs) c.Assert(currentlyActiveUsers, Equals, 3) } func (s *TestSuite) TestFailOnDuplicatedEmails(c *C) { for i := range []int{1, 2} { isAdmin := i == 2 err := CreateUser(s.cfg.Client, &arvados.User{}, map[string]string{ "email": "somedupedemail@example.com", "first_name": fmt.Sprintf("Duped %d", i), "username": fmt.Sprintf("dupedemail%d", i), "last_name": "User", "is_active": "true", "is_admin": fmt.Sprintf("%t", isAdmin), }) c.Assert(err, IsNil) } s.cfg.Verbose = true data := [][]string{ {"user1@example.com", "Example", "User1", "0", "0"}, } tmpfile, err := MakeTempCSVFile(data) c.Assert(err, IsNil) defer os.Remove(tmpfile.Name()) s.cfg.Path = tmpfile.Name() err = doMain(s.cfg) c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, "skipped.*duplicated email address.*") } func (s *TestSuite) TestFailOnEmptyUsernames(c *C) { for i := range []int{1, 2} { var user arvados.User err := CreateUser(s.cfg.Client, &user, map[string]string{ "email": fmt.Sprintf("johndoe%d@example.com", i), "username": "", "first_name": "John", "last_name": "Doe", "is_active": "true", "is_admin": "false", }) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Assert(user.Username, Equals, fmt.Sprintf("johndoe%d", i)) if i == 1 { err = UpdateUser(s.cfg.Client, user.UUID, &user, map[string]string{ "username": "", }) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Assert(user.Username, Equals, "") } } s.cfg.Verbose = true data := [][]string{ {"johndoe0", "John", "Doe", "0", "0"}, } tmpfile, err := MakeTempCSVFile(data) c.Assert(err, IsNil) defer os.Remove(tmpfile.Name()) s.cfg.Path = tmpfile.Name() s.cfg.UserID = "username" err = doMain(s.cfg) c.Assert(err, NotNil) c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, "skipped 1 user account.*with empty username.*") }