--- layout: default navsection: userguide title: Analyzing workflow performance ... {% comment %} Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0 {% endcomment %} {% include 'tutorial_expectations' %} *Note:* Starting from Arvados 2.7.2, these reports are generated automatically by @arvados-cwl-runner@ and can be found as @usage_report.html@ in a container request's log collection. The @crunchstat-summary@ tool can be used to analyze workflow and container performance. It can be installed from packages (@apt install python3-crunchstat-summary@ or @yum install rh-python36-python-crunchstat-summary@), or in a Python virtualenv (@pip install crunchstat_summary@). @crunchstat-summary@ analyzes the crunchstat lines from the logs of a container or workflow and generates a report in text or html format. h2(#syntax). Syntax The @crunchstat-summary@ tool has a number of command line arguments:
~$ crunchstat-summary -h
usage: crunchstat-summary [-h]
                          [--job UUID | --container UUID | --pipeline-instance UUID | --log-file LOG_FILE]
                          [--skip-child-jobs] [--format {html,text}]
                          [--threads THREADS] [--verbose]

Summarize resource usage of an Arvados Crunch job

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --job UUID, --container-request UUID
                        Look up the specified job or container request and
                        read its log data from Keep (or from the Arvados event
                        log, if the job is still running)
  --container UUID      [Deprecated] Look up the specified container find its
                        container request and read its log data from Keep (or
                        from the Arvados event log, if the job is still
  --pipeline-instance UUID
                        [Deprecated] Summarize each component of the given
                        pipeline instance (historical pre-1.4)
  --log-file LOG_FILE   Read log data from a regular file
  --skip-child-jobs     Do not include stats from child jobs/containers
  --format {html,text}  Report format
  --threads THREADS     Maximum worker threads to run
  --verbose, -v         Log more information (once for progress, twice for
When @crunchstat-summary@ is given a container or container request uuid for a toplevel workflow runner container, it will generate a report for the whole workflow. If the workflow is big, it can take a long time to generate the report. h2(#examples). Examples @crunchstat-summary@ prints to stdout. The html report, in particular, should be redirected to a file and then loaded in a browser. The html report can be generated as follows:
~$ crunchstat-summary --container-request pirca-xvhdp-rs0ef250emtmbj8 --format html > report.html
When loaded in a browser: !(full-width)images/crunchstat-summary-html.png!
Using @--format text@ will print detailed usage and summary:
~$ crunchstat-summary --container-request pirca-xvhdp-rs0ef250emtmbj8 --format text
category	metric	task_max	task_max_rate	job_total
blkio:0:0	read	63067755822	53687091.20	63067755822
blkio:0:0	write	64484253320	16376234.80	64484253320
cpu	cpus	16	-	-
cpu	sys	2147.29	0.60	2147.29
cpu	user	549046.22	15.99	549046.22
cpu	user+sys	551193.51	16.00	551193.51
fuseop:create	count	1	0.10	1
fuseop:create	time	0.01	0.00	0.01
fuseop:destroy	count	0	0	0
fuseop:destroy	time	0	0	0.00
fuseop:flush	count	12	0.70	12
fuseop:flush	time	0.00	0.00	0.00
fuseop:forget	count	0	0	0
fuseop:forget	time	0	0	0.00
fuseop:getattr	count	40	2.70	40
fuseop:getattr	time	0.00	0.00	0.00
fuseop:lookup	count	36	2.90	36
fuseop:lookup	time	0.67	0.07	0.67
fuseop:mkdir	count	0	0	0
fuseop:mkdir	time	0	0	0.00
fuseop:on_event	count	0	0	0
fuseop:on_event	time	0	0	0.00
fuseop:open	count	9	0.30	9
fuseop:open	time	0.00	0.00	0.00
fuseop:opendir	count	0	0	0
fuseop:opendir	time	0	0	0.00
fuseop:read	count	481185	409.60	481185
fuseop:read	time	370.11	2.14	370.11
fuseop:readdir	count	0	0	0
fuseop:readdir	time	0	0	0.00
fuseop:release	count	7	0.30	7
fuseop:release	time	0.00	0.00	0.00
fuseop:rename	count	0	0	0
fuseop:rename	time	0	0	0.00
fuseop:rmdir	count	0	0	0
fuseop:rmdir	time	0	0	0.00
fuseop:setattr	count	0	0	0
fuseop:setattr	time	0	0	0.00
fuseop:statfs	count	0	0	0
fuseop:statfs	time	0	0	0.00
fuseop:unlink	count	0	0	0
fuseop:unlink	time	0	0	0.00
fuseop:write	count	5414406	1123.00	5414406
fuseop:write	time	475.04	0.11	475.04
fuseops	read	481185	409.60	481185
fuseops	write	5414406	1123.00	5414406
keepcache	hit	961402	819.20	961402
keepcache	miss	946	0.90	946
keepcalls	get	962348	820.00	962348
keepcalls	put	961	0.30	961
mem	cache	22748987392	-	-
mem	pgmajfault	0	-	0
mem	rss	27185491968	-	-
net:docker0	rx	0	-	0
net:docker0	tx	0	-	0
net:docker0	tx+rx	0	-	0
net:ens5	rx	1100398604	-	1100398604
net:ens5	tx	1445464	-	1445464
net:ens5	tx+rx	1101844068	-	1101844068
net:keep0	rx	63086467386	53687091.20	63086467386
net:keep0	tx	64482237590	20131128.60	64482237590
net:keep0	tx+rx	127568704976	53687091.20	127568704976
statfs	available	398721179648	-	398721179648
statfs	total	400289181696	-	400289181696
statfs	used	1568198656	0	1568002048
time	elapsed	34820	-	34820
# Elapsed time: 9h 40m 20s
# Assigned instance type: m5.4xlarge
# Instance hourly price: $0.768
# Max CPU usage in a single interval: 1599.52%
# Overall CPU usage: 1582.98%
# Requested CPU cores: 16
# Instance VCPUs: 16
# Max memory used: 25926.11MB
# Requested RAM: 50000.00MB
# Maximum RAM request for this instance type: 61736.70MB
# Max network traffic: 127.57GB
# Max network speed in a single interval: 53.69MB/s
# Keep cache miss rate: 0.10%
# Keep cache utilization: 99.97%
# Temp disk utilization: 0.39%