{% comment %} Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0 {% endcomment %} Copy your certificates to the directory specified with the variable @CUSTOM_CERTS_DIR@ in the remote directory where you copied the @provision.sh@ script. The provision script will find the certificates there. For a @single hostname@ setup, the certificate and its key need to be copied to a file named after @HOSTNAME_EXT@. For example, if @HOSTNAME_EXT@ is defined as @my-arvados.example.net@, the script will look for
For a @multiple hostnames@ setup, the script expects cert/key files with these basenames (matching the role except for keepweb, which is split in both download / collections): * "controller" * "websocket" * "workbench" * "workbench2" * "webshell" * "download" # Part of keepweb * "collections" # Part of keepweb * "keepproxy" E.g. for 'keepproxy', the script will look for
Make sure that all the FQDNs that you will use for the public-facing applications (API/controller, Workbench, Keepproxy/Keepweb) are reachable.