# Configuration for the Rails databases (database names, # usernames and passwords). # Path to a public ssh key you would like to have installed in the # root account of the generated images. This is useful for debugging. # To enable the SSH server, set the ENABLE_SSH environment variable to # true when starting the container. PUBLIC_KEY_PATH: # ARVADOS_DOMAIN: the Internet domain of this installation. # ARVADOS_DNS_SERVER: the authoritative nameserver for ARVADOS_DOMAIN. ARVADOS_DOMAIN: # e.g. arvados.internal ARVADOS_DNS_SERVER: # e.g. # ============================== # API server settings # ============================== # The API server hostname. Must be a 5-character # string unique within this installation. This string # will also be used as config.uuid_prefix. API_HOSTNAME: # e.g. qr1hi # The e-mail address of the user you would like to become marked as an admin # user on their first login. # In the default configuration, authentication happens through the Arvados SSO # server, which uses openid against Google's servers, so in that case this # should be an address associated with a Google account. API_AUTO_ADMIN_USER: # If a _PW variable is set to an empty string, a password # will be chosen randomly at build time. This is the # recommended setting. ARVADOS_DEV_DB: arvados_development ARVADOS_DEV_USER: arvados_dev ARVADOS_DEV_PW: ARVADOS_TEST_DB: arvados_test ARVADOS_TEST_USER: arvados_test ARVADOS_TEST_PW: ARVADOS_PROD_DB: arvados_production ARVADOS_PROD_USER: arvados_prod ARVADOS_PROD_PW: # If a _SECRET variable is set to an empty string, a password # will be chosen randomly at build time. This is the # recommended setting. # The signing key shared by Keep at the API server to verify # blob permission signatures. KEEP_SIGNING_SECRET: # The value for the Rails config.secret_token setting. API_SECRET: # A "superuser" token with which servers can authenticate to # the API server, before an administrative user has been created. # Leave this blank to generate a secret randomly at build time (recommended). API_SUPERUSER_SECRET: # More than anything this should be auto-generated, but # we don't presently have a good place to store it. So just # change it and don't be dumb. POSTGRES_ROOT_PW: dummy_pw # The URL for this installation's Omniauth server. OMNIAUTH_URL: https://@@SSO_HOSTNAME@@.@@ARVADOS_DOMAIN@@ # ============================== # Workbench settings # ============================== WORKBENCH_RAILS_MODE: production WORKBENCH_DATA_IMPORT_DIR: /data/arvados-workbench-upload/data WORKBENCH_DATA_EXPORT_DIR: /data/arvados-workbench-download/data WORKBENCH_VCF_PIPELINE_UUID: WORKBENCH_SITE_NAME: Arvados Workbench WORKBENCH_INSECURE_HTTPS: true WORKBENCH_ACTIVATION_CONTACT_LINK: mailto:arvados@curoverse.com WORKBENCH_ARVADOS_LOGIN_BASE: https://@@API_HOSTNAME@@.@@ARVADOS_DOMAIN@@/login WORKBENCH_ARVADOS_V1_BASE: https://@@API_HOSTNAME@@.@@ARVADOS_DOMAIN@@/arvados/v1 WORKBENCH_SECRET: # ============================== # SSO settings # ============================== SSO_HOSTNAME: sso SSO_SECRET: SSO_CLIENT_NAME: devsandbox SSO_CLIENT_APP_ID: devsandbox SSO_CLIENT_SECRET: