== APIClient

Homepage::  google-api-ruby-client[http://code.google.com/p/google-api-ruby-client/]
Authors::   Bob Aman (mailto:bobaman@google.com), Matt Pokrzywa (mailto:mattpok@google.com)
Copyright:: Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
License::   Apache 2.0

== Description

The Google API Ruby Client makes it trivial to discover and access supported

== Example Usage

  # Initialize the client
  require 'google/api_client'
  require 'signet/oauth_1/client'
  client = Google::APIClient.new(
    :service => 'buzz',
    # Buzz has API-specific endpoints
    :authorization => Signet::OAuth1::Client.new(
      :temporary_credential_uri =>
      :authorization_uri =>
      :token_credential_uri =>
      :client_credential_key => 'anonymous',
      :client_credential_secret => 'anonymous'
    :additional_parameters => {
      'scope' => 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/buzz'
  redirect_uri = client.authorization.authorization_uri(
    :additional_parameters => {
      'domain' => client.authorization.client_credential_key,
      'scope' => 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/buzz'
  # Redirect user here
  client.authorization.fetch_token_credential!(:verifier => '12345')

  # Discover available methods
  method_names = client.discovered_service('buzz').to_h.keys

  # Make an API call
  response = client.execute(
    {'scope' => '@self', 'userId' => '@me', 'alt' => 'json'}
  status, headers, body = response

== Requirements

* APIClient has no dependencies.

== Install

* sudo gem install google-api-client