<% if !@object.log %>
<% log_history = stderr_log_history([@object.uuid]) %>
<%= log_history.join("\n") %>
<%# Applying a long throttle suppresses the auto-refresh of this partial that would normally be triggered by arv-log-event. %>
<%= javascript_tag do %> var jobGraphData = []; var jobGraphSeries = []; <% stderr_log_records([@object.uuid],[['properties','~','crunchstat:.*-- interval']]) .each.with_index do |log_record, index| %> var logLine = '<%=j log_record.properties[:text] %>'; processLogLineForChart( logLine, jobGraphSeries, jobGraphData ); <% end %> var jobGraph = Morris.Line({ element: 'log_graph_div', data: jobGraphData, xkey: 't', ykeys: jobGraphSeries, labels: jobGraphSeries }); <% end %> <% else %>


<% if !logcollection %> The collection containing the job log was not found. <% end %>

Log <% if @object.andand.tasks_summary.andand[:failed] and @object.tasks_summary[:failed] > 0 %> <% end %>
Timestamp Node Slot Log type Task Message
<% if @object.log and logcollection %>
<% end %>
<% end %>