import {GraphNode} from '../../graph/graph-node'; import {Workflow} from '../../graph/workflow'; import {SVGUtils} from '../../utils/svg-utils'; import {GraphChange, SVGPlugin} from '../plugin'; import { StepModel, WorkflowInputParameterModel, WorkflowOutputParameterModel } from "cwlts/models"; export class SVGArrangePlugin implements SVGPlugin { private workflow: Workflow; private svgRoot: SVGSVGElement; private onBeforeChange: () => void; private onAfterChange: (updates: NodePositionUpdates) => void; private triggerAfterRender: () => void; registerWorkflow(workflow: Workflow): void { this.workflow = workflow; this.svgRoot = workflow.svgRoot; } registerOnBeforeChange(fn: (change: GraphChange) => void): void { this.onBeforeChange = () => fn({type: "arrange"}); } registerOnAfterChange(fn: (change: GraphChange) => void): void { this.onAfterChange = () => fn({type: "arrange"}); } registerOnAfterRender(fn: (change: GraphChange) => void): void { this.triggerAfterRender = () => fn({type: "arrange"}); } afterRender(): void { const model = this.workflow.model; const arr = [] as Array; const drawables = arr.concat( model.steps || [], model.inputs || [], model.outputs || [] ); for (const node of drawables) { if (node.isVisible) { const missingCoordinate = isNaN(parseInt(node.customProps["sbg:x"], 10)); if (missingCoordinate) { this.arrange(); return; } } } } arrange() { this.onBeforeChange(); // We need to reset all transformations on the workflow for now. // @TODO Make arranging work without this this.workflow.resetTransform(); // We need main graph and dangling nodes separately, they will be distributed differently const {mainGraph, danglingNodes} = this.makeNodeGraphs(); // Create an array of columns, each containing a list of NodeIOs const columns = this.distributeNodesIntoColumns(mainGraph); // Get total area in which we will fit the graph, and per-column dimensions const {distributionArea, columnDimensions} = this.calculateColumnSizes(columns); // This will be the vertical middle around which the graph should be centered const verticalBaseline = distributionArea.height / 2; let xOffset = 0; let maxYOffset = 0; // Here we will store positions for each node that is to be updated. // This should then be emitted as an afterChange event. const nodePositionUpdates = {} as NodePositionUpdates; columns.forEach((column, index) => { const colSize = columnDimensions[index]; let yOffset = verticalBaseline - (colSize.height / 2) - column[0].rect.height / 2; column.forEach(node => { yOffset += node.rect.height / 2; const matrix = SVGUtils.createMatrix().translate(xOffset, yOffset); yOffset += node.rect.height / 2; if (yOffset > maxYOffset) { maxYOffset = yOffset; } node.el.setAttribute("transform", SVGUtils.matrixToTransformAttr(matrix)); nodePositionUpdates[node.connectionID] = { x: matrix.e, y: matrix.f }; }); xOffset += colSize.width; }); const danglingNodeKeys = Object.keys(danglingNodes).sort((a, b) => { const aIsInput = a.startsWith("out/"); const aIsOutput = a.startsWith("in/"); const bIsInput = b.startsWith("out/"); const bIsOutput = b.startsWith("in/"); const lowerA = a.toLowerCase(); const lowerB = b.toLowerCase(); if (aIsOutput) { if (bIsOutput) { return lowerB.localeCompare(lowerA); } else { return 1; } } else if (aIsInput) { if (bIsOutput) { return -1; } if (bIsInput) { return lowerB.localeCompare(lowerA); } else { return 1; } } else { if (!bIsOutput && !bIsInput) { return lowerB.localeCompare(lowerA); } else { return -1; } } }); const danglingNodeMarginOffset = 30; const danglingNodeSideLength = GraphNode.radius * 5; let maxNodeHeightInRow = 0; let row = 0; const indexWidthMap = new Map(); const rowMaxHeightMap = new Map(); xOffset = 0; const danglingRowAreaWidth = Math.max(distributionArea.width, danglingNodeSideLength * 3); danglingNodeKeys.forEach((connectionID, index) => { const el = danglingNodes[connectionID] as SVGGElement; const rect = el.firstElementChild!.getBoundingClientRect(); indexWidthMap.set(index, rect.width); if (xOffset === 0) { xOffset -= rect.width / 2; } if (rect.height > maxNodeHeightInRow) { maxNodeHeightInRow = rect.height; } xOffset += rect.width + danglingNodeMarginOffset + Math.max(150 - rect.width, 0); if (xOffset >= danglingRowAreaWidth && index < danglingNodeKeys.length - 1) { rowMaxHeightMap.set(row++, maxNodeHeightInRow); maxNodeHeightInRow = 0; xOffset = 0; } }); rowMaxHeightMap.set(row, maxNodeHeightInRow); let colYOffset = maxYOffset; xOffset = 0; row = 0; danglingNodeKeys.forEach((connectionID, index) => { const el = danglingNodes[connectionID] as SVGGElement; const width = indexWidthMap.get(index)!; const rowHeight = rowMaxHeightMap.get(row)!; let left = xOffset + width / 2; const top = colYOffset + danglingNodeMarginOffset + Math.ceil(rowHeight / 2) + ((xOffset === 0 ? 0 : left) / danglingRowAreaWidth) * danglingNodeSideLength; if (xOffset === 0) { left -= width / 2; xOffset -= width / 2; } xOffset += width + danglingNodeMarginOffset + Math.max(150 - width, 0); const matrix = SVGUtils.createMatrix().translate(left, top); el.setAttribute("transform", SVGUtils.matrixToTransformAttr(matrix)); nodePositionUpdates[connectionID] = {x: matrix.e, y: matrix.f}; if (xOffset >= danglingRowAreaWidth) { colYOffset += Math.ceil(rowHeight) + danglingNodeMarginOffset; xOffset = 0; maxNodeHeightInRow = 0; row++; } }); this.workflow.redrawEdges(); this.workflow.fitToViewport(); this.onAfterChange(nodePositionUpdates); this.triggerAfterRender(); for (const id in nodePositionUpdates) { const pos = nodePositionUpdates[id]; const nodeModel = this.workflow.model.findById(id); if (!nodeModel.customProps) { nodeModel.customProps = {}; } Object.assign(nodeModel.customProps, { "sbg:x": pos.x, "sbg:y": pos.y }); } return nodePositionUpdates; } /** * Calculates column dimensions and total graph area * @param {NodeIO[][]} columns */ private calculateColumnSizes(columns: NodeIO[][]): { columnDimensions: { width: number, height: number }[], distributionArea: { width: number, height: number } } { const distributionArea = {width: 0, height: 0}; const columnDimensions = []; for (let i = 1; i < columns.length; i++) { let width = 0; let height = 0; for (let j = 0; j < columns[i].length; j++) { const entry = columns[i][j]; height += entry.rect.height; if (width < entry.rect.width) { width = entry.rect.width; } } columnDimensions[i] = {height, width}; distributionArea.width += width; if (height > distributionArea.height) { distributionArea.height = height; } } return { columnDimensions, distributionArea }; } /** * Maps node's connectionID to a 1-indexed column number */ private distributeNodesIntoColumns(graph: NodeMap): Array { const idToZoneMap = {}; const sortedNodeIDs = Object.keys(graph).sort((a, b) => b.localeCompare(a)); const zones = [] as any[]; for (let i = 0; i < sortedNodeIDs.length; i++) { const nodeID = sortedNodeIDs[i]; const node = graph[nodeID]; // For outputs and steps, we calculate the zone as a longest path you can take to them if (node.type !== "input") { idToZoneMap[nodeID] = this.traceLongestNodePathLength(node, graph); } else { // // Longest trace methods would put all inputs in the first column, // but we want it just behind the leftmost step that it is connected to // So instead of: // // (input)<----------------->(step)--- // (input)<---------->(step)---------- // // It should be: // // ---------------(input)<--->(step)--- // --------(input)<-->(step)----------- // let closestNodeZone = Infinity; for (let i = 0; i < node.outputs.length; i++) { const successorNodeZone = idToZoneMap[node.outputs[i]]; if (successorNodeZone < closestNodeZone) { closestNodeZone = successorNodeZone; } } if (closestNodeZone === Infinity) { idToZoneMap[nodeID] = 1; } else { idToZoneMap[nodeID] = closestNodeZone - 1; } } const zone = idToZoneMap[nodeID]; zones[zone] || (zones[zone] = []); zones[zone].push(graph[nodeID]); } return zones; } /** * Finds all nodes in the graph, and indexes them by their "data-connection-id" attribute */ private indexNodesByID(): { [dataConnectionID: string]: SVGGElement } { const indexed = {}; const nodes = this.svgRoot.querySelectorAll(".node"); for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { indexed[nodes[i].getAttribute("data-connection-id")!] = nodes[i]; } return indexed; } /** * Finds length of the longest possible path from the graph root to a node. * Lengths are 1-indexed. When a node has no predecessors, it will have length of 1. */ private traceLongestNodePathLength(node: NodeIO, nodeGraph: any, visited = new Set()): number { visited.add(node); if (node.inputs.length === 0) { return 1; } const inputPathLengths = []; for (let i = 0; i < node.inputs.length; i++) { const el = nodeGraph[node.inputs[i]]; if (visited.has(el)) { continue; } inputPathLengths.push(this.traceLongestNodePathLength(el, nodeGraph, visited)); } return Math.max(...inputPathLengths) + 1; } private makeNodeGraphs(): { mainGraph: NodeMap, danglingNodes: { [nodeID: string]: SVGGElement } } { // We need all nodes in order to find the dangling ones, those will be sorted separately const allNodes = this.indexNodesByID(); // Make a graph representation where you can trace inputs and outputs from/to connection ids const nodeGraph = {} as NodeMap; // Edges are the main source of information from which we will distribute nodes const edges = this.svgRoot.querySelectorAll(".edge"); for (let i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) { const edge = edges[i]; const sourceConnectionID = edge.getAttribute("data-source-connection")!; const destinationConnectionID = edge.getAttribute("data-destination-connection")!; const [sourceSide, sourceNodeID, sourcePortID] = sourceConnectionID.split("/"); const [destinationSide, destinationNodeID, destinationPortID] = destinationConnectionID.split("/"); // Both source and destination are considered to be steps by default let sourceType = "step"; let destinationType = "step"; // Ports have the same node and port ids if (sourceNodeID === sourcePortID) { sourceType = sourceSide === "in" ? "output" : "input"; } if (destinationNodeID === destinationPortID) { destinationType = destinationSide === "in" ? "output" : "input"; } // Initialize keys on graph if they don't exist const sourceNode = this.svgRoot.querySelector(`.node[data-id="${sourceNodeID}"]`) as SVGGElement; const destinationNode = this.svgRoot.querySelector(`.node[data-id="${destinationNodeID}"]`) as SVGGElement; const sourceNodeConnectionID = sourceNode.getAttribute("data-connection-id")!; const destinationNodeConnectionID = destinationNode.getAttribute("data-connection-id")!; // Source and destination of this edge are obviously not dangling, so we can remove them // from the set of potentially dangling nodes delete allNodes[sourceNodeConnectionID]; delete allNodes[destinationNodeConnectionID]; // Ensure that the source node has its entry in the node graph (nodeGraph[sourceNodeID] || (nodeGraph[sourceNodeID] = { inputs: [], outputs: [], type: sourceType, connectionID: sourceNodeConnectionID, el: sourceNode, rect: sourceNode.getBoundingClientRect() })); // Ensure that the source node has its entry in the node graph (nodeGraph[destinationNodeID] || (nodeGraph[destinationNodeID] = { inputs: [], outputs: [], type: destinationType, connectionID: destinationNodeConnectionID, el: destinationNode, rect: destinationNode.getBoundingClientRect() })); nodeGraph[sourceNodeID].outputs.push(destinationNodeID); nodeGraph[destinationNodeID].inputs.push(sourceNodeID); } return { mainGraph: nodeGraph, danglingNodes: allNodes }; } } export type NodeIO = { inputs: string[], outputs: string[], connectionID: string, el: SVGGElement, rect: ClientRect, type: "step" | "input" | "output" | string }; export type NodeMap = { [connectionID: string]: NodeIO } export type NodePositionUpdates = { [connectionID: string]: { x: number, y: number } };