package main import ( "bufio" "flag" "fmt" "" "io/ioutil" "log" "math" "os" "os/exec" "os/signal" "strconv" "sync" "syscall" "time" ) func main() { err := doMain() if err != nil { log.Fatalf("%q", err) } } var ( arv arvadosclient.ArvadosClient runningCmds map[string]*exec.Cmd runningCmdsMutex sync.Mutex waitGroup sync.WaitGroup doneProcessing chan bool sigChan chan os.Signal ) func doMain() error { flags := flag.NewFlagSet("crunch-dispatch-slurm", flag.ExitOnError) pollInterval := flags.Int( "poll-interval", 10, "Interval in seconds to poll for queued containers") priorityPollInterval := flags.Int( "container-priority-poll-interval", 60, "Interval in seconds to check priority of a dispatched container") crunchRunCommand := flags.String( "crunch-run-command", "/usr/bin/crunch-run", "Crunch command to run container") finishCommand := flags.String( "finish-command", "/usr/bin/", "Command to run from strigger when job is finished") // Parse args; omit the first arg which is the command name flags.Parse(os.Args[1:]) var err error arv, err = arvadosclient.MakeArvadosClient() if err != nil { return err } // Channel to terminate doneProcessing = make(chan bool) // Graceful shutdown sigChan = make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(sigChan, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGQUIT) go func(sig <-chan os.Signal) { for sig := range sig { log.Printf("Caught signal: %v", sig) doneProcessing <- true } }(sigChan) // Run all queued containers runQueuedContainers(*pollInterval, *priorityPollInterval, *crunchRunCommand, *finishCommand) // Wait for all running crunch jobs to complete / terminate waitGroup.Wait() return nil } type apiClientAuthorization struct { UUID string `json:"uuid"` APIToken string `json:"api_token"` } type apiClientAuthorizationList struct { Items []apiClientAuthorization `json:"items"` } // Poll for queued containers using pollInterval. // Invoke dispatchSlurm for each ticker cycle, which will run all the queued containers. // // Any errors encountered are logged but the program would continue to run (not exit). // This is because, once one or more crunch jobs are running, // we would need to wait for them complete. func runQueuedContainers(pollInterval, priorityPollInterval int, crunchRunCommand, finishCommand string) { var auth apiClientAuthorization err := arv.Call("GET", "api_client_authorizations", "", "current", nil, &auth) if err != nil { log.Printf("Error getting my token UUID: %v", err) return } ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(pollInterval) * time.Second) for { select { case <-ticker.C: dispatchSlurm(auth, time.Duration(priorityPollInterval)*time.Second, crunchRunCommand, finishCommand) case <-doneProcessing: ticker.Stop() return } } } // Container data type Container struct { UUID string `json:"uuid"` State string `json:"state"` Priority int `json:"priority"` RuntimeConstraints map[string]int64 `json:"runtime_constraints"` LockedByUUID string `json:"locked_by_uuid"` } // ContainerList is a list of the containers from api type ContainerList struct { Items []Container `json:"items"` } // Get the list of queued containers from API server and invoke run // for each container. func dispatchSlurm(auth apiClientAuthorization, pollInterval time.Duration, crunchRunCommand, finishCommand string) { params := arvadosclient.Dict{ "filters": [][]interface{}{{"state", "in", []string{"Queued", "Locked"}}}, } var containers ContainerList err := arv.List("containers", params, &containers) if err != nil { log.Printf("Error getting list of queued containers: %q", err) return } for _, container := range containers.Items { if container.State == "Locked" { if container.LockedByUUID != auth.UUID { // Locked by a different dispatcher continue } else if checkMine(container.UUID) { // I already have a goroutine running // for this container: it just hasn't // gotten past Locked state yet. continue } log.Printf("WARNING: found container %s already locked by my token %s, but I didn't submit it. "+ "Assuming it was left behind by a previous dispatch process, and waiting for it to finish.", container.UUID, auth.UUID) setMine(container.UUID, true) go func() { waitContainer(container, pollInterval) setMine(container.UUID, false) }() } go run(container, crunchRunCommand, finishCommand, pollInterval) } } // sbatchCmd func sbatchFunc(container Container) *exec.Cmd { memPerCPU := math.Ceil((float64(container.RuntimeConstraints["ram"])) / (float64(container.RuntimeConstraints["vcpus"] * 1048576))) return exec.Command("sbatch", "--share", "--parsable", "--job-name="+container.UUID, "--mem-per-cpu="+strconv.Itoa(int(memPerCPU)), "--cpus-per-task="+strconv.Itoa(int(container.RuntimeConstraints["vcpus"]))) } var sbatchCmd = sbatchFunc // striggerCmd func striggerFunc(jobid, containerUUID, finishCommand, apiHost, apiToken, apiInsecure string) *exec.Cmd { return exec.Command("strigger", "--set", "--jobid="+jobid, "--fini", fmt.Sprintf("--program=%s %s %s %s %s", finishCommand, apiHost, apiToken, apiInsecure, containerUUID)) } var striggerCmd = striggerFunc // Submit job to slurm using sbatch. func submit(container Container, crunchRunCommand string) (jobid string, submitErr error) { submitErr = nil defer func() { // If we didn't get as far as submitting a slurm job, // unlock the container and return it to the queue. if submitErr == nil { // OK, no cleanup needed return } err := arv.Update("containers", container.UUID, arvadosclient.Dict{ "container": arvadosclient.Dict{"state": "Queued"}}, nil) if err != nil { log.Printf("Error unlocking container %s: %v", container.UUID, err) } }() // Create the command and attach to stdin/stdout cmd := sbatchCmd(container) stdinWriter, stdinerr := cmd.StdinPipe() if stdinerr != nil { submitErr = fmt.Errorf("Error creating stdin pipe %v: %q", container.UUID, stdinerr) return } stdoutReader, stdoutErr := cmd.StdoutPipe() if stdoutErr != nil { submitErr = fmt.Errorf("Error creating stdout pipe %v: %q", container.UUID, stdoutErr) return } stderrReader, stderrErr := cmd.StderrPipe() if stderrErr != nil { submitErr = fmt.Errorf("Error creating stderr pipe %v: %q", container.UUID, stderrErr) return } err := cmd.Start() if err != nil { submitErr = fmt.Errorf("Error starting %v: %v", cmd.Args, err) return } stdoutChan := make(chan []byte) go func() { b, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(stdoutReader) stdoutReader.Close() stdoutChan <- b close(stdoutChan) }() stderrChan := make(chan []byte) go func() { b, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(stderrReader) stderrReader.Close() stderrChan <- b close(stderrChan) }() // Send a tiny script on stdin to execute the crunch-run command // slurm actually enforces that this must be a #! script fmt.Fprintf(stdinWriter, "#!/bin/sh\nexec '%s' '%s'\n", crunchRunCommand, container.UUID) stdinWriter.Close() err = cmd.Wait() stdoutMsg := <-stdoutChan stderrmsg := <-stderrChan if err != nil { submitErr = fmt.Errorf("Container submission failed %v: %v %v", cmd.Args, err, stderrmsg) return } // If everything worked out, got the jobid on stdout jobid = string(stdoutMsg) return } // finalizeRecordOnFinish uses 'strigger' command to register a script that will run on // the slurm controller when the job finishes. func finalizeRecordOnFinish(jobid, containerUUID, finishCommand, apiHost, apiToken, apiInsecure string) { cmd := striggerCmd(jobid, containerUUID, finishCommand, apiHost, apiToken, apiInsecure) cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr err := cmd.Run() if err != nil { log.Printf("While setting up strigger: %v", err) // BUG: we drop the error here and forget about it. A // human has to notice the container is stuck in // Running state, and fix it manually. } } // Run a queued container: [1] Set container state to locked. [2] // Execute crunch-run as a slurm batch job. [3] waitContainer(). func run(container Container, crunchRunCommand, finishCommand string, pollInterval time.Duration) { setMine(container.UUID, true) defer setMine(container.UUID, false) // Update container status to Locked. This will fail if // another dispatcher (token) has already locked it. It will // succeed if *this* dispatcher has already locked it. err := arv.Update("containers", container.UUID, arvadosclient.Dict{ "container": arvadosclient.Dict{"state": "Locked"}}, nil) if err != nil { log.Printf("Error updating container state to 'Locked' for %v: %q", container.UUID, err) return } log.Printf("About to submit queued container %v", container.UUID) jobid, err := submit(container, crunchRunCommand) if err != nil { log.Printf("Error submitting container %s to slurm: %v", container.UUID, err) return } insecure := "0" if arv.ApiInsecure { insecure = "1" } finalizeRecordOnFinish(jobid, container.UUID, finishCommand, arv.ApiServer, arv.ApiToken, insecure) // Update container status to Running. This will fail if // another dispatcher (token) has already locked it. It will // succeed if *this* dispatcher has already locked it. err = arv.Update("containers", container.UUID, arvadosclient.Dict{ "container": arvadosclient.Dict{"state": "Running"}}, nil) if err != nil { log.Printf("Error updating container state to 'Running' for %v: %q", container.UUID, err) } log.Printf("Submitted container %v to slurm", container.UUID) waitContainer(container, pollInterval) } // Wait for a container to finish. Cancel the slurm job if the // container priority changes to zero before it ends. func waitContainer(container Container, pollInterval time.Duration) { log.Printf("Monitoring container %v started", container.UUID) defer log.Printf("Monitoring container %v finished", container.UUID) pollTicker := time.NewTicker(pollInterval) defer pollTicker.Stop() for _ = range pollTicker.C { var updated Container err := arv.Get("containers", container.UUID, nil, &updated) if err != nil { log.Printf("Error getting container %s: %q", container.UUID, err) continue } if updated.State == "Complete" || updated.State == "Cancelled" { return } if updated.Priority != 0 { continue } // Priority is zero, but state is Running or Locked log.Printf("Canceling container %s", container.UUID) err = exec.Command("scancel", "--name="+container.UUID).Run() if err != nil { log.Printf("Error stopping container %s with scancel: %v", container.UUID, err) if inQ, err := checkSqueue(container.UUID); err != nil { log.Printf("Error running squeue: %v", err) continue } else if inQ { log.Printf("Container %s is still in squeue; will retry", container.UUID) continue } } err = arv.Update("containers", container.UUID, arvadosclient.Dict{ "container": arvadosclient.Dict{"state": "Cancelled"}}, nil) if err != nil { log.Printf("Error updating state for container %s: %s", container.UUID, err) continue } return } } func checkSqueue(uuid string) (bool, error) { cmd := exec.Command("squeue", "--format=%j") sq, err := cmd.StdoutPipe() if err != nil { return false, err } cmd.Start() defer cmd.Wait() scanner := bufio.NewScanner(sq) found := false for scanner.Scan() { if scanner.Text() == uuid { found = true } } if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil { return false, err } return found, nil } var mineMutex sync.RWMutex var mineMap = make(map[string]bool) // Goroutine-safely add/remove uuid to the set of "my" containers, // i.e., ones for which this process has a goroutine running. func setMine(uuid string, t bool) { mineMutex.Lock() if t { mineMap[uuid] = true } else { delete(mineMap, uuid) } mineMutex.Unlock() } // Check whether there is already a goroutine running for this // container. func checkMine(uuid string) bool { mineMutex.RLocker().Lock() defer mineMutex.RLocker().Unlock() return mineMap[uuid] }