#!/usr/bin/env python import argparse import datetime import errno import json import os import subprocess import sys import tarfile import tempfile import textwrap from collections import namedtuple from stat import * import arvados import arvados.commands._util as arv_cmd import arvados.commands.put as arv_put STAT_CACHE_ERRORS = (IOError, OSError, ValueError) DockerImage = namedtuple('DockerImage', ['repo', 'tag', 'hash', 'created', 'vsize']) keepdocker_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) keepdocker_parser.add_argument( '-f', '--force', action='store_true', default=False, help="Re-upload the image even if it already exists on the server") _group = keepdocker_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() _group.add_argument( '--pull', action='store_true', default=False, help="Try to pull the latest image from Docker registry") _group.add_argument( '--no-pull', action='store_false', dest='pull', help="Use locally installed image only, don't pull image from Docker registry (default)") keepdocker_parser.add_argument( 'image', nargs='?', help="Docker image to upload, as a repository name or hash") keepdocker_parser.add_argument( 'tag', nargs='?', default='latest', help="Tag of the Docker image to upload (default 'latest')") # Combine keepdocker options listed above with run_opts options of arv-put. # The options inherited from arv-put include --name, --project-uuid, # --progress/--no-progress/--batch-progress and --resume/--no-resume. arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Upload or list Docker images in Arvados", parents=[keepdocker_parser, arv_put.run_opts]) class DockerError(Exception): pass def popen_docker(cmd, *args, **kwargs): manage_stdin = ('stdin' not in kwargs) kwargs.setdefault('stdin', subprocess.PIPE) kwargs.setdefault('stdout', sys.stderr) try: docker_proc = subprocess.Popen(['docker.io'] + cmd, *args, **kwargs) except OSError: # No docker.io in $PATH docker_proc = subprocess.Popen(['docker'] + cmd, *args, **kwargs) if manage_stdin: docker_proc.stdin.close() return docker_proc def check_docker(proc, description): proc.wait() if proc.returncode != 0: raise DockerError("docker {} returned status code {}". format(description, proc.returncode)) def docker_images(): # Yield a DockerImage tuple for each installed image. list_proc = popen_docker(['images', '--no-trunc'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) list_output = iter(list_proc.stdout) next(list_output) # Ignore the header line for line in list_output: words = line.split() size_index = len(words) - 2 repo, tag, imageid = words[:3] ctime = ' '.join(words[3:size_index]) vsize = ' '.join(words[size_index:]) yield DockerImage(repo, tag, imageid, ctime, vsize) list_proc.stdout.close() check_docker(list_proc, "images") def find_image_hashes(image_search, image_tag=None): # Given one argument, search for Docker images with matching hashes, # and return their full hashes in a set. # Given two arguments, also search for a Docker image with the # same repository and tag. If one is found, return its hash in a # set; otherwise, fall back to the one-argument hash search. # Returns None if no match is found, or a hash search is ambiguous. hash_search = image_search.lower() hash_matches = set() for image in docker_images(): if (image.repo == image_search) and (image.tag == image_tag): return set([image.hash]) elif image.hash.startswith(hash_search): hash_matches.add(image.hash) return hash_matches def find_one_image_hash(image_search, image_tag=None): hashes = find_image_hashes(image_search, image_tag) hash_count = len(hashes) if hash_count == 1: return hashes.pop() elif hash_count == 0: raise DockerError("no matching image found") else: raise DockerError("{} images match {}".format(hash_count, image_search)) def stat_cache_name(image_file): return getattr(image_file, 'name', image_file) + '.stat' def pull_image(image_name, image_tag): check_docker(popen_docker(['pull', '-t', image_tag, image_name]), "pull") def save_image(image_hash, image_file): # Save the specified Docker image to image_file, then try to save its # stats so we can try to resume after interruption. check_docker(popen_docker(['save', image_hash], stdout=image_file), "save") image_file.flush() try: with open(stat_cache_name(image_file), 'w') as statfile: json.dump(tuple(os.fstat(image_file.fileno())), statfile) except STAT_CACHE_ERRORS: pass # We won't resume from this cache. No big deal. def prep_image_file(filename): # Return a file object ready to save a Docker image, # and a boolean indicating whether or not we need to actually save the # image (False if a cached save is available). cache_dir = arv_cmd.make_home_conf_dir( os.path.join('.cache', 'arvados', 'docker'), 0o700) if cache_dir is None: image_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.tar') need_save = True else: file_path = os.path.join(cache_dir, filename) try: with open(stat_cache_name(file_path)) as statfile: prev_stat = json.load(statfile) now_stat = os.stat(file_path) need_save = any(prev_stat[field] != now_stat[field] for field in [ST_MTIME, ST_SIZE]) except STAT_CACHE_ERRORS + (AttributeError, IndexError): need_save = True # We couldn't compare against old stats image_file = open(file_path, 'w+b' if need_save else 'rb') return image_file, need_save def make_link(link_class, link_name, **link_attrs): link_attrs.update({'link_class': link_class, 'name': link_name}) return arvados.api('v1').links().create(body=link_attrs).execute() def ptimestamp(t): s = t.split(".") if len(s) == 2: t = s[0] + s[1][-1:] return datetime.datetime.strptime(t, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") def list_images_in_arv(): existing_links = arvados.api('v1').links().list(filters=[['link_class', 'in', ['docker_image_hash', 'docker_image_repo+tag']]]).execute()['items'] images = {} for link in existing_links: collection_uuid = link["head_uuid"] if collection_uuid not in images: images[collection_uuid]= {"dockerhash": "", "repo":"", "tag":"", "timestamp": ptimestamp("1970-01-01T00:00:01Z")} if link["link_class"] == "docker_image_hash": images[collection_uuid]["dockerhash"] = link["name"] if link["link_class"] == "docker_image_repo+tag": r = link["name"].split(":") images[collection_uuid]["repo"] = r[0] if len(r) > 1: images[collection_uuid]["tag"] = r[1] if "image_timestamp" in link["properties"]: images[collection_uuid]["timestamp"] = ptimestamp(link["properties"]["image_timestamp"]) else: images[collection_uuid]["timestamp"] = ptimestamp(link["created_at"]) st = sorted(images.items(), lambda a, b: cmp(b[1]["timestamp"], a[1]["timestamp"])) fmt = "{:30} {:10} {:12} {:29} {:20}" print fmt.format("REPOSITORY", "TAG", "IMAGE ID", "COLLECTION", "CREATED") for i, j in st: print(fmt.format(j["repo"], j["tag"], j["dockerhash"][0:11], i, j["timestamp"].strftime("%c"))) def main(arguments=None): args = arg_parser.parse_args(arguments) if args.image is None or args.image == 'images': list_images_in_arv() sys.exit(0) # Pull the image if requested, unless the image is specified as a hash # that we already have. if args.pull and not find_image_hashes(args.image): pull_image(args.image, args.tag) try: image_hash = find_one_image_hash(args.image, args.tag) except DockerError as error: print >>sys.stderr, "arv-keepdocker:", error.message sys.exit(1) image_repo_tag = '{}:{}'.format(args.image, args.tag) if args.name is None: collection_name = 'Docker image {} {}'.format(image_repo_tag, image_hash[0:11]) else: collection_name = args.name api = arvados.api('v1') if not args.force: # Check if this image is already in Arvados. # Project where everything should be owned parent_project_uuid = args.project_uuid if args.project_uuid else api.users().current().execute()['uuid'] # Find image hash tags existing_links = api.links().list( filters=[['link_class', '=', 'docker_image_hash'], ['name', '=', image_hash]]).execute()['items'] if existing_links: # get readable collections collections = api.collections().list( filters=[['uuid', 'in', [link['head_uuid'] for link in existing_links]]], select=["uuid", "owner_uuid", "name", "manifest_text"]).execute()['items'] if collections: # check for repo+tag links on these collections existing_repo_tag = api.links().list( filters=[['link_class', '=', 'docker_image_repo+tag'], ['name', '=', image_repo_tag], ['head_uuid', 'in', collections]]).execute()['items'] # Filter on elements owned by the parent project owned_col = [c for c in collections if c['owner_uuid'] == parent_project_uuid] owned_img = [c for c in existing_links if c['owner_uuid'] == parent_project_uuid] owned_rep = [c for c in existing_repo_tag if c['owner_uuid'] == parent_project_uuid] if owned_col: # already have a collection owned by this project coll_uuid = owned_col[0]['uuid'] else: # create new collection owned by the project coll_uuid = api.collections().create(body={"manifest_text": collections[0]['manifest_text'], "name": collection_name, "owner_uuid": parent_project_uuid}, ensure_unique_name=True).execute()['uuid'] link_base = {'owner_uuid': parent_project_uuid, 'head_uuid': coll_uuid } if not owned_img: # create image link owned by the project make_link('docker_image_hash', image_hash, **link_base) if not owned_rep: # create repo+tag link owned by the project make_link('docker_image_repo+tag', image_repo_tag, **link_base) print(coll_uuid) sys.exit(0) # Open a file for the saved image, and write it if needed. outfile_name = '{}.tar'.format(image_hash) image_file, need_save = prep_image_file(outfile_name) if need_save: save_image(image_hash, image_file) # Call arv-put with switches we inherited from it # (a.k.a., switches that aren't our own). put_args = keepdocker_parser.parse_known_args(arguments)[1] if args.name is None: put_args += ['--name', collection_name] coll_uuid = arv_put.main( put_args + ['--filename', outfile_name, image_file.name]).strip() # Read the image metadata and make Arvados links from it. image_file.seek(0) image_tar = tarfile.open(fileobj=image_file) json_file = image_tar.extractfile(image_tar.getmember(image_hash + '/json')) image_metadata = json.load(json_file) json_file.close() image_tar.close() link_base = {'head_uuid': coll_uuid, 'properties': {}} if 'created' in image_metadata: link_base['properties']['image_timestamp'] = image_metadata['created'] if args.project_uuid is not None: link_base['owner_uuid'] = args.project_uuid make_link('docker_image_hash', image_hash, **link_base) if not image_hash.startswith(args.image.lower()): make_link('docker_image_repo+tag', image_repo_tag, **link_base) # Clean up. image_file.close() for filename in [stat_cache_name(image_file), image_file.name]: try: os.unlink(filename) except OSError as error: if error.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise if __name__ == '__main__': main()