--- layout: default navsection: api navmenu: Schema title: Job ... Applications submit compute jobs when: * Provenance is important, i.e., it is worth recording how the output was produced; or * Computation time is significant; or * The job management features are convenient (failure detection/recovery, regression testing, etc). h2. Methods See "jobs":{{site.baseurl}}/api/methods/jobs.html h2. Resource Each job has, in addition to the usual "attributes of Arvados resources":{{site.baseurl}}/api/resources.html: table(table table-bordered table-condensed). |_. Attribute|_. Type|_. Description|_. Notes| |script|string|The filename of the job script.|This program will be invoked by Crunch for each job task. It is given as a path to an executable file, relative to the @/crunch_scripts@ directory in the Git tree specified by the _repository_ and _script_version_ attributes.| |script_parameters|hash|The input parameters for the job.|Conventionally, one of the parameters is called @"input"@. Typically, some parameter values are collection UUIDs. Ultimately, though, the significance of parameters is left entirely up to the script itself.| |repository|string|Git repository|Given as the name of a locally hosted git repository.| |script_version|string|Git commit|During a **create** transaction, this is the Git branch, tag, or hash supplied by the client. Before the job starts, Arvados updates it to the full 40-character SHA-1 hash of the commit used by the job. See "Script versions":#script_version below for more detail about acceptable ways to specify a commit.| |cancelled_by_client_uuid|string|API client ID|Is null if job has not been cancelled| |cancelled_by_user_uuid|string|Authenticated user ID|Is null if job has not been cancelled| |cancelled_at|datetime|When job was cancelled|Is null if job has not been cancelled| |started_at|datetime|When job started running|Is null if job has not [yet] started| |finished_at|datetime|When job finished running|Is null if job has not [yet] finished| |running|boolean|Whether the job is running|| |success|boolean|Whether the job indicated successful completion|Is null if job has not finished| |is_locked_by_uuid|string|UUID of the user who has locked this job|Is null if job is not locked. The system user locks the job when starting the job, in order to prevent job attributes from being altered.| |log|string|Collection UUID|Is null if the job has not finished. After the job runs, the given collection contains a text file with log messages provided by the @arv-crunch-job@ task scheduler as well as the standard error streams provided by the task processes.| |tasks_summary|hash|Summary of task completion states.|Example: @{"done":0,"running":4,"todo":2,"failed":0}@| |output|string|Collection UUID|Is null if the job has not finished.| |nondeterministic|boolean|The job is expected to produce different results if run more than once.|If true, this job will not be considered as a candidate for automatic re-use when submitting subsequent identical jobs.| |submit_id|string|Unique ID provided by client when job was submitted|Optional. This can be used by a client to make the "jobs.create":{{site.baseurl}}/api/methods/jobs.html#create method idempotent.| |priority|string||| |runtime_constraints|hash|Constraints that must be satisfied by the job/task scheduler in order to run the job.|See below.| h3(#script_version). Script versions The @script_version@ attribute is typically given as a branch, tag, or commit hash, but there are many more ways to specify a Git commit. The "specifying revisions" section of the "gitrevisions manual page":http://git-scm.com/docs/gitrevisions.html has a definitive list. Arvados accepts @script_version@ in any format listed there that names a single commit (not a tree, a blob, or a range of commits). However, some kinds of names can be expected to resolve differently in Arvados than they do in your local repository. For example, <code>HEAD@{1}</code> refers to the local reflog, and @origin/master@ typically refers to a remote branch: neither is likely to work as desired if given as a @script_version@. h3. Runtime constraints table(table table-bordered table-condensed). |_. Key|_. Type|_. Description|_. Implemented| |docker_image|string|The name of a Docker image that this Job needs to run. If specified, Crunch will create a Docker container from this image, and run the Job's script inside that. The Keep mount and work directories will be available as volumes inside this container. You may specify the image in any format that Docker accepts, such as "arvados/jobs" or a hash identifier. If you specify a name, Crunch will try to install the latest version using @docker.io pull@.|✓| |min_nodes|integer||✓| |max_nodes|integer||| |max_tasks_per_node|integer|Maximum simultaneous tasks on a single node|✓| |min_ram_per_task|integer|Minimum real memory (KiB) per task|| |min_ram_per_node|integer|Minimum real memory (KiB) per node||