# Copy this file to application.yml and edit to suit.
# Consult application.default.yml for the full list of configuration
# settings.
# The order of precedence is:
# 1. config/environments/{RAILS_ENV}.rb (deprecated)
# 2. Section in application.yml corresponding to RAILS_ENV (e.g., development)
# 3. Section in application.yml called "common"
# 4. Section in application.default.yml corresponding to RAILS_ENV
# 5. Section in application.default.yml called "common"

  # The permission_key needs to be identical to the
  # permission key given to Keep.  If you run both
  # apiserver and Keep in development, change this to
  # a hardcoded string and make sure both systems use
  # the same value.
  permission_key: <%= rand(2**512).to_s(36) %>

  # At minimum, you need a nice long randomly generated secret_token here.
  secret_token: ~

  # The permission key must be identical to the key provisioned to Keep.
  permission_key: ~

  uuid_prefix: bogus

  # compute_node_domain: example.org
  # compute_node_nameservers:
  #   -
  #   -
  # The version below is suitable for AWS.
  # Uncomment and change <%# to <%= to use it.
  # compute_node_nameservers: <%#
    require 'net/http'
    ['local', 'public'].collect do |iface|
    end << ''

  uuid_prefix: zzzzz
  secret_token: <%= rand(2**512).to_s(36) %>
  permission_key: <%= rand(2**512).to_s(36) %>

  #git_repositories_dir: /var/cache/git
  #git_internal_dir: /var/cache/arvados/internal.git