// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 package localdb import ( "context" "database/sql" "errors" "fmt" "math/rand" "sync" "time" "git.arvados.org/arvados.git/lib/ctrlctx" "git.arvados.org/arvados.git/sdk/go/arvados" "git.arvados.org/arvados.git/sdk/go/arvadostest" . "gopkg.in/check.v1" ) var _ = Suite(&containerSuite{}) type containerSuite struct { localdbSuite topcr arvados.ContainerRequest topc arvados.Container starttime time.Time } func (s *containerSuite) crAttrs(c *C) map[string]interface{} { return map[string]interface{}{ "container_image": arvadostest.DockerImage112PDH, "command": []string{c.TestName(), fmt.Sprintf("%d", s.starttime.UnixMilli()), "top"}, "output_path": "/out", "priority": 1, "state": "Committed", "container_count_max": 1, "runtime_constraints": arvados.RuntimeConstraints{ RAM: 1, VCPUs: 1, }, "mounts": map[string]arvados.Mount{ "/out": arvados.Mount{}, }, } } func (s *containerSuite) SetUpTest(c *C) { s.localdbSuite.SetUpTest(c) var err error s.topcr, err = s.localdb.ContainerRequestCreate(s.userctx, arvados.CreateOptions{Attrs: s.crAttrs(c)}) c.Assert(err, IsNil) s.topc, err = s.localdb.ContainerGet(s.userctx, arvados.GetOptions{UUID: s.topcr.ContainerUUID}) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Assert(int(s.topc.Priority), Not(Equals), 0) c.Logf("topcr %s topc %s", s.topcr.UUID, s.topc.UUID) s.starttime = time.Now() } func (s *containerSuite) syncUpdatePriority(c *C) { // Sending 1x to the "update now" channel starts an update; // sending again fills the channel while the first update is // running; sending a third time blocks until the worker // receives the 2nd send, i.e., guarantees that the first // update has finished. s.localdb.wantContainerPriorityUpdate <- struct{}{} s.localdb.wantContainerPriorityUpdate <- struct{}{} s.localdb.wantContainerPriorityUpdate <- struct{}{} } func (s *containerSuite) TestUpdatePriorityShouldBeNonZero(c *C) { _, err := s.db.Exec("update containers set priority=0 where uuid=$1", s.topc.UUID) c.Assert(err, IsNil) topc, err := s.localdb.ContainerGet(s.userctx, arvados.GetOptions{UUID: s.topc.UUID}) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Assert(int(topc.Priority), Equals, 0) s.syncUpdatePriority(c) topc, err = s.localdb.ContainerGet(s.userctx, arvados.GetOptions{UUID: s.topc.UUID}) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Check(int(topc.Priority), Not(Equals), 0) } func (s *containerSuite) TestUpdatePriorityShouldBeZero(c *C) { _, err := s.db.Exec("update container_requests set priority=0 where uuid=$1", s.topcr.UUID) c.Assert(err, IsNil) topc, err := s.localdb.ContainerGet(s.userctx, arvados.GetOptions{UUID: s.topc.UUID}) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Assert(int(topc.Priority), Not(Equals), 0) s.syncUpdatePriority(c) topc, err = s.localdb.ContainerGet(s.userctx, arvados.GetOptions{UUID: s.topc.UUID}) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Check(int(topc.Priority), Equals, 0) } func (s *containerSuite) TestUpdatePriorityMultiLevelWorkflow(c *C) { childCR := func(parent arvados.ContainerRequest, arg string) arvados.ContainerRequest { attrs := s.crAttrs(c) attrs["command"] = []string{c.TestName(), fmt.Sprintf("%d", s.starttime.UnixMilli()), arg} cr, err := s.localdb.ContainerRequestCreate(s.userctx, arvados.CreateOptions{Attrs: attrs}) c.Assert(err, IsNil) _, err = s.db.Exec("update container_requests set requesting_container_uuid=$1 where uuid=$2", parent.ContainerUUID, cr.UUID) c.Assert(err, IsNil) return cr } // Build a tree of container requests and containers (3 levels // deep below s.topcr) allcrs := []arvados.ContainerRequest{s.topcr} for i := 0; i < 2; i++ { cri := childCR(s.topcr, fmt.Sprintf("i %d", i)) allcrs = append(allcrs, cri) for j := 0; j < 3; j++ { crj := childCR(cri, fmt.Sprintf("i %d j %d", i, j)) allcrs = append(allcrs, crj) for k := 0; k < 4; k++ { crk := childCR(crj, fmt.Sprintf("i %d j %d k %d", i, j, k)) allcrs = append(allcrs, crk) } } } testCtx, testCancel := context.WithDeadline(s.ctx, time.Now().Add(time.Second*20)) defer testCancel() // Set priority=0 on a parent+child, plus 18 other randomly // selected containers in the tree adminCtx := ctrlctx.NewWithToken(testCtx, s.cluster, s.cluster.SystemRootToken) // First entries of needfix are allcrs[1] (which is "i 0") and // allcrs[2] ("i 0 j 0") -- we want to make sure to get at // least one parent/child pair -- and the rest were chosen // randomly. // // Similar randomly chosen sets (e.g., skipping 23 here) are // known to fail. Possibly related to #20240. needfix := []int{1, 2, 23, 12, 20, 14, 13, 15, 7, 17, 28, 6, 26, 22, 21, 11, 1, 17, 18, 5} running := make(map[int]bool) for n, i := range needfix { needfix[n] = i if !running[i] { _, err := s.localdb.ContainerUpdate(adminCtx, arvados.UpdateOptions{ UUID: allcrs[i].ContainerUUID, Attrs: map[string]interface{}{"state": "Locked"}, }) c.Assert(err, IsNil) _, err = s.localdb.ContainerUpdate(adminCtx, arvados.UpdateOptions{ UUID: allcrs[i].ContainerUUID, Attrs: map[string]interface{}{"state": "Running"}, }) c.Assert(err, IsNil) running[i] = true } res, err := s.db.Exec("update containers set priority=0 where uuid=$1", allcrs[i].ContainerUUID) c.Assert(err, IsNil) updated, err := res.RowsAffected() c.Assert(err, IsNil) if n == 0 { c.Assert(int(updated), Equals, 1) } } var wg sync.WaitGroup defer wg.Wait() chaosCtx, chaosCancel := context.WithCancel(adminCtx) defer chaosCancel() wg.Add(1) go func() { defer wg.Done() // Flood the api with ContainerUpdate calls for the // same containers that need to have their priority // fixed for chaosCtx.Err() == nil { n := rand.Intn(len(needfix)) _, err := s.localdb.ContainerUpdate(chaosCtx, arvados.UpdateOptions{ UUID: allcrs[needfix[n]].ContainerUUID, Attrs: map[string]interface{}{ "runtime_status": map[string]string{ "info": time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339Nano), }, }, }) if !errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) { c.Check(err, IsNil) } } }() // Find and fix the containers with wrong priority s.syncUpdatePriority(c) // Ensure they all got fixed for _, cr := range allcrs { var priority int err := s.db.QueryRow("select priority from containers where uuid=$1", cr.ContainerUUID).Scan(&priority) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Check(priority, Not(Equals), 0) } chaosCancel() // Simulate cascading cancellation of the entire tree. For // this we need a goroutine to notice and cancel containers // with state=Running and priority=0, and cancel them // (this is normally done by a dispatcher). dispCtx, dispCancel := context.WithCancel(adminCtx) defer dispCancel() wg.Add(1) go func() { defer wg.Done() for dispCtx.Err() == nil { needcancel, err := s.localdb.ContainerList(dispCtx, arvados.ListOptions{ Limit: 1, Filters: []arvados.Filter{{"state", "=", "Running"}, {"priority", "=", 0}}, }) if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) { break } c.Assert(err, IsNil) for _, ctr := range needcancel.Items { _, err := s.localdb.ContainerUpdate(dispCtx, arvados.UpdateOptions{ UUID: ctr.UUID, Attrs: map[string]interface{}{ "state": "Cancelled", }, }) c.Assert(err, IsNil) } } }() _, err := s.localdb.ContainerRequestUpdate(s.userctx, arvados.UpdateOptions{ UUID: s.topcr.UUID, Attrs: map[string]interface{}{ "priority": 0, }, }) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Logf("waiting for all %d containers to have priority=0 after cancelling top level CR", len(allcrs)) for { time.Sleep(time.Second / 2) if testCtx.Err() != nil { c.Fatal("timed out") } done := true for _, cr := range allcrs { var priority int var crstate, command, ctrUUID string var parent sql.NullString err := s.db.QueryRowContext(s.ctx, "select state, priority, command, container_uuid, requesting_container_uuid from container_requests where uuid=$1", cr.UUID).Scan(&crstate, &priority, &command, &ctrUUID, &parent) if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) { break } c.Assert(err, IsNil) if crstate == "Committed" && priority > 0 { c.Logf("container request %s (%s; parent=%s) still has state %s priority %d", cr.UUID, command, parent.String, crstate, priority) done = false break } err = s.db.QueryRowContext(s.ctx, "select priority, command from containers where uuid=$1", cr.ContainerUUID).Scan(&priority, &command) if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) { break } c.Assert(err, IsNil) if priority > 0 { c.Logf("container %s (%s) still has priority %d", cr.ContainerUUID, command, priority) done = false break } } if done { c.Logf("success -- all %d containers have priority=0", len(allcrs)) break } } }