[comment]: # (Copyright © The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved.) [comment]: # () [comment]: # (SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0) # Contributing Arvados is free software, which means it is free for all to use, learn from, and improve. We encourage contributions from the community that improve Arvados for everyone. Some examples of contributions are bug reports, bug fixes, new features, and scripts or documentation that help with using, administering, or installing Arvados. We also love to hear about Arvados success stories. Those interested in contributing should begin by joining the [Arvados community channel](https://gitter.im/arvados/community) and telling us about your interest. Contributers should also create an account at https://dev.arvados.org to be able to create and comment on bug tracker issues. The Arvados public bug tracker is located at https://dev.arvados.org/projects/arvados/issues . Contributers may also be interested in the [development road map](https://dev.arvados.org/issues/gantt?utf8=%E2%9C%93&set_filter=1&gantt=1&f%5B%5D=project_id&op%5Bproject_id%5D=%3D&v%5Bproject_id%5D%5B%5D=49&f%5B%5D=&zoom=1). # Development Git repositories for primary development are located at https://git.arvados.org/ and can also be browsed at https://dev.arvados.org/projects/arvados/repository . Every push to the master branch is also mirrored to Github at https://github.com/arvados/arvados . Visit [Hacking Arvados](https://dev.arvados.org/projects/arvados/wiki/Hacking) for detailed information about setting up an Arvados development environment, development process, coding standards, and notes about specific components. If you wish to build the Arvados documentation from a local git clone, see [doc/README.textile](doc/README.textile) for instructions. # Pull requests The preferred method for making contributions is through Github pull requests. This is the general contribution process: 1. Fork the Arvados repository using the Github "Fork" button 2. Clone your fork, make your changes, commit to your fork. 3. Every commit message must have a DCO sign-off and every file must have a SPDX license (see below). 4. Add yourself to the [AUTHORS](AUTHORS) file 5. When your fork is ready, through Github, Create a Pull Request against `arvados:master` 6. Notify the core team about your pull request through the [Arvados development channel](https://gitter.im/arvados/development) or by other means. 7. A member of the core team will review the pull request. They may have questions or comments, or request changes. 8. When the contribution is ready, a member of the core team will merge the pull request into the master branch, which will automatically resolve the pull request. The Arvados project does not require a contributor agreement in advance, but does require each commit message include a [Developer Certificate of Origin](https://dev.arvados.org/projects/arvados/wiki/Developer_Certificate_Of_Origin). Please ensure *every git commit message* includes `Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by`. If you have already made commits without it, fix them with `git commit --amend` or `git rebase`. The Developer Certificate of Origin line looks like this: ``` Arvados-DCO-1.1-Signed-off-by: Joe Smith <joe.smith@example.com> ``` New files must also include `SPDX-License-Identifier` at the top with one of the three Arvados open source licenses. See [COPYING](COPYING) for details. # Continuous integration Continuous integration is hosted at https://ci.arvados.org/ Currently, external contributers cannot trigger builds. We are investigating integration with Github pull requests for the future. [](https://ci.arvados.org/job/run-tests/) [](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/arvados/arvados)