--- layout: default navsection: installguide title: Create standard objects ... h3. "All users" group The convention is to add every active user to this group. We give it a distinctive UUID that looks like an IP broadcast address.
prefix=`arv user current | cut -d- -f1`
read -rd $'\000' newgroup <

h3. "arvados" repository

This will be readable by the "All users" group, and therefore by every active user. This makes it possible for users to run the bundled Crunch scripts by specifying a commit like "arvados:HEAD", rather than having to pull the Arvados git tree into their own repositories.

prefix=`arv user current | cut -d- -f1`
repo_uuid=`arv repository create --repository '{"name":"arvados"}'`
echo "Arvados repository uuid is $repo_uuid"

read -rd $'\000' newlink <

h3. Keep disks

Currently, you need to tell Arvados about Keep disks manually.

secret=`ruby -e 'print rand(2**512).to_s(36)[0..49]'`
arv keep_disk create --keep-disk <