--- layout: default navsection: userguide title: "Writing a multi-step pipeline" ... A pipeline in Arvados is a collection of crunch scripts, in which the output from one script may be used as the input to another script. {% include 'tutorial_expectations' %} First, use @arv pipeline_template create@ to create a new empty template. The @--format=uuid@ option will print out the unique identifier for the new template:
~$ arv --format=uuid pipeline_template create --pipeline-template '{}'
Next, use @arv edit@ to edit the template. This will open the template record in an interactive text editor (as specified by $EDITOR or $VISUAL, otherwise defaults to @nano@). Replace the empty fields with the following content: {% code 'tutorial_bwa_pipeline' as javascript %} Your new pipeline template will appear on the Workbench "Pipeline templates":https://{{ site.arvados_workbench_host }}/pipeline_templates page. For more information and examples for writing pipelines, see the "pipeline template reference":{{site.baseurl}}/api/schema/PipelineTemplate.html