--- layout: default navsection: installguide title: Installation options ... {% comment %} Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-3.0 {% endcomment %} {% include 'notebox_begin' %} This section is about installing an Arvados cluster. If you are just looking to install Arvados client tools and libraries, "go to the SDK section.":{{site.baseurl}}/sdk/ {% include 'notebox_end' %} Arvados components run on GNU/Linux systems, and supports AWS, GCP and Azure cloud platforms as well as on-premises installs. Arvados supports Debian and derivatives such as Ubuntu, as well as Red Hat and derivatives such as CentOS. "Arvados is Free Software":{{site.baseurl}}/user/copying/copying.html and self-install installations are not limited in any way. Commercial support and development are also available from "Curii Corporation.":mailto:info@curii.com Arvados components can be installed and configured in a number of different ways.
table(table table-bordered table-condensed). |||\5=. Appropriate for| ||_. Setup difficulty|_. Arvados Evaluation|_. Workflow Development|_. Production at Scale| |"Arvados-in-a-box":arvbox.html (arvbox)|Easy|yes|limited|no| |"Arados Installer":salt-single-host.html (single host)|Easy|yes|limited|no| |"Arados Installer":salt-multi-host.html (multi host)|Moderate|yes|yes|yes| |"Manual installation":install-manual-prerequisites.html|Difficult|yes|yes|yes| |"Cluster Operation Subscription supported by Curii":https://curii.com|N/A ^1^|yes|yes|yes|
* ^1^ No user installation necessary, Curii run and managed