# Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # Simplest example command line program wrapper for the Unix tool "rev". # class: CommandLineTool cwlVersion: v1.0 doc: "Reverse each line using the `rev` command" hints: ResourceRequirement: ramMin: 8 # The "inputs" array defines the structure of the input object that describes # the inputs to the underlying program. Here, there is one input field # defined that will be called "input" and will contain a "File" object. # # The input binding indicates that the input value should be turned into a # command line argument. In this example inputBinding is an empty object, # which indicates that the file name should be added to the command line at # a default location. inputs: input: type: File inputBinding: {} # The "outputs" array defines the structure of the output object that # describes the outputs of the underlying program. Here, there is one # output field defined that will be called "output", must be a "File" type, # and after the program executes, the output value will be the file # output.txt in the designated output directory. outputs: output: type: File outputBinding: glob: output.txt # The actual program to execute. baseCommand: rev # Specify that the standard output stream must be redirected to a file called # output.txt in the designated output directory. stdout: output.txt