--- layout: default navsection: userguide title: Setting up SSH access navorder: 2 --- # Setting up SSH access Arvados uses SSH public key authentication for two things: * logging in to a VM, and * pushing code to a git repository. If you don't already have an SSH key pair (or you don't know whether you do), there are lots of tutorials out there to help you get started: * [github SSH key tutorial](https://www.google.com/search?q=github+ssh+key+help) Once you have a public/private key pair, copy and paste the public key into Arvados Workbench's "add SSH key" box. * A screen shot would be nice here. On your workstation, add the following section to your `~/.ssh/config` file: Host *.arvados ProxyCommand ssh turnout@9ujm1.arvados.org %h %p %u Port 2222 If you have access to an account `foo` on a VM called `blurfl` then you can log in like this: ssh foo@blurfl.arvados ### Another option for impatient and lazy people If you want to shorten this and you always/usually have access to the `foo` account on VMs, you can add a section like this to `~/.ssh/config`: Host *.a ProxyCommand ssh turnout@9ujm1.arvados.org %hrvados %p %u Port 2222 User foo Then you can log in to the `blurfl` VM as `foo` like this: ssh blurfl.a (Arvados Workbench will show you a list of VMs you have access to and what your account name is for each one.) ### Setup instructions for PuTTY If you use Microsoft Windows, you should download the PuTTY software. * Details about configuring PuTTY would be nice here.