package main import ( "bytes" "crypto/md5" "fmt" "log" "os" "time" "" "" "" check "" ) type TestableS3Volume struct { *S3Volume server *s3test.Server c *check.C serverClock *fakeClock } const ( TestBucketName = "testbucket" ) type fakeClock struct { now *time.Time } func (c *fakeClock) Now() time.Time { if == nil { return time.Now() } return * } func init() { // Deleting isn't safe from races, but if it's turned on // anyway we do expect it to pass the generic volume tests. s3UnsafeDelete = true } func NewTestableS3Volume(c *check.C, raceWindow time.Duration, readonly bool, replication int) *TestableS3Volume { clock := &fakeClock{} srv, err := s3test.NewServer(&s3test.Config{Clock: clock}) c.Assert(err, check.IsNil) auth := aws.Auth{} region := aws.Region{ Name: "test-region-1", S3Endpoint: srv.URL(), S3LocationConstraint: true, } bucket := &s3.Bucket{ S3: s3.New(auth, region), Name: TestBucketName, } err = bucket.PutBucket(s3.ACL("private")) c.Assert(err, check.IsNil) return &TestableS3Volume{ S3Volume: NewS3Volume(auth, region, TestBucketName, raceWindow, readonly, replication), server: srv, serverClock: clock, } } var _ = check.Suite(&StubbedS3Suite{}) type StubbedS3Suite struct { volumes []*TestableS3Volume } func (s *StubbedS3Suite) TestGeneric(c *check.C) { DoGenericVolumeTests(c, func(t TB) TestableVolume { // Use a negative raceWindow so s3test's 1-second // timestamp precision doesn't confuse fixRace. return NewTestableS3Volume(c, -2*time.Second, false, 2) }) } func (s *StubbedS3Suite) TestGenericReadOnly(c *check.C) { DoGenericVolumeTests(c, func(t TB) TestableVolume { return NewTestableS3Volume(c, -2*time.Second, true, 2) }) } func (s *StubbedS3Suite) TestIndex(c *check.C) { v := NewTestableS3Volume(c, 0, false, 2) v.indexPageSize = 3 for i := 0; i < 256; i++ { v.PutRaw(fmt.Sprintf("%02x%030x", i, i), []byte{102, 111, 111}) } for _, spec := range []struct { prefix string expectMatch int }{ {"", 256}, {"c", 16}, {"bc", 1}, {"abc", 0}, } { buf := new(bytes.Buffer) err := v.IndexTo(spec.prefix, buf) c.Check(err, check.IsNil) idx := bytes.SplitAfter(buf.Bytes(), []byte{10}) c.Check(len(idx), check.Equals, spec.expectMatch+1) c.Check(len(idx[len(idx)-1]), check.Equals, 0) } } func (s *StubbedS3Suite) TestBackendStates(c *check.C) { defer func(tl, bs time.Duration) { trashLifetime = tl blobSignatureTTL = bs }(trashLifetime, blobSignatureTTL) trashLifetime = time.Hour blobSignatureTTL = time.Hour v := NewTestableS3Volume(c, 5*time.Minute, false, 2) var none time.Time stubKey := func(t time.Time, key string, data []byte) { if t == none { return } = &t v.Bucket.Put(key, data, "application/octet-stream", s3ACL, s3.Options{}) } t0 := time.Now() nextKey := 0 for _, scenario := range []struct { label string data time.Time recent time.Time trash time.Time canGet bool canTrash bool canGetAfterTrash bool canUntrash bool haveTrashAfterEmpty bool freshAfterEmpty bool }{ { "No related objects", none, none, none, false, false, false, false, false, false, }, { // Stored by older version, or there was a // race between EmptyTrash and Put: Trash is a // no-op even though the data object is very // old "No recent/X", t0.Add(-48 * time.Hour), none, none, true, true, true, false, false, false, }, { "Not trash; old enough to trash", t0.Add(-24 * time.Hour), t0.Add(-2 * time.Hour), none, true, true, false, false, false, false, }, { "Not trash; not old enough to trash", t0.Add(-24 * time.Hour), t0.Add(-30 * time.Minute), none, true, true, true, false, false, false, }, { "Trash + not-trash: recent race between Trash and Put", t0.Add(-24 * time.Hour), t0.Add(-3 * time.Minute), t0.Add(-2 * time.Minute), true, true, true, true, true, false, }, { "Trash + not-trash, nearly eligible for deletion, prone to Trash race", t0.Add(-24 * time.Hour), t0.Add(-12 * time.Hour), t0.Add(-59 * time.Minute), true, false, true, true, true, false, }, { "Trash + not-trash, eligible for deletion, prone to Trash race", t0.Add(-24 * time.Hour), t0.Add(-12 * time.Hour), t0.Add(-61 * time.Minute), true, false, true, true, false, false, }, { "Trash + not-trash, unsafe to empty; old race between Put and unfinished Trash", t0.Add(-24 * time.Hour), t0.Add(-12 * time.Hour), t0.Add(-12 * time.Hour), true, false, true, true, true, true, }, { "Trash + not-trash, was unsafe to empty, but since made safe by fixRace+Touch", t0.Add(-time.Second), t0.Add(-time.Second), t0.Add(-12 * time.Hour), true, true, true, true, false, false, }, { "Trash operation was interrupted", t0.Add(-24 * time.Hour), t0.Add(-24 * time.Hour), t0.Add(-12 * time.Hour), true, false, true, true, false, false, }, { "Trash, not yet eligible for deletion", none, t0.Add(-12 * time.Hour), t0.Add(-time.Minute), false, false, false, true, true, false, }, { "Trash, not yet eligible for deletion, prone to races", none, t0.Add(-12 * time.Hour), t0.Add(-59 * time.Minute), false, false, false, true, true, false, }, { "Trash, eligible for deletion", none, t0.Add(-12 * time.Hour), t0.Add(-2 * time.Hour), false, false, false, true, false, false, }, { "Erroneously trashed during a race, detected before trashLifetime", none, t0.Add(-30 * time.Minute), t0.Add(-29 * time.Minute), true, false, true, true, true, false, }, { "Erroneously trashed during a race, rescue during EmptyTrash despite reaching trashLifetime", none, t0.Add(-90 * time.Minute), t0.Add(-89 * time.Minute), true, false, true, true, true, false, }, } { c.Log("Scenario: ", scenario.label) // We have a few tests to run for each scenario, and // the tests are expected to change state. By calling // this setup func between tests, we (re)create the // scenario as specified, using a new unique block // locator to prevent interference from previous // tests. setup := func() (string, []byte) { nextKey++ blk := []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%d", nextKey)) loc := fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum(blk)) c.Log("\t", loc) stubKey(, loc, blk) stubKey(scenario.recent, "recent/"+loc, nil) stubKey(scenario.trash, "trash/"+loc, blk) = &t0 return loc, blk } loc, blk := setup() buf := make([]byte, len(blk)) _, err := v.Get(loc, buf) c.Check(err == nil, check.Equals, scenario.canGet) if err != nil { c.Check(os.IsNotExist(err), check.Equals, true) } loc, blk = setup() err = v.Trash(loc) c.Check(err == nil, check.Equals, scenario.canTrash) _, err = v.Get(loc, buf) c.Check(err == nil, check.Equals, scenario.canGetAfterTrash) if err != nil { c.Check(os.IsNotExist(err), check.Equals, true) } loc, blk = setup() err = v.Untrash(loc) c.Check(err == nil, check.Equals, scenario.canUntrash) loc, blk = setup() v.EmptyTrash() _, err = v.Bucket.Head("trash/"+loc, nil) c.Check(err == nil, check.Equals, scenario.haveTrashAfterEmpty) if scenario.freshAfterEmpty { t, err := v.Mtime(loc) c.Check(err, check.IsNil) // new mtime must be current (with an // allowance for 1s timestamp precision) c.Check(t.After(t0.Add(-time.Second)), check.Equals, true) } } } // PutRaw skips the ContentMD5 test func (v *TestableS3Volume) PutRaw(loc string, block []byte) { err := v.Bucket.Put(loc, block, "application/octet-stream", s3ACL, s3.Options{}) if err != nil { log.Printf("PutRaw: %+v", err) } } // TouchWithDate turns back the clock while doing a Touch(). We assume // there are no other operations happening on the same s3test server // while we do this. func (v *TestableS3Volume) TouchWithDate(locator string, lastPut time.Time) { = &lastPut err := v.Bucket.Put("recent/"+locator, nil, "application/octet-stream", s3ACL, s3.Options{}) if err != nil { panic(err) } = nil } func (v *TestableS3Volume) Teardown() { v.server.Quit() }