// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 import { OutputDetails, ProcessPanel } from "store/process-panel/process-panel"; import { ProcessPanelAction, processPanelActions } from "store/process-panel/process-panel-actions"; const initialState: ProcessPanel = { containerRequestUuid: "", filters: {}, inputRaw: null, inputParams: null, outputData: null, nodeInfo: null, outputDefinitions: [], outputParams: null, usageReport: null, containerStatus: null, }; export type OutputDataUpdate = { uuid: string; payload: OutputDetails; }; export const processPanelReducer = (state = initialState, action: ProcessPanelAction): ProcessPanel => processPanelActions.match(action, { RESET_PROCESS_PANEL: () => initialState, SET_PROCESS_PANEL_CONTAINER_REQUEST_UUID: containerRequestUuid => ({ ...state, containerRequestUuid, }), SET_PROCESS_PANEL_FILTERS: statuses => { const filters = statuses.reduce((filters, status) => ({ ...filters, [status]: true }), {}); return { ...state, filters }; }, TOGGLE_PROCESS_PANEL_FILTER: status => { const filters = { ...state.filters, [status]: !state.filters[status] }; return { ...state, filters }; }, SET_INPUT_RAW: inputRaw => { // Since mounts can disappear and reappear, only set inputs // if current state is null or new inputs has content if (state.inputRaw === null || (inputRaw && Object.keys(inputRaw).length)) { return { ...state, inputRaw }; } else { return state; } }, SET_INPUT_PARAMS: inputParams => { // Since mounts can disappear and reappear, only set inputs // if current state is null or new inputs has content if (state.inputParams === null || (inputParams && inputParams.length)) { return { ...state, inputParams }; } else { return state; } }, SET_OUTPUT_DATA: (update: OutputDataUpdate) => { //never set output to {} unless initializing if (state.outputData?.raw && Object.keys(state.outputData?.raw).length && state.containerRequestUuid === update.uuid) { return state; } return { ...state, outputData: update.payload }; }, SET_NODE_INFO: ({ nodeInfo }) => { return { ...state, nodeInfo }; }, SET_OUTPUT_DEFINITIONS: outputDefinitions => { // Set output definitions is only additive to avoid clearing when mounts go temporarily missing if (outputDefinitions.length) { return { ...state, outputDefinitions }; } else { return state; } }, SET_OUTPUT_PARAMS: outputParams => { return { ...state, outputParams }; }, SET_USAGE_REPORT: ({ usageReport }) => { return { ...state, usageReport }; }, SET_CONTAINER_STATUS: (containerStatus) => { return { ...state, containerStatus }; }, default: () => state, });