// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 import React from 'react'; import axios from 'axios'; import { configure, shallow } from "enzyme"; import Adapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-16'; import { ListItem } from '@material-ui/core'; import JSZip from 'jszip'; import { DownloadAction } from './download-action'; configure({ adapter: new Adapter() }); jest.mock('axios'); jest.mock('file-saver', () => ({ saveAs: jest.fn(), })); const mock = { file: jest.fn(), generateAsync: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => Promise.resolve('test')), }; describe('', () => { let props; let zip; beforeEach(() => { props = {}; zip = new JSZip(); (axios as any).get.mockImplementationOnce(() => Promise.resolve({ data: '1234' })); }); it('should return null if missing href or kind of file in props', () => { // when const wrapper = shallow(); // then expect(wrapper.html()).toBeNull(); }); it('should return a element', () => { // setup props.href = '#'; // when const wrapper = shallow(); // then expect(wrapper.html()).not.toBeNull(); }); it('should handle download', () => { // setup props = { href: ['file1'], kind: 'files', download: [], currentCollectionUuid: '123412-123123' }; const wrapper = shallow(); // when wrapper.find(ListItem).simulate('click'); // then expect(axios.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith(props.href[0]); }); });