# Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 import arvados import collections import crunchstat_summary.dygraphs import crunchstat_summary.reader import datetime import functools import itertools import math import re import sys import _strptime import arvados.util from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from crunchstat_summary import logger # Recommend memory constraints that are this multiple of an integral # number of GiB. (Actual nodes tend to be sold in sizes like 8 GiB # that have amounts like 7.5 GiB according to the kernel.) AVAILABLE_RAM_RATIO = 0.90 MB=2**20 # Workaround datetime.datetime.strptime() thread-safety bug by calling # it once before starting threads. https://bugs.python.org/issue7980 datetime.datetime.strptime('1999-12-31_23:59:59', '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S') WEBCHART_CLASS = crunchstat_summary.dygraphs.DygraphsChart class Task(object): def __init__(self): self.starttime = None self.finishtime = None self.series = collections.defaultdict(list) class Summarizer(object): def __init__(self, logdata, label=None, skip_child_jobs=False, uuid=None, **kwargs): self._logdata = logdata self.uuid = uuid self.label = label self.starttime = None self.finishtime = None self._skip_child_jobs = skip_child_jobs # stats_max: {category: {stat: val}} self.stats_max = collections.defaultdict( functools.partial(collections.defaultdict, lambda: 0)) # task_stats: {task_id: {category: {stat: val}}} self.task_stats = collections.defaultdict( functools.partial(collections.defaultdict, dict)) self.seq_to_uuid = {} self.tasks = collections.defaultdict(Task) # We won't bother recommending new runtime constraints if the # constraints given when running the job are known to us and # are already suitable. If applicable, the subclass # constructor will overwrite this with something useful. self.existing_constraints = {} self.node_info = {} self.cost = 0 self.arv_config = {} logger.info("%s: logdata %s", self.label, logdata) def run(self): logger.debug("%s: parsing logdata %s", self.label, self._logdata) with self._logdata as logdata: self._run(logdata) def _run(self, logdata): if not self.node_info: self.node_info = logdata.node_info() for line in logdata: # crunch2 # 2017-12-01T16:56:24.723509200Z crunchstat: keepcalls 0 put 3 get -- interval 10.0000 seconds 0 put 3 get m = re.search(r'^(?P\S+) (?Pcrunchstat: )?(?P\S+) (?P.*?)( -- interval (?P.*))?\n$', line) if not m: continue if self.label is None: try: self.label = m.group('job_uuid') except IndexError: self.label = 'label #1' task_id = 'container' task = self.tasks[task_id] # Use the first and last crunchstat timestamps as # approximations of starttime and finishtime. timestamp = m.group('timestamp') if timestamp[10:11] == '_': timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime( timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S') elif timestamp[10:11] == 'T': timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime( timestamp[:19], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') else: raise ValueError("Cannot parse timestamp {!r}".format( timestamp)) if task.starttime is None: logger.debug('%s: task %s starttime %s', self.label, task_id, timestamp) if task.starttime is None or timestamp < task.starttime: task.starttime = timestamp if task.finishtime is None or timestamp > task.finishtime: task.finishtime = timestamp if self.starttime is None or timestamp < self.starttime: self.starttime = timestamp if self.finishtime is None or timestamp > self.finishtime: self.finishtime = timestamp if task.starttime is not None and task.finishtime is not None: elapsed = (task.finishtime - task.starttime).seconds self.task_stats[task_id]['time'] = {'elapsed': elapsed} if elapsed > self.stats_max['time']['elapsed']: self.stats_max['time']['elapsed'] = elapsed category = m.group('category') if category.endswith(':'): # "stderr crunchstat: notice: ..." continue elif category in ('error', 'caught'): continue elif category in ('read', 'open', 'cgroup', 'CID', 'Running'): # "stderr crunchstat: read /proc/1234/net/dev: ..." # (old logs are less careful with unprefixed error messages) continue this_interval_s = None for group in ['current', 'interval']: if not m.group(group): continue category = m.group('category') words = m.group(group).split(' ') stats = {} try: for val, stat in zip(words[::2], words[1::2]): if '.' in val: stats[stat] = float(val) else: stats[stat] = int(val) except ValueError as e: # If the line doesn't start with 'crunchstat:' we # might have mistaken an error message for a # structured crunchstat line. if m.group("crunchstat") is None or m.group("category") == "crunchstat": logger.warning("%s: log contains message\n %s", self.label, line) else: logger.warning( '%s: Error parsing value %r (stat %r, category %r): %r', self.label, val, stat, category, e) logger.warning('%s', line) continue if 'user' in stats or 'sys' in stats: stats['user+sys'] = stats.get('user', 0) + stats.get('sys', 0) if 'tx' in stats or 'rx' in stats: stats['tx+rx'] = stats.get('tx', 0) + stats.get('rx', 0) if group == 'interval': if 'seconds' in stats: this_interval_s = stats.get('seconds',0) del stats['seconds'] if this_interval_s <= 0: logger.error( "BUG? interval stat given with duration {!r}". format(this_interval_s)) else: logger.error('BUG? interval stat missing duration') for stat, val in stats.items(): if group == 'interval' and this_interval_s: stat = stat + '__rate' val = val / this_interval_s if stat in ['user+sys__rate', 'user__rate', 'sys__rate', 'tx+rx__rate', 'rx__rate', 'tx__rate']: task.series[category, stat].append( (timestamp - self.starttime, val)) else: if stat in ['rss','used','total']: task.series[category, stat].append( (timestamp - self.starttime, val)) self.task_stats[task_id][category][stat] = val if val > self.stats_max[category][stat]: self.stats_max[category][stat] = val logger.debug('%s: done parsing', self.label) self.job_tot = collections.defaultdict( functools.partial(collections.defaultdict, int)) for task_id, task_stat in self.task_stats.items(): for category, stat_last in task_stat.items(): for stat, val in stat_last.items(): if stat in ['cpus', 'cache', 'swap', 'rss']: # meaningless stats like 16 cpu cores x 5 tasks = 80 continue self.job_tot[category][stat] += val logger.debug('%s: done totals', self.label) if self.stats_max['time'].get('elapsed', 0) > 20: # needs to have executed for at least 20 seconds or we may # not have collected any metrics and these warnings are duds. missing_category = { 'cpu': 'CPU', 'mem': 'memory', 'net:': 'network I/O', 'statfs': 'storage space', } for task_stat in self.task_stats.values(): for category in task_stat.keys(): for checkcat in missing_category: if checkcat.endswith(':'): if category.startswith(checkcat): missing_category.pop(checkcat) break else: if category == checkcat: missing_category.pop(checkcat) break for catlabel in missing_category.values(): logger.warning('%s: %s stats are missing -- possible cluster configuration issue', self.label, catlabel) def long_label(self): label = self.label if hasattr(self, 'process') and self.process['uuid'] not in label: label = '{} ({})'.format(label, self.process['uuid']) return label def elapsed_time(self): if not self.finishtime: return "" label = "" s = (self.finishtime - self.starttime).total_seconds() if s > 86400: label += '{}d '.format(int(s/86400)) if s > 3600: label += '{}h '.format(int(s/3600) % 24) if s > 60: label += '{}m '.format(int(s/60) % 60) label += '{}s'.format(int(s) % 60) return label def text_report(self): if not self.tasks: return "(no report generated)\n" return "\n".join(itertools.chain( self._text_report_table_gen(lambda x: "\t".join(x), lambda x: "\t".join(x)), self._text_report_agg_gen(lambda x: "# {}: {}{}".format(x[0], x[1], x[2])), self._recommend_gen(lambda x: "#!! "+x))) + "\n" def html_report(self): tophtml = """{}\n{}
\n""".format( "\n".join(self._recommend_gen(lambda x: "


".format(x))), "\n".join(self._text_report_agg_gen(lambda x: "{}{}{}".format(*x)))) bottomhtml = """{}
\n""".format( "\n".join(self._text_report_table_gen(lambda x: "{}{}{}{}{}".format(*x), lambda x: "{}{}{}{}{}".format(*x)))) label = self.long_label() return WEBCHART_CLASS(label, [self]).html(tophtml, bottomhtml) def _text_report_table_gen(self, headerformat, rowformat): yield headerformat(['category', 'metric', 'task_max', 'task_max_rate', 'job_total']) for category, stat_max in sorted(self.stats_max.items()): for stat, val in sorted(stat_max.items()): if stat.endswith('__rate'): continue max_rate = self._format(stat_max.get(stat+'__rate', '-')) val = self._format(val) tot = self._format(self.job_tot[category].get(stat, '-')) yield rowformat([category, stat, str(val), max_rate, tot]) def _text_report_agg_gen(self, aggformat): by_single_task = "" if len(self.tasks) > 1: by_single_task = " by a single task" metrics = [ ('Elapsed time', self.elapsed_time(), None, ''), ('Estimated cost', '${:.3f}'.format(self.cost), None, '') if self.cost > 0 else None, ('Assigned instance type', self.node_info.get('ProviderType'), None, '') if self.node_info.get('ProviderType') else None, ('Instance hourly price', '${:.3f}'.format(self.node_info.get('Price')), None, '') if self.node_info.get('Price') else None, ('Max CPU usage in a single interval', self.stats_max['cpu']['user+sys__rate'], lambda x: x * 100, '%'), ('Overall CPU usage', float(self.job_tot['cpu']['user+sys']) / self.job_tot['time']['elapsed'] if self.job_tot['time']['elapsed'] > 0 else 0, lambda x: x * 100, '%'), ('Requested CPU cores', self.existing_constraints.get(self._map_runtime_constraint('vcpus')), None, '') if self.existing_constraints.get(self._map_runtime_constraint('vcpus')) else None, ('Instance VCPUs', self.node_info.get('VCPUs'), None, '') if self.node_info.get('VCPUs') else None, ('Max memory used{}'.format(by_single_task), self.stats_max['mem']['rss'], lambda x: x / 2**20, 'MB'), ('Requested RAM', self.existing_constraints.get(self._map_runtime_constraint('ram')), lambda x: x / 2**20, 'MB') if self.existing_constraints.get(self._map_runtime_constraint('ram')) else None, ('Maximum RAM request for this instance type', (self.node_info.get('RAM') - self.arv_config.get('Containers', {}).get('ReserveExtraRAM', 0))*.95, lambda x: x / 2**20, 'MB') if self.node_info.get('RAM') else None, ('Max network traffic{}'.format(by_single_task), self.stats_max['net:eth0']['tx+rx'] + self.stats_max['net:keep0']['tx+rx'], lambda x: x / 1e9, 'GB'), ('Max network speed in a single interval', self.stats_max['net:eth0']['tx+rx__rate'] + self.stats_max['net:keep0']['tx+rx__rate'], lambda x: x / 1e6, 'MB/s'), ('Keep cache miss rate', (float(self.job_tot['keepcache']['miss']) / float(self.job_tot['keepcalls']['get'])) if self.job_tot['keepcalls']['get'] > 0 else 0, lambda x: x * 100.0, '%'), ('Keep cache utilization', (float(self.job_tot['blkio:0:0']['read']) / float(self.job_tot['net:keep0']['rx'])) if self.job_tot['net:keep0']['rx'] > 0 else 0, lambda x: x * 100.0, '%'), ('Temp disk utilization', (float(self.job_tot['statfs']['used']) / float(self.job_tot['statfs']['total'])) if self.job_tot['statfs']['total'] > 0 else 0, lambda x: x * 100.0, '%'), ] if len(self.tasks) > 1: metrics.insert(0, ('Number of tasks', len(self.tasks), None, '')) for args in metrics: if args is None: continue format_string, val, transform, suffix = args if val == float('-Inf'): continue if transform: val = transform(val) yield aggformat((format_string, self._format(val), suffix)) def _recommend_gen(self, recommendformat): # TODO recommend fixing job granularity if elapsed time is too short if self.stats_max['time'].get('elapsed', 0) <= 20: # Not enough data return [] return itertools.chain( self._recommend_cpu(recommendformat), self._recommend_ram(recommendformat), self._recommend_keep_cache(recommendformat), self._recommend_temp_disk(recommendformat), ) def _recommend_cpu(self, recommendformat): """Recommend asking for 4 cores if max CPU usage was 333%""" constraint_key = self._map_runtime_constraint('vcpus') cpu_max_rate = self.stats_max['cpu']['user+sys__rate'] if cpu_max_rate == float('-Inf') or cpu_max_rate == 0.0: logger.warning('%s: no CPU usage data', self.label) return # TODO Don't necessarily want to recommend on isolated max peak # take average CPU usage into account as well or % time at max used_cores = max(1, int(math.ceil(cpu_max_rate))) asked_cores = self.existing_constraints.get(constraint_key) if asked_cores is None: asked_cores = 1 if used_cores < (asked_cores*.5): yield recommendformat( '{} peak CPU usage was only {}% out of possible {}% ({} cores requested)' ).format( self.label, math.ceil(cpu_max_rate*100), asked_cores*100, asked_cores) # FIXME: This needs to be updated to account for current a-d-c algorithms def _recommend_ram(self, recommendformat): """Recommend an economical RAM constraint for this job. Nodes that are advertised as "8 gibibytes" actually have what we might call "8 nearlygibs" of memory available for jobs. Here, we calculate a whole number of nearlygibs that would have sufficed to run the job, then recommend requesting a node with that number of nearlygibs (expressed as mebibytes). Requesting a node with "nearly 8 gibibytes" is our best hope of getting a node that actually has nearly 8 gibibytes available. If the node manager is smart enough to account for the discrepancy itself when choosing/creating a node, we'll get an 8 GiB node with nearly 8 GiB available. Otherwise, the advertised size of the next-size-smaller node (say, 6 GiB) will be too low to satisfy our request, so we will effectively get rounded up to 8 GiB. For example, if we need 7500 MiB, we can ask for 7500 MiB, and we will generally get a node that is advertised as "8 GiB" and has at least 7500 MiB available. However, asking for 8192 MiB would either result in an unnecessarily expensive 12 GiB node (if node manager knows about the discrepancy), or an 8 GiB node which has less than 8192 MiB available and is therefore considered by crunch-dispatch to be too small to meet our constraint. When node manager learns how to predict the available memory for each node type such that crunch-dispatch always agrees that a node is big enough to run the job it was brought up for, all this will be unnecessary. We'll just ask for exactly the memory we want -- even if that happens to be 8192 MiB. """ constraint_key = self._map_runtime_constraint('ram') used_bytes = self.stats_max['mem']['rss'] if used_bytes == float('-Inf'): logger.warning('%s: no memory usage data', self.label) return if not self.existing_constraints.get(constraint_key): return used_mib = math.ceil(float(used_bytes) / MB) asked_mib = self.existing_constraints.get(constraint_key) / MB nearlygibs = lambda mebibytes: mebibytes/AVAILABLE_RAM_RATIO/1024 ratio = 0.5 recommend_mib = int(math.ceil(nearlygibs(used_mib/ratio))*AVAILABLE_RAM_RATIO*1024) if used_mib > 0 and (used_mib / asked_mib) < ratio and asked_mib > recommend_mib: yield recommendformat( '{} peak RAM usage was only {}% ({} MiB used / {} MiB requested)' ).format( self.label, int(math.ceil(100*(used_mib / asked_mib))), int(used_mib), int(asked_mib)) def _recommend_keep_cache(self, recommendformat): """Recommend increasing keep cache if utilization < 50%. This means the amount of data returned to the program is less than 50% of the amount of data actually downloaded by arv-mount. """ if self.job_tot['net:keep0']['rx'] == 0: return miss_rate = (float(self.job_tot['keepcache']['miss']) / float(self.job_tot['keepcalls']['get'])) utilization = (float(self.job_tot['blkio:0:0']['read']) / float(self.job_tot['net:keep0']['rx'])) # FIXME: the default on this get won't work correctly asked_cache = self.existing_constraints.get('keep_cache_ram') or self.existing_constraints.get('keep_cache_disk') if utilization < 0.5 and miss_rate > .05: yield recommendformat( '{} Keep cache utilization was only {:.2f}% and miss rate was {:.2f}% -- ' 'recommend increasing keep_cache' ).format( self.label, utilization * 100.0, miss_rate * 100.0) def _recommend_temp_disk(self, recommendformat): """This recommendation is disabled for the time being. It was using the total disk on the node and not the amount of disk requested, so it would trigger a false positive basically every time. To get the amount of disk requested we need to fish it out of the mounts, which is extra work I don't want do right now. You can find the old code at commit 616d135e77 """ return [] def _format(self, val): """Return a string representation of a stat. {:.2f} for floats, default format for everything else.""" if isinstance(val, float): return '{:.2f}'.format(val) else: return '{}'.format(val) def _runtime_constraint_mem_unit(self): if hasattr(self, 'runtime_constraint_mem_unit'): return self.runtime_constraint_mem_unit else: return ContainerRequestSummarizer.runtime_constraint_mem_unit def _map_runtime_constraint(self, key): return key class CollectionSummarizer(Summarizer): def __init__(self, collection_id, **kwargs): super(CollectionSummarizer, self).__init__( crunchstat_summary.reader.CollectionReader(collection_id), **kwargs) self.label = collection_id def NewSummarizer(process_or_uuid, **kwargs): """Construct with the appropriate subclass for this uuid/object.""" if isinstance(process_or_uuid, dict): process = process_or_uuid uuid = process['uuid'] else: uuid = process_or_uuid process = None arv = kwargs.get("arv") or arvados.api('v1') if '-dz642-' in uuid: if process is None: # Get the associated CR. Doesn't matter which since they all have the same logs crs = arv.container_requests().list(filters=[['container_uuid','=',uuid]],limit=1).execute()['items'] if len(crs) > 0: process = crs[0] klass = ContainerRequestTreeSummarizer elif '-xvhdp-' in uuid: if process is None: process = arv.container_requests().get(uuid=uuid).execute() klass = ContainerRequestTreeSummarizer elif '-4zz18-' in uuid: return CollectionSummarizer(collection_id=uuid) else: raise ArgumentError("Unrecognized uuid %s", uuid) return klass(process, uuid=uuid, **kwargs) class ProcessSummarizer(Summarizer): """Process is a job, pipeline, or container request.""" def __init__(self, process, label=None, **kwargs): rdr = None self.process = process arv = kwargs.get("arv") or arvados.api('v1') if label is None: label = self.process.get('name', self.process['uuid']) # Pre-Arvados v1.4 everything is in 'log' # For 1.4+ containers have no logs and container_requests have them in 'log_uuid', not 'log' log_collection = self.process.get('log', self.process.get('log_uuid')) if log_collection and self.process.get('state') != 'Uncommitted': # arvados.util.CR_UNCOMMITTED: try: rdr = crunchstat_summary.reader.CollectionReader( log_collection, api_client=arv, collection_object=kwargs.get("collection_object")) except arvados.errors.NotFoundError as e: logger.warning("Trying event logs after failing to read " "log collection %s: %s", self.process['log'], e) if rdr is None: uuid = self.process.get('container_uuid', self.process.get('uuid')) rdr = crunchstat_summary.reader.LiveLogReader(uuid) label = label + ' (partial)' super(ProcessSummarizer, self).__init__(rdr, label=label, **kwargs) self.existing_constraints = self.process.get('runtime_constraints', {}) self.arv_config = arv.config() self.cost = self.process.get('cost', 0) class ContainerRequestSummarizer(ProcessSummarizer): runtime_constraint_mem_unit = 1 class MultiSummarizer(object): def __init__(self, children={}, label=None, threads=1, **kwargs): self.children = children self.label = label self.threadcount = threads def run(self): if self.threadcount > 1 and len(self.children) > 1: completed = 0 def run_and_progress(child): try: child.run() except Exception as e: logger.exception("parse error") completed += 1 logger.info("%s/%s summarized %s", completed, len(self.children), child.label) with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=self.threadcount) as tpe: for child in self.children.values(): tpe.submit(run_and_progress, child) else: for child in self.children.values(): child.run() def text_report(self): txt = '' d = self._descendants() for child in d.values(): if len(d) > 1: txt += '### Summary for {} ({})\n'.format( child.label, child.process['uuid']) txt += child.text_report() txt += '\n' return txt def _descendants(self): """Dict of self and all descendants. Nodes with nothing of their own to report (like MultiSummarizers) are omitted. """ d = collections.OrderedDict() for key, child in self.children.items(): if isinstance(child, Summarizer): d[key] = child if isinstance(child, MultiSummarizer): d.update(child._descendants()) return d def html_report(self): tophtml = "" bottomhtml = "" label = self.label if len(self._descendants()) == 1: summarizer = next(iter(self._descendants().values())) tophtml = """{}\n{}
\n""".format( "\n".join(summarizer._recommend_gen(lambda x: "


".format(x))), "\n".join(summarizer._text_report_agg_gen(lambda x: "{}{}{}".format(*x)))) bottomhtml = """{}
\n""".format( "\n".join(summarizer._text_report_table_gen(lambda x: "{}{}{}{}{}".format(*x), lambda x: "{}{}{}{}{}".format(*x)))) label = summarizer.long_label() return WEBCHART_CLASS(label, iter(self._descendants().values())).html(tophtml, bottomhtml) class ContainerRequestTreeSummarizer(MultiSummarizer): def __init__(self, root, skip_child_jobs=False, **kwargs): arv = kwargs.get("arv") or arvados.api('v1') label = kwargs.pop('label', None) or root.get('name') or root['uuid'] root['name'] = label children = collections.OrderedDict() todo = collections.deque((root, )) while len(todo) > 0: current = todo.popleft() label = current['name'] sort_key = current['created_at'] summer = ContainerRequestSummarizer(current, label=label, **kwargs) summer.sort_key = sort_key children[current['uuid']] = summer if skip_child_jobs: child_crs = arv.container_requests().list(filters=[['requesting_container_uuid', '=', current['container_uuid']]], limit=0).execute() logger.warning('%s: omitting stats from child containers' ' because --skip-child-jobs flag is on', label, child_crs['items_available']) else: for cr in arvados.util.keyset_list_all(arv.container_requests().list, filters=[['requesting_container_uuid', '=', current['container_uuid']]]): if cr['container_uuid']: logger.debug('%s: container req %s', current['uuid'], cr['uuid']) cr['name'] = cr.get('name') or cr['uuid'] todo.append(cr) sorted_children = collections.OrderedDict() for uuid in sorted(list(children.keys()), key=lambda uuid: children[uuid].sort_key): sorted_children[uuid] = children[uuid] super(ContainerRequestTreeSummarizer, self).__init__( children=sorted_children, label=root['name'], **kwargs)