Run a web service from Arvados. usage: [-h] --project PROJECT [--port PORT] --image IMAGE optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --project PROJECT Project to watch --port PORT Local bind port --image IMAGE Docker image to run This queries an Arvados project and FUSE mounts the most recently modified collection into a temporary directory. It then runs the supplied Docker image with the collection bind mounted to /mnt inside the container. When a new collection is added to the project, or an existing project is updated, it will detect the change, it will stop the running Docker container, unmount the old collection, mount the new most recently modified collection, and restart the Docker container with the new mount. The supplied Dockerfile builds a Docker image that runs Apache with /mnt as the DocumentRoot. It is configured to run web applications based on Python WSGI, Ruby Rack, CGI, to serve static HTML, or simply browse the contents of the /public subdirectory of the collection using Apache's default index pages. To build the Docker image: $ docker build -t arvados/arv-web .