#!/bin/bash # Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0 . "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")"/run-library.sh || exit 1 read -rd "\000" helpmessage < [options] Options: --build-bundle-packages (default: false) Build api server package with vendor/bundle included --debug Output debug information (default: false) --target Distribution to build packages for --only-build Build only a specific package (or ONLY_BUILD from environment) --arch Build a specific architecture (or ARCH from environment, defaults to native architecture) --force-build Build even if the package exists upstream or if it has already been built locally --command Build command to execute (defaults to the run command defined in the Docker image) WORKSPACE=path Path to the Arvados source tree to build packages from EOF # Begin of user configuration # set to --no-cache-dir to disable pip caching CACHE_FLAG= MAINTAINER="Arvados Package Maintainers " VENDOR="The Arvados Project" # End of user configuration DEBUG=${ARVADOS_DEBUG:-0} FORCE_BUILD=${FORCE_BUILD:-0} EXITCODE=0 COMMAND= TARGET= PARSEDOPTS=$(getopt --name "$0" --longoptions \ help,build-bundle-packages,debug,target:,only-build:,arch:,force-build \ -- "" "$@") if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then exit 1 fi eval set -- "$PARSEDOPTS" while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in --help) echo >&2 "$helpmessage" echo >&2 exit 1 ;; --target) TARGET="$2"; shift ;; --only-build) ONLY_BUILD="$2"; shift ;; --force-build) FORCE_BUILD=1 ;; --arch) ARCH="$2"; shift ;; --debug) DEBUG=1 ;; --command) COMMAND="$2"; shift ;; --) if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then echo >&2 "$0: unrecognized argument '$2'. Try: $0 --help" exit 1 fi ;; esac shift done if [[ -z "$TARGET" ]]; then echo "FATAL: --target must be specified" >&2 exit 2 elif [[ ! -d "$WORKSPACE/build/package-build-dockerfiles/$TARGET" ]]; then echo "FATAL: unknown build target '$TARGET'" >&2 exit 2 fi if [[ "$COMMAND" != "" ]]; then COMMAND="bash /jenkins/$COMMAND --target $TARGET" fi STDOUT_IF_DEBUG=/dev/null STDERR_IF_DEBUG=/dev/null DASHQ_UNLESS_DEBUG=-q if [[ "$DEBUG" != 0 ]]; then STDOUT_IF_DEBUG=/dev/stdout STDERR_IF_DEBUG=/dev/stderr DASHQ_UNLESS_DEBUG= fi # The next section defines a bunch of constants used to build distro packages # for our Python tools. Because those packages include C extensions, they need # to depend on and refer to a specific minor version of Python 3. The logic # below should Just Work for most cases, but you can override variables for a # specific distro if you need to to do something weird. # * PYTHON3_VERSION: The major+minor version of Python we build against # (e.g., "3.11") # * PYTHON3_EXECUTABLE: The command to run that version of Python, # either a full path or something in $PATH (e.g., "python3.11") # * PYTHON3_PACKAGE: The name of the distro package that provides # $PYTHON3_EXECUTABLE. Our Python packages will all depend on this. # * PYTHON3_PKG_PREFIX: The prefix used in the names of all of our Python # packages. This should match distro convention. PYTHON3_PKG_PREFIX=python3 case "$TARGET" in centos*|rocky*) FORMAT=rpm ;; debian*|ubuntu*) FORMAT=deb ;; *) echo -e "$0: Unknown target '$TARGET'.\n" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac : "${PYTHON3_VERSION:=$("${PYTHON3_EXECUTABLE:-python3}" -c 'import sys; print("{v.major}.{v.minor}".format(v=sys.version_info))')}" : "${PYTHON3_EXECUTABLE:=python$PYTHON3_VERSION}" case "$FORMAT" in deb) : "${PYTHON3_PACKAGE:=python$PYTHON3_VERSION}" ;; rpm) : "${PYTHON3_PACKAGE:=$(rpm -qf "$(command -v "$PYTHON3_EXECUTABLE")" --queryformat '%{NAME}\n')}" ;; esac if [[ -z "$WORKSPACE" ]]; then echo >&2 "$helpmessage" echo >&2 echo >&2 "Error: WORKSPACE environment variable not set" echo >&2 exit 1 fi # Test for fpm fpm --version >/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo >&2 "$helpmessage" echo >&2 echo >&2 "Error: fpm not found" echo >&2 exit 1 fi RUN_BUILD_PACKAGES_PATH="$(dirname "$0")" RUN_BUILD_PACKAGES_PATH="$(cd "$RUN_BUILD_PACKAGES_PATH" && pwd)" # absolutized and normalized if [ -z "$RUN_BUILD_PACKAGES_PATH" ] ; then # error; for some reason, the path is not accessible # to the script (e.g. permissions re-evaled after suid) exit 1 # fail fi debug_echo "$0 is running from $RUN_BUILD_PACKAGES_PATH" debug_echo "Workspace is $WORKSPACE" # Make all files world-readable -- jenkins runs with umask 027, and has checked # out our git tree here chmod o+r "$WORKSPACE" -R # More cleanup - make sure all executables that we'll package are 755 cd "$WORKSPACE" || exit 1 find . -type d -name 'bin' -print0 |xargs -0 -I {} find {} -type f -print0 |xargs -0 -I {} chmod 755 {} # Now fix our umask to something better suited to building and publishing # gems and packages umask 0022 debug_echo "umask is" "$(umask)" if [[ ! -d "$WORKSPACE/packages/$TARGET" ]]; then mkdir -p "$WORKSPACE/packages/$TARGET" chown --reference="$WORKSPACE" "$WORKSPACE/packages/$TARGET" fi # Required due to CVE-2022-24765 git config --global --add safe.directory /arvados # Ruby gems debug_echo -e "\nRuby gems\n" FPM_GEM_PREFIX=$(gem environment gemdir) cd "$WORKSPACE/sdk/ruby" || exit 1 handle_ruby_gem arvados cd "$WORKSPACE/sdk/cli" || exit 1 handle_ruby_gem arvados-cli cd "$WORKSPACE/services/login-sync" || exit 1 handle_ruby_gem arvados-login-sync # arvados-src handle_arvados_src # Go packages debug_echo -e "\nGo packages\n" # Go binaries export GOPATH=~/go package_go_binary cmd/arvados-client arvados-client "$FORMAT" "$ARCH" \ "Arvados command line tool (beta)" package_go_binary cmd/arvados-server arvados-server "$FORMAT" "$ARCH" \ "Arvados server daemons" package_go_binary cmd/arvados-server arvados-controller "$FORMAT" "$ARCH" \ "Arvados cluster controller daemon" package_go_binary cmd/arvados-server arvados-dispatch-cloud "$FORMAT" "$ARCH" \ "Arvados cluster cloud dispatch" package_go_binary cmd/arvados-server arvados-dispatch-lsf "$FORMAT" "$ARCH" \ "Dispatch Arvados containers to an LSF cluster" package_go_binary services/crunch-dispatch-local crunch-dispatch-local "$FORMAT" "$ARCH" \ "Dispatch Crunch containers on the local system" package_go_binary cmd/arvados-server crunch-dispatch-slurm "$FORMAT" "$ARCH" \ "Dispatch Crunch containers to a SLURM cluster" package_go_binary cmd/arvados-server crunch-run "$FORMAT" "$ARCH" \ "Supervise a single Crunch container" package_go_binary cmd/arvados-server arvados-health "$FORMAT" "$ARCH" \ "Check health of all Arvados cluster services" package_go_binary cmd/arvados-server keep-balance "$FORMAT" "$ARCH" \ "Rebalance and garbage-collect data blocks stored in Arvados Keep" package_go_binary cmd/arvados-server keepproxy "$FORMAT" "$ARCH" \ "Make a Keep cluster accessible to clients that are not on the LAN" package_go_binary cmd/arvados-server keepstore "$FORMAT" "$ARCH" \ "Keep storage daemon, accessible to clients on the LAN" package_go_binary cmd/arvados-server keep-web "$FORMAT" "$ARCH" \ "Static web hosting service for user data stored in Arvados Keep" package_go_binary cmd/arvados-server arvados-ws "$FORMAT" "$ARCH" \ "Arvados Websocket server" package_go_binary tools/sync-groups arvados-sync-groups "$FORMAT" "$ARCH" \ "Synchronize remote groups into Arvados from an external source" package_go_binary tools/sync-users arvados-sync-users "$FORMAT" "$ARCH" \ "Synchronize remote users into Arvados from an external source" package_go_binary tools/keep-block-check keep-block-check "$FORMAT" "$ARCH" \ "Verify that all data from one set of Keep servers to another was copied" package_go_binary tools/keep-rsync keep-rsync "$FORMAT" "$ARCH" \ "Copy all data from one set of Keep servers to another" package_go_binary tools/keep-exercise keep-exercise "$FORMAT" "$ARCH" \ "Performance testing tool for Arvados Keep" package_go_so lib/pam pam_arvados.so libpam-arvados-go "$FORMAT" "$ARCH" \ "Arvados PAM authentication module" # Python packages debug_echo -e "\nPython packages\n" # Before a Python package can be built, its dependencies must already be built. # This list is ordered accordingly. setup_build_virtualenv fpm_build_virtualenv "arvados-python-client" "sdk/python" "$FORMAT" "$ARCH" fpm_build_virtualenv "crunchstat-summary" "tools/crunchstat-summary" "$FORMAT" "$ARCH" fpm_build_virtualenv "arvados-cwl-runner" "sdk/cwl" "$FORMAT" "$ARCH" fpm_build_virtualenv "arvados-docker-cleaner" "services/dockercleaner" "$FORMAT" "$ARCH" fpm_build_virtualenv "arvados-fuse" "services/fuse" "$FORMAT" "$ARCH" fpm_build_virtualenv "arvados-user-activity" "tools/user-activity" "$FORMAT" "$ARCH" # Workbench2 package_workbench2 # Rails packages debug_echo -e "\nRails packages\n" # The rails api server package handle_api_server "$ARCH" # clean up temporary GOPATH rm -rf "$GOPATH" exit $EXITCODE