# Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 from past.builtins import basestring from future.utils import viewitems import os import json import copy import logging import urllib from io import StringIO import sys import re from typing import (MutableSequence, MutableMapping) from ruamel.yaml import YAML from ruamel.yaml.comments import CommentedMap, CommentedSeq from schema_salad.sourceline import SourceLine, cmap import schema_salad.ref_resolver import arvados.collection from cwltool.pack import pack from cwltool.load_tool import fetch_document, resolve_and_validate_document from cwltool.process import shortname, uniquename from cwltool.workflow import Workflow, WorkflowException, WorkflowStep from cwltool.utils import adjustFileObjs, adjustDirObjs, visit_class, normalizeFilesDirs from cwltool.context import LoadingContext, getdefault from schema_salad.ref_resolver import file_uri, uri_file_path import ruamel.yaml as yaml from .runner import (upload_dependencies, packed_workflow, upload_workflow_collection, trim_anonymous_location, remove_redundant_fields, discover_secondary_files, make_builder, arvados_jobs_image, FileUpdates) from .pathmapper import ArvPathMapper, trim_listing from .arvtool import ArvadosCommandTool, set_cluster_target from ._version import __version__ from .util import common_prefix from .arvdocker import arv_docker_get_image from .perf import Perf logger = logging.getLogger('arvados.cwl-runner') metrics = logging.getLogger('arvados.cwl-runner.metrics') max_res_pars = ("coresMin", "coresMax", "ramMin", "ramMax", "tmpdirMin", "tmpdirMax") sum_res_pars = ("outdirMin", "outdirMax") _basetype_re = re.compile(r'''(?: Directory |File |array |boolean |double |enum |float |int |long |null |record |string )(?:\[\])?\??''', re.VERBOSE) def make_wrapper_workflow(arvRunner, main, packed, project_uuid, name, git_info, tool): col = arvados.collection.Collection(api_client=arvRunner.api, keep_client=arvRunner.keep_client) with col.open("workflow.json", "wt") as f: json.dump(packed, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',',': ')) pdh = col.portable_data_hash() toolname = tool.tool.get("label") or tool.metadata.get("label") or os.path.basename(tool.tool["id"]) if git_info and git_info.get("http://arvados.org/cwl#gitDescribe"): toolname = "%s (%s)" % (toolname, git_info.get("http://arvados.org/cwl#gitDescribe")) existing = arvRunner.api.collections().list(filters=[["portable_data_hash", "=", pdh], ["owner_uuid", "=", project_uuid]]).execute(num_retries=arvRunner.num_retries) if len(existing["items"]) == 0: col.save_new(name=toolname, owner_uuid=project_uuid, ensure_unique_name=True) # now construct the wrapper step = { "id": "#main/" + toolname, "in": [], "out": [], "run": "keep:%s/workflow.json#main" % pdh, "label": name } newinputs = [] for i in main["inputs"]: inp = {} # Make sure to only copy known fields that are meaningful at # the workflow level. In practice this ensures that if we're # wrapping a CommandLineTool we don't grab inputBinding. # Right now also excludes extension fields, which is fine, # Arvados doesn't currently look for any extension fields on # input parameters. for f in ("type", "label", "secondaryFiles", "streamable", "doc", "id", "format", "loadContents", "loadListing", "default"): if f in i: inp[f] = i[f] newinputs.append(inp) wrapper = { "class": "Workflow", "id": "#main", "inputs": newinputs, "outputs": [], "steps": [step] } for i in main["inputs"]: step["in"].append({ "id": "#main/step/%s" % shortname(i["id"]), "source": i["id"] }) for i in main["outputs"]: step["out"].append({"id": "#main/step/%s" % shortname(i["id"])}) wrapper["outputs"].append({"outputSource": "#main/step/%s" % shortname(i["id"]), "type": i["type"], "id": i["id"]}) wrapper["requirements"] = [{"class": "SubworkflowFeatureRequirement"}] if main.get("requirements"): wrapper["requirements"].extend(main["requirements"]) if main.get("hints"): wrapper["hints"] = main["hints"] doc = {"cwlVersion": "v1.2", "$graph": [wrapper]} if git_info: for g in git_info: doc[g] = git_info[g] return json.dumps(doc, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',',': ')) def rel_ref(s, baseuri, urlexpander, merged_map, jobmapper): if s.startswith("keep:"): return s uri = urlexpander(s, baseuri) if uri.startswith("keep:"): return uri fileuri = urllib.parse.urldefrag(baseuri)[0] for u in (baseuri, fileuri): if u in merged_map: replacements = merged_map[u].resolved if uri in replacements: return replacements[uri] if uri in jobmapper: return jobmapper.mapper(uri).target p1 = os.path.dirname(uri_file_path(fileuri)) p2 = os.path.dirname(uri_file_path(uri)) p3 = os.path.basename(uri_file_path(uri)) r = os.path.relpath(p2, p1) if r == ".": r = "" return os.path.join(r, p3) def is_basetype(tp): return _basetype_re.match(tp) is not None def update_refs(api, d, baseuri, urlexpander, merged_map, jobmapper, runtimeContext, prefix, replacePrefix): if isinstance(d, MutableSequence): for i, s in enumerate(d): if prefix and isinstance(s, str): if s.startswith(prefix): d[i] = replacePrefix+s[len(prefix):] else: update_refs(api, s, baseuri, urlexpander, merged_map, jobmapper, runtimeContext, prefix, replacePrefix) elif isinstance(d, MutableMapping): for field in ("id", "name"): if isinstance(d.get(field), str) and d[field].startswith("_:"): # blank node reference, was added in automatically, can get rid of it. del d[field] if "id" in d: baseuri = urlexpander(d["id"], baseuri, scoped_id=True) elif "name" in d and isinstance(d["name"], str): baseuri = urlexpander(d["name"], baseuri, scoped_id=True) if d.get("class") == "DockerRequirement": d["http://arvados.org/cwl#dockerCollectionPDH"] = arv_docker_get_image(api, d, False, runtimeContext) for field in d: if field in ("location", "run", "name") and isinstance(d[field], str): d[field] = rel_ref(d[field], baseuri, urlexpander, merged_map, jobmapper) continue if field in ("$include", "$import") and isinstance(d[field], str): d[field] = rel_ref(d[field], baseuri, urlexpander, {}, jobmapper) continue for t in ("type", "items"): if (field == t and isinstance(d[t], str) and not is_basetype(d[t])): d[t] = rel_ref(d[t], baseuri, urlexpander, merged_map, jobmapper) continue if field == "inputs" and isinstance(d["inputs"], MutableMapping): for inp in d["inputs"]: if isinstance(d["inputs"][inp], str) and not is_basetype(d["inputs"][inp]): d["inputs"][inp] = rel_ref(d["inputs"][inp], baseuri, urlexpander, merged_map, jobmapper) if isinstance(d["inputs"][inp], MutableMapping): update_refs(api, d["inputs"][inp], baseuri, urlexpander, merged_map, jobmapper, runtimeContext, prefix, replacePrefix) continue if field in ("requirements", "hints") and isinstance(d[field], MutableMapping): dr = d[field].get("DockerRequirement") if dr: dr["http://arvados.org/cwl#dockerCollectionPDH"] = arv_docker_get_image(api, dr, False, runtimeContext) if field == "$schemas": for n, s in enumerate(d["$schemas"]): d["$schemas"][n] = rel_ref(d["$schemas"][n], baseuri, urlexpander, merged_map, jobmapper) continue update_refs(api, d[field], baseuri, urlexpander, merged_map, jobmapper, runtimeContext, prefix, replacePrefix) def fix_schemadef(req, baseuri, urlexpander, merged_map, jobmapper, pdh): req = copy.deepcopy(req) for f in req["types"]: r = f["name"] path, frag = urllib.parse.urldefrag(r) rel = rel_ref(r, baseuri, urlexpander, merged_map, jobmapper) merged_map.setdefault(path, FileUpdates({}, {})) rename = "keep:%s/%s" %(pdh, rel) for mm in merged_map: merged_map[mm].resolved[r] = rename return req def drop_ids(d): if isinstance(d, MutableSequence): for i, s in enumerate(d): drop_ids(s) elif isinstance(d, MutableMapping): if "id" in d and d["id"].startswith("file:"): del d["id"] for field in d: drop_ids(d[field]) def upload_workflow(arvRunner, tool, job_order, project_uuid, runtimeContext, uuid=None, submit_runner_ram=0, name=None, merged_map=None, submit_runner_image=None, git_info=None, set_defaults=False, jobmapper=None): firstfile = None workflow_files = set() import_files = set() include_files = set() # The document loader index will have entries for all the files # that were loaded in the process of parsing the entire workflow # (including subworkflows, tools, imports, etc). We use this to # get compose a list of the workflow file dependencies. for w in tool.doc_loader.idx: if w.startswith("file://"): workflow_files.add(urllib.parse.urldefrag(w)[0]) if firstfile is None: firstfile = urllib.parse.urldefrag(w)[0] if w.startswith("import:file://"): import_files.add(urllib.parse.urldefrag(w[7:])[0]) if w.startswith("include:file://"): include_files.add(urllib.parse.urldefrag(w[8:])[0]) all_files = workflow_files | import_files | include_files # Find the longest common prefix among all the file names. We'll # use this to recreate the directory structure in a keep # collection with correct relative references. prefix = common_prefix(firstfile, all_files) if firstfile else "" col = arvados.collection.Collection(api_client=arvRunner.api) # Now go through all the files and update references to other # files. We previously scanned for file dependencies, these are # are passed in as merged_map. # # note about merged_map: we upload dependencies of each process # object (CommandLineTool/Workflow) to a separate collection. # That way, when the user edits something, this limits collection # PDH changes to just that tool, and minimizes situations where # small changes break container reuse for the whole workflow. # for w in workflow_files | import_files: # 1. load the YAML file text = tool.doc_loader.fetch_text(w) if isinstance(text, bytes): textIO = StringIO(text.decode('utf-8')) else: textIO = StringIO(text) yamlloader = schema_salad.utils.yaml_no_ts() result = yamlloader.load(textIO) # If the whole document is in "flow style" it is probably JSON # formatted. We'll re-export it as JSON because the # ruamel.yaml round-trip mode is a lie and only preserves # "block style" formatting and not "flow style" formatting. export_as_json = result.fa.flow_style() # 2. find $import, $include, $schema, run, location # 3. update field value update_refs(arvRunner.api, result, w, tool.doc_loader.expand_url, merged_map, jobmapper, runtimeContext, "", "") # Write the updated file to the collection. with col.open(w[len(prefix):], "wt") as f: if export_as_json: json.dump(result, f, indent=4, separators=(',',': ')) else: yamlloader.dump(result, stream=f) # Also store a verbatim copy of the original files with col.open(os.path.join("original", w[len(prefix):]), "wt") as f: f.write(text) # Upload files referenced by $include directives, these are used # unchanged and don't need to be updated. for w in include_files: with col.open(w[len(prefix):], "wb") as f1: with col.open(os.path.join("original", w[len(prefix):]), "wb") as f3: with open(uri_file_path(w), "rb") as f2: dat = f2.read(65536) while dat: f1.write(dat) f3.write(dat) dat = f2.read(65536) # Now collect metadata: the collection name and git properties. toolname = tool.tool.get("label") or tool.metadata.get("label") or os.path.basename(tool.tool["id"]) if git_info and git_info.get("http://arvados.org/cwl#gitDescribe"): toolname = "%s (%s)" % (toolname, git_info.get("http://arvados.org/cwl#gitDescribe")) toolfile = tool.tool["id"][len(prefix):] properties = { "type": "workflow", "arv:workflowMain": toolfile, } if git_info: for g in git_info: p = g.split("#", 1)[1] properties["arv:"+p] = git_info[g] # Check if a collection with the same content already exists in the target project. If so, just use that one. existing = arvRunner.api.collections().list(filters=[["portable_data_hash", "=", col.portable_data_hash()], ["owner_uuid", "=", arvRunner.project_uuid]]).execute(num_retries=arvRunner.num_retries) if len(existing["items"]) == 0: toolname = toolname.replace("/", " ") col.save_new(name=toolname, owner_uuid=arvRunner.project_uuid, ensure_unique_name=True, properties=properties) logger.info("Workflow uploaded to %s", col.manifest_locator()) else: logger.info("Workflow uploaded to %s", existing["items"][0]["uuid"]) # Now that we've updated the workflow and saved it to a # collection, we're going to construct a minimal "wrapper" # workflow which consists of only of input and output parameters # connected to a single step that runs the real workflow. runfile = "keep:%s/%s" % (col.portable_data_hash(), toolfile) step = { "id": "#main/" + toolname, "in": [], "out": [], "run": runfile, "label": name } main = tool.tool wf_runner_resources = None hints = main.get("hints", []) found = False for h in hints: if h["class"] == "http://arvados.org/cwl#WorkflowRunnerResources": wf_runner_resources = h found = True break if not found: wf_runner_resources = {"class": "http://arvados.org/cwl#WorkflowRunnerResources"} hints.append(wf_runner_resources) if "acrContainerImage" not in wf_runner_resources: wf_runner_resources["acrContainerImage"] = arvados_jobs_image(arvRunner, submit_runner_image or "arvados/jobs:"+__version__, runtimeContext) if submit_runner_ram: wf_runner_resources["ramMin"] = submit_runner_ram # Remove a few redundant fields from the "job order" (aka input # object or input parameters). In the situation where we're # creating or updating a workflow record, any values in the job # order get copied over as default values for input parameters. adjustDirObjs(job_order, trim_listing) adjustFileObjs(job_order, trim_anonymous_location) adjustDirObjs(job_order, trim_anonymous_location) newinputs = [] for i in main["inputs"]: inp = {} # Make sure to only copy known fields that are meaningful at # the workflow level. In practice this ensures that if we're # wrapping a CommandLineTool we don't grab inputBinding. # Right now also excludes extension fields, which is fine, # Arvados doesn't currently look for any extension fields on # input parameters. for f in ("type", "label", "secondaryFiles", "streamable", "doc", "format", "loadContents", "loadListing", "default"): if f in i: inp[f] = i[f] if set_defaults: sn = shortname(i["id"]) if sn in job_order: inp["default"] = job_order[sn] inp["id"] = "#main/%s" % shortname(i["id"]) newinputs.append(inp) wrapper = { "class": "Workflow", "id": "#main", "inputs": newinputs, "outputs": [], "steps": [step] } for i in main["inputs"]: step["in"].append({ "id": "#main/step/%s" % shortname(i["id"]), "source": "#main/%s" % shortname(i["id"]) }) for i in main["outputs"]: step["out"].append({"id": "#main/step/%s" % shortname(i["id"])}) wrapper["outputs"].append({"outputSource": "#main/step/%s" % shortname(i["id"]), "type": i["type"], "id": "#main/%s" % shortname(i["id"])}) wrapper["requirements"] = [{"class": "SubworkflowFeatureRequirement"}] if main.get("requirements"): wrapper["requirements"].extend(main["requirements"]) if hints: wrapper["hints"] = hints # Schema definitions (this lets you define things like record # types) require a special handling. for i, r in enumerate(wrapper["requirements"]): if r["class"] == "SchemaDefRequirement": wrapper["requirements"][i] = fix_schemadef(r, main["id"], tool.doc_loader.expand_url, merged_map, jobmapper, col.portable_data_hash()) update_refs(arvRunner.api, wrapper, main["id"], tool.doc_loader.expand_url, merged_map, jobmapper, runtimeContext, main["id"]+"#", "#main/") doc = {"cwlVersion": "v1.2", "$graph": [wrapper]} if git_info: for g in git_info: doc[g] = git_info[g] # Remove any lingering file references. drop_ids(wrapper) return doc def make_workflow_record(arvRunner, doc, name, tool, project_uuid, update_uuid): wrappertext = json.dumps(doc, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',',': ')) body = { "workflow": { "name": name, "description": tool.tool.get("doc", ""), "definition": wrappertext }} if project_uuid: body["workflow"]["owner_uuid"] = project_uuid if update_uuid: call = arvRunner.api.workflows().update(uuid=update_uuid, body=body) else: call = arvRunner.api.workflows().create(body=body) return call.execute(num_retries=arvRunner.num_retries)["uuid"] def dedup_reqs(reqs): dedup = {} for r in reversed(reqs): if r["class"] not in dedup and not r["class"].startswith("http://arvados.org/cwl#"): dedup[r["class"]] = r return [dedup[r] for r in sorted(dedup.keys())] def get_overall_res_req(res_reqs): """Take the overall of a list of ResourceRequirement, i.e., the max of coresMin, coresMax, ramMin, ramMax, tmpdirMin, tmpdirMax and the sum of outdirMin, outdirMax.""" all_res_req = {} exception_msgs = [] for a in max_res_pars + sum_res_pars: all_res_req[a] = [] for res_req in res_reqs: if a in res_req: if isinstance(res_req[a], int): # integer check all_res_req[a].append(res_req[a]) else: msg = SourceLine(res_req, a).makeError( "Non-top-level ResourceRequirement in single container cannot have expressions") exception_msgs.append(msg) if exception_msgs: raise WorkflowException("\n".join(exception_msgs)) else: overall_res_req = {} for a in all_res_req: if all_res_req[a]: if a in max_res_pars: overall_res_req[a] = max(all_res_req[a]) elif a in sum_res_pars: overall_res_req[a] = sum(all_res_req[a]) if overall_res_req: overall_res_req["class"] = "ResourceRequirement" return cmap(overall_res_req) class ArvadosWorkflowStep(WorkflowStep): def __init__(self, toolpath_object, # type: Dict[Text, Any] pos, # type: int loadingContext, # type: LoadingContext arvrunner, *argc, **argv ): # type: (...) -> None if arvrunner.fast_submit: self.tool = toolpath_object self.tool["inputs"] = [] self.tool["outputs"] = [] else: super(ArvadosWorkflowStep, self).__init__(toolpath_object, pos, loadingContext, *argc, **argv) self.tool["class"] = "WorkflowStep" self.arvrunner = arvrunner def job(self, joborder, output_callback, runtimeContext): runtimeContext = runtimeContext.copy() runtimeContext.toplevel = True # Preserve behavior for #13365 builder = make_builder({shortname(k): v for k,v in viewitems(joborder)}, self.hints, self.requirements, runtimeContext, self.metadata) runtimeContext = set_cluster_target(self.tool, self.arvrunner, builder, runtimeContext) return super(ArvadosWorkflowStep, self).job(joborder, output_callback, runtimeContext) class ArvadosWorkflow(Workflow): """Wrap cwltool Workflow to override selected methods.""" def __init__(self, arvrunner, toolpath_object, loadingContext): self.arvrunner = arvrunner self.wf_pdh = None self.dynamic_resource_req = [] self.static_resource_req = [] self.wf_reffiles = [] self.loadingContext = loadingContext.copy() self.requirements = copy.deepcopy(getdefault(loadingContext.requirements, [])) tool_requirements = toolpath_object.get("requirements", []) self.hints = copy.deepcopy(getdefault(loadingContext.hints, [])) tool_hints = toolpath_object.get("hints", []) workflow_runner_req, _ = self.get_requirement("http://arvados.org/cwl#WorkflowRunnerResources") if workflow_runner_req and workflow_runner_req.get("acrContainerImage"): self.loadingContext.default_docker_image = workflow_runner_req.get("acrContainerImage") super(ArvadosWorkflow, self).__init__(toolpath_object, self.loadingContext) self.cluster_target_req, _ = self.get_requirement("http://arvados.org/cwl#ClusterTarget") def job(self, joborder, output_callback, runtimeContext): builder = make_builder(joborder, self.hints, self.requirements, runtimeContext, self.metadata) runtimeContext = set_cluster_target(self.tool, self.arvrunner, builder, runtimeContext) req, _ = self.get_requirement("http://arvados.org/cwl#RunInSingleContainer") if not req: return super(ArvadosWorkflow, self).job(joborder, output_callback, runtimeContext) # RunInSingleContainer is true with SourceLine(self.tool, None, WorkflowException, logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)): if "id" not in self.tool: raise WorkflowException("%s object must have 'id'" % (self.tool["class"])) discover_secondary_files(self.arvrunner.fs_access, builder, self.tool["inputs"], joborder) normalizeFilesDirs(joborder) with Perf(metrics, "subworkflow upload_deps"): upload_dependencies(self.arvrunner, os.path.basename(joborder.get("id", "#")), self.doc_loader, joborder, joborder.get("id", "#"), runtimeContext) if self.wf_pdh is None: packed = pack(self.loadingContext, self.tool["id"], loader=self.doc_loader) for p in packed["$graph"]: if p["id"] == "#main": p["requirements"] = dedup_reqs(self.requirements) p["hints"] = dedup_reqs(self.hints) def visit(item): if "requirements" in item: item["requirements"] = [i for i in item["requirements"] if i["class"] != "DockerRequirement"] for t in ("hints", "requirements"): if t not in item: continue for req in item[t]: if req["class"] == "ResourceRequirement": dyn = False for k in max_res_pars + sum_res_pars: if k in req: if isinstance(req[k], basestring): if item["id"] == "#main": # only the top-level requirements/hints may contain expressions self.dynamic_resource_req.append(req) dyn = True break else: with SourceLine(req, k, WorkflowException): raise WorkflowException("Non-top-level ResourceRequirement in single container cannot have expressions") if not dyn: self.static_resource_req.append(req) visit_class(packed["$graph"], ("Workflow", "CommandLineTool"), visit) if self.static_resource_req: self.static_resource_req = [get_overall_res_req(self.static_resource_req)] upload_dependencies(self.arvrunner, runtimeContext.name, self.doc_loader, packed, self.tool["id"], runtimeContext) # Discover files/directories referenced by the # workflow (mainly "default" values) visit_class(packed, ("File", "Directory"), self.wf_reffiles.append) if self.dynamic_resource_req: # Evaluate dynamic resource requirements using current builder rs = copy.copy(self.static_resource_req) for dyn_rs in self.dynamic_resource_req: eval_req = {"class": "ResourceRequirement"} for a in max_res_pars + sum_res_pars: if a in dyn_rs: eval_req[a] = builder.do_eval(dyn_rs[a]) rs.append(eval_req) job_res_reqs = [get_overall_res_req(rs)] else: job_res_reqs = self.static_resource_req with Perf(metrics, "subworkflow adjust"): joborder_resolved = copy.deepcopy(joborder) joborder_keepmount = copy.deepcopy(joborder) reffiles = [] visit_class(joborder_keepmount, ("File", "Directory"), reffiles.append) mapper = ArvPathMapper(self.arvrunner, reffiles+self.wf_reffiles, runtimeContext.basedir, "/keep/%s", "/keep/%s/%s") # For containers API, we need to make sure any extra # referenced files (ie referenced by the workflow but # not in the inputs) are included in the mounts. if self.wf_reffiles: runtimeContext = runtimeContext.copy() runtimeContext.extra_reffiles = copy.deepcopy(self.wf_reffiles) def keepmount(obj): remove_redundant_fields(obj) with SourceLine(obj, None, WorkflowException, logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)): if "location" not in obj: raise WorkflowException("%s object is missing required 'location' field: %s" % (obj["class"], obj)) with SourceLine(obj, "location", WorkflowException, logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG)): if obj["location"].startswith("keep:"): obj["location"] = mapper.mapper(obj["location"]).target if "listing" in obj: del obj["listing"] elif obj["location"].startswith("_:"): del obj["location"] else: raise WorkflowException("Location is not a keep reference or a literal: '%s'" % obj["location"]) visit_class(joborder_keepmount, ("File", "Directory"), keepmount) def resolved(obj): if obj["location"].startswith("keep:"): obj["location"] = mapper.mapper(obj["location"]).resolved visit_class(joborder_resolved, ("File", "Directory"), resolved) if self.wf_pdh is None: adjustFileObjs(packed, keepmount) adjustDirObjs(packed, keepmount) self.wf_pdh = upload_workflow_collection(self.arvrunner, shortname(self.tool["id"]), packed, runtimeContext) self.loadingContext = self.loadingContext.copy() self.loadingContext.metadata = self.loadingContext.metadata.copy() self.loadingContext.metadata["http://commonwl.org/cwltool#original_cwlVersion"] = "v1.0" if len(job_res_reqs) == 1: # RAM request needs to be at least 128 MiB or the workflow # runner itself won't run reliably. if job_res_reqs[0].get("ramMin", 1024) < 128: job_res_reqs[0]["ramMin"] = 128 arguments = ["--no-container", "--move-outputs", "--preserve-entire-environment", "workflow.cwl", "cwl.input.yml"] if runtimeContext.debug: arguments.insert(0, '--debug') wf_runner = cmap({ "class": "CommandLineTool", "baseCommand": "cwltool", "inputs": self.tool["inputs"], "outputs": self.tool["outputs"], "stdout": "cwl.output.json", "requirements": self.requirements+job_res_reqs+[ {"class": "InlineJavascriptRequirement"}, { "class": "InitialWorkDirRequirement", "listing": [{ "entryname": "workflow.cwl", "entry": '$({"class": "File", "location": "keep:%s/workflow.cwl"})' % self.wf_pdh }, { "entryname": "cwl.input.yml", "entry": json.dumps(joborder_keepmount, indent=2, sort_keys=True, separators=(',',': ')).replace("\\", "\\\\").replace('$(', '\$(').replace('${', '\${') }] }], "hints": self.hints, "arguments": arguments, "id": "#" }) return ArvadosCommandTool(self.arvrunner, wf_runner, self.loadingContext).job(joborder_resolved, output_callback, runtimeContext) def make_workflow_step(self, toolpath_object, # type: Dict[Text, Any] pos, # type: int loadingContext, # type: LoadingContext *argc, **argv ): # (...) -> WorkflowStep return ArvadosWorkflowStep(toolpath_object, pos, loadingContext, self.arvrunner, *argc, **argv)