// Copyright (C) The Arvados Authors. All rights reserved. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package arvados import ( "encoding/json" "regexp" "strings" check "gopkg.in/check.v1" ) type VocabularySuite struct { testVoc *Vocabulary } var _ = check.Suite(&VocabularySuite{}) func (s *VocabularySuite) SetUpTest(c *check.C) { s.testVoc = &Vocabulary{ reservedTagKeys: map[string]bool{ "reservedKey": true, }, StrictTags: false, Tags: map[string]VocabularyTag{ "IDTAGANIMALS": { Strict: false, Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "Animal"}, {Label: "Creature"}}, Values: map[string]VocabularyTagValue{ "IDVALANIMAL1": { Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "Human"}, {Label: "Homo sapiens"}}, }, "IDVALANIMAL2": { Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "Elephant"}, {Label: "Loxodonta"}}, }, }, }, "IDTAGIMPORTANCE": { Strict: true, Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "Importance"}, {Label: "Priority"}}, Values: map[string]VocabularyTagValue{ "IDVAL3": { Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "Low"}, {Label: "Low priority"}}, }, "IDVAL2": { Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "Medium"}, {Label: "Medium priority"}}, }, "IDVAL1": { Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "High"}, {Label: "High priority"}}, }, }, }, "IDTAGCOMMENT": { Strict: false, Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "Comment"}}, }, }, } _, err := s.testVoc.validate() c.Assert(err, check.IsNil) } func (s *VocabularySuite) TestCheck(c *check.C) { tests := []struct { name string strictVoc bool props string expectSuccess bool errMatches string }{ // Check succeeds { "Known key, known value", false, `{"IDTAGANIMALS":"IDVALANIMAL1"}`, true, "", }, { "Unknown non-alias key on non-strict vocabulary", false, `{"foo":"bar"}`, true, "", }, { "Known non-strict key, unknown non-alias value", false, `{"IDTAGANIMALS":"IDVALANIMAL3"}`, true, "", }, { "Undefined but reserved key on strict vocabulary", true, `{"reservedKey":"bar"}`, true, "", }, { "Known key, list of known values", false, `{"IDTAGANIMALS":["IDVALANIMAL1","IDVALANIMAL2"]}`, true, "", }, { "Known non-strict key, list of unknown non-alias values", false, `{"IDTAGCOMMENT":["hello world","lorem ipsum"]}`, true, "", }, // Check fails { "Known first key & value; known 2nd key, unknown 2nd value", false, `{"IDTAGANIMALS":"IDVALANIMAL1", "IDTAGIMPORTANCE": "blah blah"}`, false, "tag value.*is not valid for key.*", }, { "Unknown non-alias key on strict vocabulary", true, `{"foo":"bar"}`, false, "tag key.*is not defined in the vocabulary", }, { "Known non-strict key, known value alias", false, `{"IDTAGANIMALS":"Loxodonta"}`, false, "tag value.*for key.* is an alias, must be provided as.*", }, { "Known strict key, unknown non-alias value", false, `{"IDTAGIMPORTANCE":"Unimportant"}`, false, "tag value.*is not valid for key.*", }, { "Known strict key, lowercase value regarded as alias", false, `{"IDTAGIMPORTANCE":"idval1"}`, false, "tag value.*for key.* is an alias, must be provided as.*", }, { "Known strict key, known value alias", false, `{"IDTAGIMPORTANCE":"High"}`, false, "tag value.* for key.*is an alias, must be provided as.*", }, { "Known strict key, list of known alias values", false, `{"IDTAGIMPORTANCE":["High", "Low"]}`, false, "tag value.*for key.*is an alias, must be provided as.*", }, { "Known strict key, list of unknown non-alias values", false, `{"IDTAGIMPORTANCE":["foo","bar"]}`, false, "tag value.*is not valid for key.*", }, { "Invalid value type", false, `{"IDTAGANIMALS":1}`, false, "value type for tag key.* was.*, but expected a string or list of strings", }, { "Value list of invalid type", false, `{"IDTAGANIMALS":[1]}`, false, "value list element type for tag key.* was.*, but expected a string", }, } for _, tt := range tests { c.Log(c.TestName()+" ", tt.name) s.testVoc.StrictTags = tt.strictVoc var data map[string]interface{} err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(tt.props), &data) c.Assert(err, check.IsNil) err = s.testVoc.Check(data) if tt.expectSuccess { c.Assert(err, check.IsNil) } else { c.Assert(err, check.NotNil) c.Assert(err.Error(), check.Matches, tt.errMatches) } } } func (s *VocabularySuite) TestNewVocabulary(c *check.C) { tests := []struct { name string data string isValid bool errMatches string expect *Vocabulary }{ {"Empty data", "", true, "", &Vocabulary{}}, {"Invalid JSON", "foo", false, "invalid JSON format.*", nil}, {"Valid, empty JSON", "{}", false, ".*doesn't match Vocabulary format.*", nil}, {"Valid JSON, wrong data", `{"foo":"bar"}`, false, ".*doesn't match Vocabulary format.*", nil}, { "Simple valid example", `{"tags":{ "IDTAGANIMALS":{ "strict": false, "labels": [{"label": "Animal"}, {"label": "Creature"}], "values": { "IDVALANIMAL1":{"labels":[{"label":"Human"}, {"label":"Homo sapiens"}]}, "IDVALANIMAL2":{"labels":[{"label":"Elephant"}, {"label":"Loxodonta"}]}, "DOG":{"labels":[{"label":"Dog"}, {"label":"Canis lupus familiaris"}, {"label":"dOg"}]} } } }}`, true, "", &Vocabulary{ reservedTagKeys: map[string]bool{ "container_request": true, "container_uuid": true, "container": true, "cwl_input": true, "cwl_output": true, "docker-image-repo-tag": true, "filters": true, "groups": true, "image_timestamp": true, "template_uuid": true, "type": true, "username": true, "workflowName": true, }, StrictTags: false, Tags: map[string]VocabularyTag{ "IDTAGANIMALS": { Strict: false, Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "Animal"}, {Label: "Creature"}}, Values: map[string]VocabularyTagValue{ "IDVALANIMAL1": { Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "Human"}, {Label: "Homo sapiens"}}, }, "IDVALANIMAL2": { Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "Elephant"}, {Label: "Loxodonta"}}, }, "DOG": { Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "Dog"}, {Label: "Canis lupus familiaris"}, {Label: "dOg"}}, }, }, }, }, }, }, { "Invalid JSON error with line & column numbers", `{"tags":{ "aKey":{ "labels": [,{"label": "A label"}] } }}`, false, `invalid JSON format:.*\(line \d+, column \d+\)`, nil, }, { "Invalid JSON with duplicate & reserved keys", `{"tags":{ "type":{ "strict": false, "labels": [{"label": "Class", "label": "Type"}] }, "type":{ "labels": [] } }}`, false, "(?s).*duplicate JSON key \"tags.type.labels.0.label\"\nduplicate JSON key \"tags.type\"\ntag key \"type\" is reserved", nil, }, } for _, tt := range tests { c.Log(c.TestName()+" ", tt.name) voc, err := NewVocabulary([]byte(tt.data), []string{}) if tt.isValid { c.Assert(err, check.IsNil) } else { c.Assert(err, check.NotNil) if tt.errMatches != "" { c.Assert(err, check.ErrorMatches, tt.errMatches) } } c.Assert(voc, check.DeepEquals, tt.expect) } } func (s *VocabularySuite) TestValidSystemProperties(c *check.C) { s.testVoc.StrictTags = true properties := map[string]interface{}{ "arv:gitBranch": "main", "arv:OK": true, "arv:cost": 123, } c.Check(s.testVoc.Check(properties), check.IsNil) } func (s *VocabularySuite) TestSystemPropertiesPrefixTypo(c *check.C) { s.testVoc.StrictTags = true for _, key := range []string{ // Extra characters in prefix "arv :foo", " arv:foo", // Wrong punctuation "arv.foo", "arv-foo", "arv_foo", // Wrong case "Arv:foo", // Wrong word "arvados", "arvados:foo", } { properties := map[string]interface{}{key: "value"} c.Check(s.testVoc.Check(properties), check.NotNil) } } func (s *VocabularySuite) TestValidationErrors(c *check.C) { tests := []struct { name string voc *Vocabulary errMatches []string }{ { "Strict vocabulary, no keys", &Vocabulary{ StrictTags: true, }, []string{"vocabulary is strict but no tags are defined"}, }, { "Collision between tag key and tag key label", &Vocabulary{ StrictTags: false, Tags: map[string]VocabularyTag{ "IDTAGANIMALS": { Strict: false, Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "Animal"}, {Label: "Creature"}}, }, "IDTAGCOMMENT": { Strict: false, Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "Comment"}, {Label: "IDTAGANIMALS"}}, }, }, }, nil, // Depending on how the map is sorted, this could be one of two errors }, { "Collision between tag key and tag key label (case-insensitive)", &Vocabulary{ StrictTags: false, Tags: map[string]VocabularyTag{ "IDTAGANIMALS": { Strict: false, Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "Animal"}, {Label: "Creature"}}, }, "IDTAGCOMMENT": { Strict: false, Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "Comment"}, {Label: "IdTagAnimals"}}, }, }, }, nil, // Depending on how the map is sorted, this could be one of two errors }, { "Collision between tag key labels", &Vocabulary{ StrictTags: false, Tags: map[string]VocabularyTag{ "IDTAGANIMALS": { Strict: false, Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "Animal"}, {Label: "Creature"}}, }, "IDTAGCOMMENT": { Strict: false, Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "Comment"}, {Label: "Animal"}}, }, }, }, []string{"(?s).*tag label.*for key.*already seen.*"}, }, { "Collision between tag value and tag value label", &Vocabulary{ StrictTags: false, Tags: map[string]VocabularyTag{ "IDTAGANIMALS": { Strict: false, Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "Animal"}, {Label: "Creature"}}, Values: map[string]VocabularyTagValue{ "IDVALANIMAL1": { Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "Human"}, {Label: "Mammal"}}, }, "IDVALANIMAL2": { Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "Elephant"}, {Label: "IDVALANIMAL1"}}, }, }, }, }, }, nil, // Depending on how the map is sorted, this could be one of two errors }, { "Collision between tag value and tag value label (case-insensitive)", &Vocabulary{ StrictTags: false, Tags: map[string]VocabularyTag{ "IDTAGANIMALS": { Strict: false, Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "Animal"}, {Label: "Creature"}}, Values: map[string]VocabularyTagValue{ "IDVALANIMAL1": { Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "Human"}, {Label: "Mammal"}}, }, "IDVALANIMAL2": { Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "Elephant"}, {Label: "IDValAnimal1"}}, }, }, }, }, }, nil, // Depending on how the map is sorted, this could be one of two errors }, { "Collision between tag value labels", &Vocabulary{ StrictTags: false, Tags: map[string]VocabularyTag{ "IDTAGANIMALS": { Strict: false, Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "Animal"}, {Label: "Creature"}}, Values: map[string]VocabularyTagValue{ "IDVALANIMAL1": { Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "Human"}, {Label: "Mammal"}}, }, "IDVALANIMAL2": { Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "Elephant"}, {Label: "Mammal"}}, }, }, }, }, }, []string{"(?s).*tag value label.*for pair.*already seen.*on value.*"}, }, { "Collision between tag value labels (case-insensitive)", &Vocabulary{ StrictTags: false, Tags: map[string]VocabularyTag{ "IDTAGANIMALS": { Strict: false, Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "Animal"}, {Label: "Creature"}}, Values: map[string]VocabularyTagValue{ "IDVALANIMAL1": { Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "Human"}, {Label: "Mammal"}}, }, "IDVALANIMAL2": { Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "Elephant"}, {Label: "mAMMAL"}}, }, }, }, }, }, []string{"(?s).*tag value label.*for pair.*already seen.*on value.*"}, }, { "Strict tag key, with no values", &Vocabulary{ StrictTags: false, Tags: map[string]VocabularyTag{ "IDTAGANIMALS": { Strict: true, Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "Animal"}, {Label: "Creature"}}, }, }, }, []string{"(?s).*tag key.*is configured as strict but doesn't provide values"}, }, { "Multiple errors reported", &Vocabulary{ StrictTags: false, Tags: map[string]VocabularyTag{ "IDTAGANIMALS": { Strict: true, Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "Animal"}, {Label: "Creature"}}, }, "IDTAGSIZES": { Labels: []VocabularyLabel{{Label: "Animal"}, {Label: "Size"}}, }, }, }, []string{ "(?s).*tag key.*is configured as strict but doesn't provide values.*", "(?s).*tag label.*for key.*already seen.*", }, }, } for _, tt := range tests { c.Log(c.TestName()+" ", tt.name) validationErrs, err := tt.voc.validate() c.Assert(err, check.NotNil) for _, errMatch := range tt.errMatches { seen := false for _, validationErr := range validationErrs { if regexp.MustCompile(errMatch).MatchString(validationErr) { seen = true break } } if len(validationErrs) == 0 { c.Assert(err, check.ErrorMatches, errMatch) } else { c.Assert(seen, check.Equals, true, check.Commentf("Expected to see error matching %q:\n%s", errMatch, strings.Join(validationErrs, "\n"))) } } } }